Lost Ark

Lost Ark

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Lost Ark Market: The Game
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A spreadsheet utility for most, if not all of your market needs!
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Greetings you adventurers!
I'm here to provide a potentially useful resource for all you market fiends; a spreadsheet to entirely calculate most, if not all the potential from a specific item to be traded and used. Whether it's from breaking it down, or from crafting. The styling is heavily influenced by Tradesman's Bible and the Market Calculator, and I've conformed it to Lost Ark essentially.
Breaking it down, the only columns you need to update are: (Resources table - Column D, Price | Crafting Market - Column C, Market Price) the rest of the spreadsheet will do all of the work and calculate your options available. You will primarily be looking at those two tabs, but just as a one by one breakdown.
All listed tradable resources with their bundle size, unit price, and a silly unfinished recommended price column. For Logging loot and Mining loot, you can convert 25 Uncommon materials or 5 rare materials for 50 normal materials. Depending on your region, this can work out for you. Next off are our "conversions", which is essentially how much of a profit you would make if you downgraded that specific material to powder (Which can be done at any stronghold or castle), and then used that powder to create the listed material (which the highest return would be shown).

Crafting Market:
All tradable crafting objects are here with their listed materials and costs, returning your average profit per item. As mentioned prior, the only column you really need to change here is column C, the Market Price.

Market History:
This is a script that I have running that takes the value of each price of all the items at 5:00 AM EST and appends it to the next column. I am relatively new to scripting with Google Sheets, so I found this as an excuse to try and learn! If you're interested in the code:
function recordHistory() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var Resourceprices = ss.getSheetByName("Resources"); var Craftedprices = ss.getSheetByName("Crafting Market"); var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Market History"); var Resourcesource = Resourceprices.getRange("D3:D44"); var Craftsource = Craftedprices.getRange("C3:C92"); var Resourcevalues = Resourcesource.getValues(); var Craftvalues = Craftsource.getValues(); // values[0][0] = new Date(); // sheet.insertColumnAfter(values[0]); sheet.insertColumnAfter(1); sheet.getRange("B2").setValue(new Date()).setNumberFormat('M/d/yyyy'); sheet.getRange(3,2,Craftvalues.length,1).setValues(Craftvalues); sheet.getRange(93,2,Resourcevalues.length,1).setValues(Resourcevalues); };

This is a work in progress that takes the data from Market History and turns them into pretty graphs!

Material Conversion:
This is where the magic happens for the conversion calculations for the Resources tab, I couldn't figure out a formula because my brain can't figure out input and output for some reason, so I practically hard coded it like a total maniac.
Thank you for visiting!
If you find this to be helpful(this is my first guide I've ever posted), please upvote or check me out/follow on Twitch[www.twitch.tv], or if you have any feedback please let me know in the comments!
May y'all have an awesome day ahead!
2 comentarii
Metsushiro 21 mart. 2022 la 12:07 
Wonderful spreadsheet! Thank-you for sharing ^_^ I really enjoy the crafting material's tab, tomes and the graphs. The visuals really help with comparing items. :tslike:
KilerKan 18 mart. 2022 la 7:36 
Interesting document thank you for sharing.

I think there are small fixes that could be done on the "Crafting market" tab.

- Profit column (AK)
We need to take in account the difference between the quantity crafted and the bundle quantity on the market, because both the profit and the fee is by stack sold; like so :

- Cost/Unit column (AI)
Instead of unit in term of unitary item it might be easier to define unit as a bundle on the market (for example a unit can represent a stack of 10 objects for the market).
The calculation then becomes :

The result seems better from my point of view.
Let me know if it helps or if I did any mistake somewhere.

Thanks again for this great document!