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How to Use Twitch Streaming in Flockers
Bởi Mike
This guide will show you how to set up Twitch integration for Flockers, start broadcasting your gameplay and manage your broadcast from within the game.
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Getting Started
Twitch integration has been added in Update 5 for Flockers, giving you the opportunity to showcase your flock management skills to the whole world via the glorious medium of streaming. Getting started with Twitch streaming in Flockers is really easy and we've put together this quick guide to help you get underway.

Getting Started

First things first, you'll need a Twitch account. If you don't have one already, you can use the tools in-game to set one up. To do that:
  • Start Flockers
  • At the main menu, select Options
  • Select the "Twitch" tab
  • Press the "Sign Up" button
  • The Steam overlay will appear and you will be shown the Twitch.tv website. From there, follow the on-screen instructions to set up a Twitch account.

Next things next, you'll need to link your Twitch account with Flockers. Here's how:
  • At the main menu, select Options
  • Select the "Twitch" tab
  • Enter your Twitch username and password into the relevant boxes
  • Click the "Link" button
  • A message will appear to let you know that your Twitch account has been linked with Flockers. If you receive an error message, check your username and password

You're now ready to start streaming!

Starting a Live Stream
Once you've linked your Twitch account to Flockers, starting a live stream is as easy as accidental sheepslaughter - you just have to press a button!

  • Whilst in-game you can press the F5 key to start/stop broadcasting your gameplay to your Twitch channel.

  • You can press F6 at any time to pause your broadcast.

  • You can press F7 to show a commercial to your viewers.

All of these keybindings can be changed in the "Controls" menu. Once you start broadcasting, you'll see a red indicator in the top right of your screen. If this is lit up - you're live! If it's not, your broadcast is paused.

You can chat with your viewers by clicking on the chat box on the left of the screen. You can also hide the chat box by clicking the Twitch icon.

That's all there is to it!
Giving us Feedback
Twitch integration is really important to the Team17 development team and we want to make sure that it works for you; with features that make managing a Flockers live stream easy - and viewing a Flockers live stream fun.

We need Twitch broadcasters and viewers to feed back to us on streaming in Flockers. Please, if you have any constructive criticisms, ideas, comments, annoyances or wow moments - let us know in the Feedback forum!

Thanks for reading this guide, have fun with your viewers :)
