Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

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Wars of the Roses Diplomacy Game (8p) Guide
Bởi Mike và 1 cộng tác viên
A guide for War of the Roses scenario with mechanics, faction bonuses and tips.

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Halberdier Reskin to War of the Roses style by LinkXLank:

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Game Settings
8 players are required to play the scenario
All 8 players have to choose the correct civ assigned to their faction

Map: explored
Resources: Standard
Starting age: Castle Age
Game speed: Normal.
Teams: unlocked, Allied Victory On

Historical Overview
You will be fighting in the Wars of the Roses, a series of bloody civil wars for the throne of England between two competing royal families:

The House of York (GREY) the House of Lancaster (RED)

Waged between 1455 and 1485, the Wars of the Roses earned its flowery name because the white rose was the badge of the Yorks, and the red rose was the badge of the Lancastrians. After 30 years of political manipulation, horrific carnage and brief periods of peace, the wars ended with the extinction of the Plantagenet line and a new royal dynasty emerged, the Tudors, under Henry VII.

In 1422, Henry VI succeeded his father Henry V and became King of England—at just nine months old. It turns out Henry VI was one of the worst kings in English history.

Thanks to his father’s military conquests, Henry VI (RED Character) also became the disputed King of France. In 1445, Henry VI married Margaret of Anjou (RED Character), a noble and strong-willed Frenchwoman whose ambition and political savvy overshadowed her husband’s.

All was not well in King Henry’s court. He had little interest in politics and was a weak ruler. This incited rampant lawlessness throughout his realm and opened the door for power-hungry nobles and kingmakers to plot behind his back.

Henry’s lack of leadership led him to lose almost all his holdings in France. This and the corruption and mismanagement of power in England, not to mention heavy taxation, caused frustrated property owners and peasants from Kent to revolt in 1450.

Led by Jack Cade, they marched on London and presented Henry with a list of demands known as the “Complaint of the Poor Commons of Kent.”

Henry never officially agreed to Cade’s demands, one of which was to recall Richard, Duke of York, from Ireland back to England. Richard of York—as great-grandson of King Edward III—had a strong competing claim on the English throne.

After a series of skirmishes, Henry squashed Cade’s rebellion and pardoned the rebels—except for Jack Cade himself, who would later die from a mortal wound during his arrest.

Henry believed Richard of York was behind Cade’s rebellion (though there’s scant evidence that the Duke of York was involved). This rivalry set the stage for 30 years of battles for power involving three generations of Yorks and Lancasters.

By 1452, Richard of York (GREY Character) had returned to England and decided his mission in life was to rid Henry of his corrupt advisors, particularly Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset (GREEN Character). He raised an army and marched on London declaring fealty to Henry while also compelling him to remove Somerset from his post.

But Somerset held on until Henry succumbed to his first bout of madness in 1454, leaving him virtually catatonic and unable to reign.

During Henry’s illness, Richard became Lord Protector of England and imprisoned Somerset in the Tower of London. It was a bitter victory, however: Queen Margaret had given birth to Henry’s only son, Edward of Lancaster, in 1453, which weakened Richard’s claim to the throne.

In February 1455, Henry recovered from his spell of insanity almost as suddenly as he’d yielded to it. Richard and his ministers were sent away and Somerset reinstated.

This is where we find ourselves, on the eve of war. Richard stands ready to overthrow Henry VI. Henry must defend his crown with the aid of the Duke of Somerset, or fall into madness once more and be destroyed by his enemies.

The Basics
The following are the players and their factions:

Player 1 - House of Neville - Britons - Neutral
Player 2 - House of Lancaster - Britons - Lancastrian Faction Leader
Player 3 - Duchy of Somerset - Britons - Lancastrian
Player 4 - Kingdom of Scotland - Celts - Independent Neutral Kingdom
Player 5 - Duchy of Buckingham - Britons - Neutral
Player 6 - Duchy of Norfolk - Britons - Yorkist
Player 7 - House of York - Britons - Yorkist Faction Leader
Player 8 - House of Tudor - Britons - Neutral

  • Neutral houses or neutral noblemen (Blue, Teal and Orange) start without Town Center. To get bonuses they need get relics from the House of Lancaster, House of York or by stealing them:

    - 1 Relic = Villager
    - 2 Relics = Imperial Age + 1 Trebuchet
    - 3 Relics = Town Center

  • Every 7 minutes relics will appear in York (gray) and London (red). They can decide to give one to a neutral house or nobleman to gain an ally or just keep them for earning more gold.

  • Scotland (Yellow) needs to collect relics. The bonuses for doing so are as follows:

    1 Relic = 500 gold
    2 Relics = 1 extra Town Center

  • Neutrals (p1, p4, p5, p8) can also abandon neutrality joining a faction. They can join a faction if they build an outpost between the RED torches near the pavilions their bases to join Lancastrians or GRAY torches to join Yorkists. It is advised they take care with this as once they've chosen a side, they cannot ally the other faction.

    You will receive monetary bonuses and technologies for allying with a faction.

  • Green (P3) and Purple (P6) are allies of P2 and P7 respectively.

  • York and London generate TAX REVENUE of 500 gold every 5 or so minutes. If London or York Town Centers are destroyed they will lose that revenue.

  • Each House and Duchy has one or more bonuses . (See the House or Duchy you want to know about).

  • Town Centers cannot be made.

  • Trebuchets, Cannon Galleons and Petards are unable to be produced.

  • There are Castle caps. Breaching this cap will result in a constant resource loss penalty until rectified.

    Player 1
    3 Castles
    Player 2
    5 Castles
    Player 3
    3 Castles
    Player 4
    3 Castles
    Player 5
    3 Castles
    Player 6
    3 Castles
    Player 7
    5 Castles
    Player 8
    3 Castles

    MINOR FACTIONS (P1, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8) -

  • There is also a 25 tower limit per player. If this limit is reached the player will be taxed 1200 gold, wood and 400 stone per 15 minutes.

  • The population limits are as follows:

    Majors (Red and Grey): 200
    Scotland (Yellow): 150
    Minors (Blue, Green, Teal, Purple and Orange): 125


    Yorkist victory:

    - To win must kill Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI and destroy the Town Center at London.

    Lancastrian victory:

    - To win must kill Richard and Edward of York and destroy the Town Center at York.
The House of Neville (Player 1)

Civilization: Britons.
Lord: Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick "The Kingmaker"
Heir to the house: John Neville, Earl of Northumberland
Main fortress: Cumberland
House bonus: 'Marcher Lords of the North', 'Kingmaker's gold', 'Fortress of the North'
Difficulty: Medium-Easy.

  • The Neville family are located in Northern England at the start of the game. This means that they are always close to battle as they have the Yorkist capital, York just east of their castle, the Scots to the north and the Lancastrian castle of Westmorland to the south. They therefore play an important role in the conflict in the north and can change the situation for either side drastically.

  • Use your neutrality to your advantage build up your forces and choose the right side at the right time.

  • The House of Neville's family bonus 'Kingmaker's gold' is one of the most powerful passive bonuses in the game. The bonus is as follows: A steady stream of 300 gold every 6 minutes will occur as long as Richard Neville remains at Cumberland. Use this gold to either increase military production or give as bribes. Furthermore this bonus will mean that allying with either side will give them a gift of 3000 gold. Use this knowledge to your advantage in diplomatic relations.

  • Their bonus 'Marcher Lords of the North' makes Cumberland, their base of operations, extremely hard to take. It adds 3000 HP to walls and an extra 1000 HP to the Castle at Cumberland. Surviveability as the House of Neville then is fairly easy as it would take a seriously large and determined siege force to take the castle. Use this imposing strengh to barter the best deal for an allaince.

  • Their last bonus 'Fortress of the North' gives the bonus of 25% faster firing castles and towers. Further adding defensibly to the family's castles and towers. Cumberland Castle also gains +2 range.

The House of Lancaster (Player 2)

Civilisation: Britons.
Lord: Henry VI, King of England
Queen: Margaret of Anjou
Main fortress: London
House bonus: 'French Support', 'The Prince of Wales', 'Yeoman of the Guard', 'Royal Tax'
Difficulty: Hard

  • The House of Lancaster is probably the most powerful House at the beginning of the game. They control London at the start of the game and control the king, so they have the claim to legitimacy that grey does not.

  • As one of the main factions fighting the Yorkists, you should try to convince neutrals to join you. For this purpose you should offer them relics for their support. If you get support from someone you will get a prize. For example if you get the support from House of Neville (Blue) you will get 3000 gold due to the Earl of Warwick's wealth. From Tudor (Orange) and the Duke of Buckingham (Teal) you will get 2 technologies from each one.

  • Allying with the House of Neville is considered a wise move. Their strength, monetary bonuses and proximity to York means that they're in a position to do a lot of damage to the Yorkist faction.

  • Throughout England and Ireland you have castles, namely Westmorland, Lincoln and Dublin. Holding these key areas is essential as town centers cannot be rebuilt. Should London be destroyed, Grey will get a large bonus of every resource.

  • The House of Lancaster has the bonus 'French Support'. To activate this bonus, five relics must be garrisoned in a monastery. If this is done, a powerful contingent of French Retainers will arrive in Dover, protect the pavilion tent there however as if its destroyed reinforcements will not arrive.

  • Their second bonus is the 'The Prince of Wales' bonus. If the King and Queen are standing in front of Westminster Abbey for 4 minutes their son and heir, Edward of Westminster will spawn. He is a powerful unit with super buffed HP.

  • The bonus 'Yeoman of the Guard' will grant player 2, 8 powerful Yeomen Pike bodyguards for the king with buffed stats. These are useful if London comes under threat and the King needs to be moved, otherwise they function excellently as anti-cavalry units on the field. To be given this bonus move the king to the flagged area. (shown here)

  • The last bonus of the Lancasterian faction is 'Royal Tax'. Owning London grants you extra tax of 150 gold every 5 minutes on top of their 500.

  • BE CAREFUL. If the king should die, Richard of York will become king, bolstering the legitimacy of the Yorkist cause.

London (shown above) must be held at all costs.
Duchy of Somerset (Player 3)


Civilisation: Britons.
Lord: Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset
Heir: Henry Beaufort, Earl of Dorset
Main fortress: Somerset
House bonus: 'Masters of Seige'
Difficulty: Easy

  • The Duchy of Somerset is in a comfortable position on the map out of the way of the violent center and well placed to build up a decent economy for late game.

  • Their main focus is in a supportive role to Player 2. They should always be trying to support player 2 and as the inferior partner, should do as Player 2 commands, though not always.

  • After the lift of the Siege of Calais the Duke of Somerset is considered a skilled commander. His bonus 'Masters of Siege' gives siege weapons 50% extra movement speed.

  • Perhaps most importantly, Player 3 should focus on Player 7's southern fortress that threatens London. Taking that will give the Lancastrians an imminent advantage.

Kingdom of Scotland (Player 4)

Civilisation: Celts
Lord: King James II of Scotland
Vassal: Alexander Stewart, Duke of Albany
Main fortress: Edinburgh
House bonus: 'Neutrality', 'Eilean Donan' , 'The Highlands'
Difficulty: Very Easy

  • The Kingdom of Scotland is perhaps the easiest faction to play due to them being far from the action and able to sustain their neutrality early on as they start with a TC unlike other neutral minor factions. They have 150 population cap as opposed to 125 population cap that most minor factions have so can field more troops and make a bigger early economy. Their participation in the war could also prove vital to whichever side gains their allegiance.

  • Scotland's 'Neutrality' bonus benefits Scotland remaining neutral. Every 15 minutes highlander Infantry will spawn for no cost at the torched area in Edinburgh. If Scotland sides with either the Yorkists or Lancastrians this bonus will end. (Spawn Shown Here)

  • Scotland's 'The Highlands' bonus will spawn an extra TC in the highlands of Scotland once 2 relics have been captured. The location is shown here:

  • The 'Eilean Donan' bonus that Scotland recieves will spawn the Castle at Eilean Donan, grant the Scots the Imperial age and the heated shot tech. It is recommended you utilise this castle and build walls and gates around it as well as place military buildings within the island. This castle will protect against coastal raids as well as gives a passive income bonus of:

    Gold: 750/15 minutes.
    Wood: 750/15 minutes.
    Food: 750/15 minutes.
    Stone: 75/15 minutes.

    The Castle is an excellent fortress with extra attack, range and 10,000 HP

    The Placement is shown below:

Duchy of Buckingham (Player 5)

Civilisation: Britons.
Lord: Humphrey Stafford, Duke of Buckingham
Heir: N/A
Main fortress: Stafford
House bonus: 'The Hunt', 'Welsh Marches'
Difficulty: Hard

  • The Duchy of Buckingham is in the middle of the map. This means that they are always close to battle (or even the battlefield itself). This has both advantages and disadvantages.

  • The Duke is an avid hunter of game and the castles position in the Midlands of England is prime game area. The Stafford's get 'The Hunt' bonus granting them a passive income of 200 food every 5 minutes.

    Additionally, this bonus also means Player 5's estates are rich with extra game. Each wild boar killed by Player 5's lord (Humphrey Stafford) will give them that amount of food the animal is worth instantly. (340 food each)

  • Player 5 gets the bonus of 'Welsh Marches'. Stafford Castle is in a prime location to recruit Welsh retainers. Player 5 is the only faction able to make Paladins at the stable, which will happen after 2 relics are captured. If Stafford Castle is destroyed however Paladins will no longer be able to be made.

Duchy of Norfolk (Player 6)


Civilisation: Britons.
Lord: John de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk
Heir: N/A
Main fortress: Norfolk Castle
House bonus: 'Veteran Commander', 'Fertile Plains of East Anglia'
Difficulty: Hard

  • The Duchy of Norfolk is in a very difficult position on the map. Just south of their main fortress, lies London, which is in the hands of the bigger enemy Lancastrian player. Care must be taken in this regard.

  • Their main focus is in a supportive role to Player 7. They should always be trying to support player 7 and as the inferior partner, should do as Player 7 commands, though not always.

  • East Anglia is a fertile. the soil is rich and the land flat, perfect for crop farming. Their bonus 'Fertile Plains of East Anglia' grants Player 6 generation of gold per worked farm.

  • Their second bonus, 'Veteran Commander' gives their lord, John de Mowbray very impressive stats. Clad in the best armour with the best equipment and battle hardened, he has +400 HP, +10 attack, +5 armour. Mix him in with Foot-Knights and Halberdiers for an impressively difficult enemy to fight.

House of York (Player 7)

Civilisation: Britons.
Lord: Richard, Lord Protector and Duke of York
Heir: Edward of York
Main fortress: York
House bonus: 'Burgundian Alliance', 'Burgundian Cannons'
Difficulty: Medium/Hard

  • As one of the main factions fighting the Lancastrians, you should try to convince neutrals to join you. For this purpose you should offer them relics for their support. If you get support from someone you will get a prize. For example if you get the support from House of Neville (Blue) you will get 3000 gold due to the Earl of Warwick's wealth. From Tudor (Orange) and the Duke of Buckingham (Teal) you will get 2 technologies from each one.

  • Allying with the House of Neville is considered a wise move. Their strength, monetary bonuses and proximity to York means that they're a natural choice.

  • Throughout England you have castles, namely Winchester, Mortimer and Warwick. Holding these key areas is essential as TCs cannot be rebuilt. Should York be destroyed, Red will get a large bonus of every resource.

  • The bonus 'Burgundian Alliance' is activated when 5 relics are garrisoned by Player 7. The bonus grants Player 7 the ability to train Coustilliers at York. A permanent supply of 8 Coustilliers will spawn in York as long as the Barracks remains.

  • The ability 'Burgundian Cannons' grant Player 7's Bombard towers +3 range. If Player 7 collects 2 relics they will be given a bombard cannon.

  • Try to target and destroy Lancastrian holdings in the north, this will give more breathing space for your economy and allow your faction to have a total foothold in the north.

House of Tudor (Player 8)

Civilisation: Britons.
Lord: Owen Tudor
Heir: N/A
Main fortress: Pembroke Castle
House bonus: 'Welsh Longbowmen', 'Sheep Herders'
Difficulty: Medium

  • The House of Tudor is situated in Wales, guaranteed to be close to the action but perhaps not as aggressively as Player 5.

  • Player 8 like all other neutral factions (Players 1 and 5) start with no villagers and no town centers. To get these you must get relics. Make secret deals with the two factions and try and steal relics as well. Convincing Player 2 and 7 to give you their relic is a big part of the game, if you sell your bonuses as reasons for cooperation, this will help you form alliances.

  • The House of Tudor is positioned in Wales and has the bonus 'Welsh Longbowmen', it can call upon veteran Welsh Longbow men who have increased range (+1 to each).

  • Being in Wales, The House of Tudor gains the bonus 'Sheep Herders' and receives 6 more sheep at the beginning of the game.

Places in Britain: England and Scotland
  • Isle of Man

    The first to find and explore the Isle of Man will receive the islanders support. Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby (Also King of Man) will spawn and a retinue of Paladins will spawn with him.

  • Company of the Red Crow Training Area

    The Company of the Red Crow are a mercenary camp in the countryside of England, they consist of mercenary Pavise Crossbowmen and light cavalry. You can purchase their aid by placing your liege lord on the carpet by the statue.

    Company Mercenary
    3000 Gold
    15 Pavise Crossbowmen 6 Mercenary Light Cavalry (Coustilliers)
Places in Britain: Ireland
  • Earldom of Ulster

    In North east Ireland you can make a ONE TIME PURCHASE of the Earldom of Ulster. To do this stand your MAIN CHARACTER (Main Lord, see your section) on the carpet. A strong castle (Buffed stats) and walls will spawn. Once bought it cannot be bought by anyone else.

    Earldom of Ulster
    6000 Gold
    1 Castle

  • Gallowglass Camp

    • In the far west of the map, in western Ireland you will find the Gallowglass camp. You are able to purchase as many Gallowglass as you can afford. Though expensive, these units have regenerating health, high attack, high HP and heavy armour and you get 15 for the price of 5000. If you want to make a purchase, move your main character on to the CARPET infront of the statue.

    • WARNING: If you're making more than one purchase of units, do not leave your character on the carpet as that will consume all your money and give you only 15 Gallowglass. Rather, quickly move your character onto the carpet and then off the carpet (Until the 15 have spawned) to make another purchase.

    5000 Gold
Armies and Units (Changes)
The Wars of the Roses was primarily fought with Billmen and Longbowmen as well as heavy foot man at arms in varying degrees of armour and harnesses. It is encouraged that players comprise their armies in this manner.

To reflect this there are a few custom changes to units for all factions:

  • Hand cannons: Are now available for everyone as they saw an extensive use in the fighting of the Wars of the Roses. Use them against the heavy English Foot Knights and Men-at-arms.

  • Levy Billmen: A cheap conscripted billmen from the localities who's only cost is 35 food. They are super useful as last minute defenders due to how cheap they are, they're basically forced into service.. They are a super cheap way of stopping cavalry going after longbowmen. Mix them with your Heavy Footmen to create a formidable army.

  • English Footknights and Men-at-Arms: Heavy armoured and high HP buffed infantry line. Can tank a lot of damage and give out high damage.

    Below: Example of a large Neville Army.