The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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How to Play Gwent What is Gwent? And 100% Winning Tactics Guide
От ene0s
The first thing we do before starting the game is to place a bet between us and our opponent. If we lose the money we put in, we lose, and if we win, we get double the money. Then we choose our clan. There are five clans in the game as Beasts, Nilfgaardian Empire, Scoia'tael, Northern Realms and Skellige. Each of these clans has its own characteristics, which we will talk about later in the article. Before starting the game, we have the right to draw two cards again. If there is a card that we do not like, we can change that card, the card we change replaces a different card in our deck. Ideal to start with a better deck. Although the cards we have re-selected are still in our deck, we do not start the game with them. At the beginning, we start playing Gwent with ten cards in total.

After the game starts, a coin is tossed to decide who will start. Afterwards, one card is dealt each turn in turn. The side with the most points at the end of the round wins a round. The player who wins two rounds in total is deemed to have won the match. If you wish, you can skip your turn by holding down Space. You cannot discard any more cards in the round in which you skip your turn, your opponent can discard as many cards as they want. You can do this if you run out of rounds or if you want to use a different strategy. You can also use it if you don't want to spend more cards after you've made a big difference to your opponent.
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Gwent Cards
There are three areas where we can throw our cards. Each card has its own unique point value and feature. Although the cards are usually thrown in one place, we can put some cards in more than one region. We have two types of cards as leader card and playing card. Leader cards are chosen based on the deck we play (Nilfgaard, Northern Realms, Scoia'tael and Monsters). Each deck has its own characteristics, and leader cards can have good advantages when used. The leader cards, which have various features such as seeing three cards randomly from the opponent's deck, playing a change of weather card, do not appear in our deck in the game and are used by pressing X. Playing cards include normal cards and hero cards. Hero cards, which distinguish themselves from the others with their gold color coating, are not affected by other cards and their score does not decrease, unlike normal cards. In other words, a hero card we throw in the melee part is not affected by the Freezing Cold card, which reduces the power of each card in melee to one. We separate the cards not only according to whether they are hero cards or normal, but also according to their characteristics.
Gwent Card Types
Cards don't have to be just one type, a card can, for example, be both a Hero card and a healer.

Agile Cards :
Unlike the others, these cards can be thrown into one of the two regions we wish, not in one place. In other words, we can put them in both close combat and ranged. After placing these cards, which are usually found in the Scoia'tael deck, we cannot move them.

Hero Cards :
Hero cards counter the effects of special cards as we mentioned earlier. Hero cards, which are not affected by any external influences, can change the fate of the game.

Medic Cards :
Medic cards allow us to return a used or destroyed card to the playing field. After playing the Healer, a card that we used in the first hand but would like to bring back, we can bring it back to the battlefield in the same turn.
Healer cards cannot return hero cards and special cards to the game. The cards you bring back to the game with the healer cards will not only bring points, but also functional things such as a spy or a healer.

Drinking Cards :

Conflict cards have the potential to bring an army to the field as soon as they are played. Generally, when you play one of the cards in the Monsters deck, all the cards with the same name in your deck are played. If you have more than one of the same shuffle card in your game deck, throwing one of them will cause both of them to be played, so there is a potential loss of power. For this reason, you can pay attention to this when re-selecting your cards.

Spy Cards :

According to my own observations,
Spy cards, which are one of the most useful cards in the game, go to the opponent's deck and give the score to the opponent when discarded, but in return they give you two cards from your deck. What you can do with these two cards usually more than meets the score you give to the opponent. Some Spy cards can also be Hero cards and when played with zero points, they do not give points to the opponent and can be completely useful to you.

Morale Boost Cards :
Morale Boost Cards, as the name suggests, increase the score of other cards played. Morale Boost Cards add one point to all regular cards except themselves in the region in which they are played. This point is added as one point on top of all previous upgrades.

Tight Bond Cards :
If two Tight Tie cards are on the playing field at the same time, they double each other's points. For example, if two identical four-point tight tie cards are on the battlefield, they both get eight points. These are features that cards that already have points have. Cards containing these can also have a point value in the game. There are also cards that only provide functionality and have no point value. These cards cannot be recalled by healers. Let's talk a little bit about them.

Weather Cards :
The weather cards, which are divided into five among themselves, reduce the score of the cards in certain parts of the playing field. When these cards are played, they are effective not only for one player, but also for the whole area of ​​the game.

Freezing Cold: Reduces the power of all melee cards on the playing field to 1. Open Air: Removes the effect of all Weather cards on the playing field. Impenetrable Fog: Reduces the power of all Ranged Combat (middle row) cards on the playing field by one. Skellige Storm: Reduces the power of all Ranged (middle row) and Siege (back row) cards on the playing field by one. Heavy Rain: Reduces the power of all Siege cards on the playing field by one.

Trap Puppet Card :
You can use this card to take back a normal card on your battlefield. It's a very useful card type to use to retrieve Medic or Agent cards.

Commander Pipe Cards :
Commander Pipe cards double the power of all regular cards when used. There are Commander Horn cards that can only be played on the edge of the row, but there are also Commander Horn cards that can be played inside the playing field and have a point value.

Roasting Cards :
cards with the Roasting feature destroy some cards on the playing field according to their own characteristics. While the special card, Kavuran, destroys all the strongest cards on the battlefield, the cards played on the playing field, under some conditions, destroy the cards in their own order on the opponent's side. Summon Avenger We put these cards, two of which have a zero point value, on the battlefield. When they disappear at the end of the round, a stronger card takes their place.

Mardrom Cards :
and Insane Cards When used, Mardrom cards trigger the power of all Infuriated cards when played. In the same way, the sinister cards get stronger thanks to the Mardrom cards. These are the features we will talk about,
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt : Gwent 100% Winning Tactics
Try to spend your opponent's cards first hand, play your strong cards later. Pay attention to the Agent cards, discard the ones that give the most points to the opponent first, so when your opponent gets your Spy card back with the Trap Puppet card, you will get more points when throwing it at you. Afterwards, you can use your spy cards with less point value. Try to take full advantage of the medic cards. If you have both a Trap Puppet and a Medic, don't use them all at once, choose the order in which you play your cards so that you play the Agent cards again as much as possible. The strongest card should not be in your area as much as possible. Thus, you will avoid a possible Scorching attack from the opponent. Don't use your scorching card right away. There's no rush, your opponent can always throw a card stronger than their strongest card, or a card of equal strength, so you take away more points when you use your Burner card. Think carefully when deciding to pass the round. Only use it if you are sure that your opponent cannot win, or if you are going to let them win. You can pass to gain advantage in the number of cards or to change the balance in using cards that strengthen each other. The best way to improve is to play yourself and develop your own tactics.

We hope our guide, which we tried to answer the question of What is The Witcher 3 Gwent and how to play, has helped you. We hope we were able to explain well what Gwent is. If you have a question or error in your mind, please do not hesitate to let us know in the comments. Good games!
6 коментара
RaDaGoN 25 септ. 2023 в 3:09 
ThisGuySai 22 септ. 2022 в 0:52 
Northern realms siege deck is the best. Get all the spy cards you can, all the siege cards, the commander power that adds a commander horn on siege row, and a number of good hero cards to make the distance.

That one catapult that doubles in strength when two are played gives you x64 strenght when played together. Instant round win, regardless of circumstance.

Literally walked over every challenger across the game.
Crumb 31 март 2022 в 9:24 
Also if you can win the first round, you should push the second round deep to try and burn out as much of the opponents strong cards by playing all of your weak cards and spy cards which give you card advantage. Your opponent is forced to play until you decide to pass because he cannot afford to lose this round. Using decoys and your leader is also another way to bleed your opponent in the second round without having to spend cards. Save your best cards for the last round and decide to pass in the second round when you don't want to use anymore of your valuable cards. Put as many spy cards and cards that can replay them (medics) as possible in your deck since spies are op.
ene0s  [автор] 14 март 2022 в 12:13 
Thank you very much to everyone who gave steam points shop reward points.
SanSaI#4 14 март 2022 в 10:01 
jarredkilb 12 март 2022 в 5:41 
thank you! much appreciated