Devil Spire
32 valoraciones
Horrible info until people make more/better guides
Por dmm3000
This is info I have found/gather from playing the game so far. It is incomplete and poorly organized but here in case anyone finds it useful. If anyone wants to use this guide to make a better guide go ahead.
About the guide
This guide is just made of info I found on my own from playing, it is incomplete and poorly organized.
Any description that I placed question marks around means that the description is a complete guess about what the thing does based on the name and could be completely wrong.
(i.e. unknown - ?I think this does a thing?)

I also put the correct spelling of some words next to the names of a few things in case they were a typo by the devs like Enpowering instead of Empowering or Obsfuscate instead of Obfuscate. If these potential typos are intentional then I will remove the corrections in the guide.

This is my first time making a guide so sorry if it is hard to follow or read

If anyone wants to use this guide to make their own better guide go ahead. I am just making this because there doesn't seem to be a lot of info about lots of the game mechanics yet and figured this might help people until others make more and better guides or a wiki is fully made.
Body Ailments:
Cramp - Prevents attacking and blocking
Root - Prevents movement (Can still attack and block)
Paralysis - Slows movement and attack speed significantly
Poison - Reduces health over time

Mind Ailments:
Blind - Removes vision
Confusion - Randomizes controls
Mute - Prevents spellcasting and reduces mana by 5% of your max per second
Panic - Makes your character act randomly (attack, block, kick, swap and cast spells without control)

Ankh - Increases Vitality
Cube - Increases Intelligence
Cup - Restores all Health
Doll - Cures Mind Ailments
Idol - Increases Strength
Orb - Restores all Magic
Scarab - Cures Body Ailments
Skull - Creates Lamp Oil (5 min)
Tome - Teaches a Spell
Cleansing - Cures Mind Ailments
Enpowering(Empowering) - Grants Experience
Hastening - Increases Agility
Illuminating - Creates Lamp Oil (5 min)
Rejuvenating - Restores all Magic
Strengthening - Increases Strength
Teaching - Teaches a Spell
Wisening - Increases Intelligence
Amnesia - Forgets a Spell (Forgets equipped spell)
Darkness - Consumes Lamp Oil (5 min)
Greed - Takes 100 Gold
Lethargy - Decreases Agility
Madness - Inflicts Mind Ailments
Torture - Inflicts Body Ailments
(W) = Weapon (S) = Shield
Binding (Inflicts root) - Inflicts root on an enemy on use
Blinding (Inflicts blind) - Blinds an enemy on use
Blood(W) (Drains Health) - Drains health and gives it to the player on hit
Blood(S) (Regenerates Health) - Recovers some health on block
Body (Power from vitality) - ?Bonus damage based on vitality?
Chaos (????) - Random effect when used
Cold (Freezes) - Freezes enemy on use
Dark(S) (Chance to kill) - ?Around 10% chance to kill enemy on use?
Disarming (Inflicts cramp) - Inflicts cramp on use
Emptiness(S) (Reduces magic, then health) - ?Enemy loses magic when hitting shield and loses health if out of magic?
Fear (Inflicts panic) - Inflicts panic on enemy on use
Force (Greater impact) - Increases/gives knockback to item
Fraility(S) (Decreases vitality) - ?Lowers vitality of enemy that hits shield?
Illusion (Inflicts confusion) - Inflicts confusion on enemy on use
Lethargy (Decreases agility) - ?Decreases enemy agility on use?
Light (Critical hits) - Chance to do critical hits doing pushback and extra damage
Magic (Magic-powered) - Uses 5 MP to do extra damage
Oil (S)(Gives oil) - Chance to give oil on block
Phasing (Phasing attack) - Weapon goes through walls (won't cause stun for hitting wall or lose weapon durability)
Skill (Better counterattack) - ?Higher damage after parry?
Speed (Power from agility) - ?Bonus damage based on agility?
Spirit(W) (Drains magic) - Drains magic on hit
Spirit(S) (Regenerates magic) - Recovers some magic on block
Tears (Pain is power) - ?More damage with lower health?
Thorns (Damages back) - Enemies take damage when blocking with item
Thunder (Shocks) - Does electric damage to enemy on use
Trash(S) (Gives Trash) - Has a chance to drop trash on use
Venom (Inflicts poison) - Inflicts poison on use
White Potion - Heals all Health, Magic, and Ailments
Black Potion - Deals random damage to you (from 1 HP to Max. HP)
Red Potion - Recovers your Health
Blue Potion - Restores your Magic
Yellow Potion - Cures all Ailments
Purple Potion - Gives a random Ailment
Green Potion - Cures Panic, Mute, Blind, and Confusion
Orange Potion - Cures Poison, Cramp, Root, and Paralysis
Arcane ring (Chargeable Spells) - Allows you to charge spells to cast them with more power
Alchemy ring (Recover What's Spent) - Chance to recover items on use or when combined
Bull ring (Charging run) - Increases sprint speed as you sprint and damages objects when running into them
Cannibal ring (Cannibalism) - Allows you to eat dead corpses to regain health and mp ?(Gives hp and mp proportional to the vitality and intelligence of the enemy)?
Cloranthy ring (Boundless Movement) - Lets you sprint at full speed in any direction as well as attack and block while sprinting.
Darkwood ring (Dodge on reflex) - Around a 50% chance to auto dodge attacks
Eye ring (All-Seeing) - Shows entire map and everything in it (i.e. enemies, chests, statues, bells, exit, etc.)
Goo ring (Summon Slime) - Summons a slime follower/pet that helps kill enemies
Lava ring (Fiery Steps) - Creates fire where you walk (Does not damage the player)
Lightwood ring (Better Dodges) - Reduces cooldown of dodging
Martial ring (Chargeable Attacks) - Allows you to charge an attack for extra damage
Mighty ring (Kicking Mastery) - Allows you to move while kicking ?Makes your kicks stronger?
Protection ring (Magic Armor) - Converts half of damage to mp damage (If an enemy hits you for 100 damage you would lose 50 hp and 50 mp)
Reaver ring (Unarmed Blade) - Gives you a spirit blade instead of rock when unarmed dealing 2x your attack power (Unique since normal weapons add their attack to your natural attack power rather than multiply)
Sacrificial ring (Resurrection) - Resurrects player on use, breaks afterwards
Scraping ring(Scrapping) (Recycle What's Broken) - Drops trash when an item breaks ?Maybe 3 pieces?
Serpent ring (Bountiful Kills) - Enemies have a chance to drop items on kills
Shield ring (Always Parry) - Every block is a parry causing stun
Storm ring (Call Lightning) - Lightning strikes at random intervals around you. If an enemy is near and not behind cover it will strike them.
Tearstone (Dying Adrenaline) - ?Gives buffs on kills? ?Buffs at lower health?
Thief's ring (Invisibility) - Enemies won't attack you unless you are noticed (Attacking, opening a door, ringing bell)
Tornado ring (Cyclone Casting) - ?I have no clue what this does?
Trapper ring (Ally with traps) - Immune to trap effects/damage
Vortex ring (Ranged attacks) - Makes melee weapons shoot out ranged attacks
Abracadabra- ????
Befuddle - Shoot a bouncing ball that inflicts Confusion on whoever it hits.
Bind - Shoot a shockwave that inflicts Root on all it hits.
Blizzard - Call a snowstorm around you, freezing and dealing damage to any unfrozen foes.
Construct - Construct a golem which autonomously seeks out and attacks enemies, exploding when it runs out of power.
Decelerate - Shoot eight pillars outward that inflict Paralysis on whoever they hit.
Disable - Shoot a pair of spheres in a spiral that inflict Cramp on whoever they hit.
Drain - Fling a magic disc forward, which damages any foes it hits, then flies back to you, healing proportionately.
Electric Chain - Throw a shocking bolt that jumps on hit, always going for the nearest foe not behind cover.
Ennervate(Innervate) - Shoot a chasing orb that inflicts Panic on whoever it hits.
Envenom - Shoot a bubble that pops into smoke that inflicts Poison on all it hits.
Gravity - Collapse a point into immense gravity, pulling everything but the caster to its unstable core, exploding when it reaches critical mass.
Ice Spike - Release a wave of cold that damages all in its path and freezes them.
Invoke - Invoke a random item at your feet, which can range from a mighty weapon to a piece of trash.
Mend Wounds - Restores your Health.
Obsfuscate(Obfuscate) - Shoot a growing cloud that inflicts Blind on all it hits.
Phantom Rush - Conjure an image of yourself which delivers a flurry of debilitating punches, but leaves you Cramped.
Pillar of Flame - Erupt a fiery pillar that slowly travels forward, burning everything in its path.
Short Circuit - Hurl an electric lance that pins on hit, periodically shocking its target and whoever’s nearby.
Silence - Shoots rays that inflict Mute on all visible targets, spreading evenly.
Snowball - Rolls an enlarging snowball that catches all in its path, bursting when it hits an obstacle.
Symbol of Pain - Draw, or explode, a sigil that hurts all who come close.
Telekinesis - Grab hold of the closest foe or moveable object. Recast to launch it forward, dealing damage on impact.
Time Slow - Slow down time for all but yourself.
Transfusion - Sacrifice half of your current Health to restore Magic proportionately.
Broken Tools
Dirty Rags
Fool's Gold
Sticky Goo
Glass Shards
Scrap Metal
Rules of potion crafting:
Primary plus secondary of other primaries = white (i.e. Red + Green = White)
Primary plus Primary = color you get when mixing the primaries (i.e. Red + Blue = Purple)
Primary plus secondary it is part of = other primary it is part of (i.e. Red + Purple = Blue)
Two secondaries added together make the third secondary color (i.e. Orange + Green = Purple)
Black Plus color = the opposite color (i.e. Black + red = green) - green is made of the primaries blue and yellow so red is the opposite and vice versa
White Plus color = the opposite color
Exception to black and white is when you do black + white which gives you black

Crafting list: (There is another visual guide that shows this much better in my opinion)
Black + Blue = Orange
Black + Green = Red
Black + Orange = Blue
Black + Purple = Yellow
Black + Red = Green
Black + White = Black
Black + Yellow = Purple
Blue + Green = Yellow
Blue + Orange = White
Blue + Purple = Red
Blue + Red = Purple
Blue + White = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Green
Green + Orange = Purple
Green + Purple = Orange
Green + Red = White
Green + White = Red
Green + Yellow = Blue
Orange + Purple = Green
Orange + Red = Yellow
Orange + White = Blue
Orange + Yellow = Red
Purple + Red = Blue
Purple + White = Yellow
Purple + Yellow = White
Red + White = Green
Red + Yellow = Orange
White + Yellow = Purple
Broken Tools + Dirty Rags = Hilt Strap (Combine with a weapon to increase its Speed by 0.08)
Broken Tools + Fool's Gold = Inscribed Rune (Combine with a weapon or shield to enchant it)
Broken Tools + Glass Shards = Spikes (Combine with a shield to increase its stagger by 0.5)
Broken Tools + Scrap Metal = Armorer Tools (Combine with armor to increase its Durability by 1000)
Broken Tools + Sticky Goo = Blacksmith Tools (Combine with a weapon or shield to increase its Durability by 1000)
Dirty Rags + Fools Gold = Bag of Gold (A bag containing 100 gold coins)
Dirty Rags + Glass Shards = Arcane Parchment (Combine with a spell to increase its power) (Increases by 0.1x)
Dirty Rags + Scrap Metal = Magic Catalyst (Combine with a spell to increase its cast speed)
Dirty Rags + Sticky Goo = Fermented Moss (Combine with an empty bottle to fill with a white potion)
Fool's Gold + Glass Shards = Moonstone (Combine with any equipment to decrease its weight by 0.5 kg)
Fool's Gold + Scrap Metal = Whetstone (Combine with a weapon to increase its attack by 10)
Fool's Gold + Sticky Goo = Philosopher's stone (Combine with a spell to decrease its magic cost) (Increases CST(?Cost?) by 0.1x) (The base mp cost is divided by the CST stat to get the spell’s mp cost (i.e. 20/1.1x = 18.18)
Glass Shard + Scrap Metal = Lockpick (Opens a locked door)
Glass Shard + Sticky Goo = Empty Bottle (Can be used to store liquids)
Scrap Metal + Sticky Goo = Piece Of Armor (Combine with armor to increase its defense by 10)
(You can also combine powers from bosses in the same way)
Alchemy + Darkwood = Shield
Alchemy + Eye = Reaver
Alchemy + Lava = Mighty
Alchemy + Martial = Sacrificial
Alchemy + Mighty = Serpent
Alchemy + Protection = Eye
Alchemy + Reaver = Darkwood
Alchemy + Sacrificial = Trapper
Alchemy + Shield = Martial
Alchemy + Tearstone = Bull
Alchemy + Vortex = Goo
Arcane + Cannibal = Protection
Arcane + Protection = Storm
Arcane + Goo = Trapper
Arcane + Lava = Reaver
Arcane + Shield = Scraping
Arcane + Reaver = Goo
Arcane + Vortex = Sacrificial
Bull + Cloranthy = Lightwood
Bull + Eye = Shield
Bull + Lava = Storm
Bull + Scraping = Arcane
Bull + Storm = Cloranthy
Bull + Tearstone = Mighty
Bull + Thief = Reaver
Bull + Vortex = Scraping
Cannibal + Cannibal = Lava
Cannibal + Goo = Scraping
Cannibal + Lightwood = Thief
Cannibal + Mighty = Storm
Cannibal + Protection = Reaver
Cannibal + Reaver = Shield
Cannibal + Sacrificial = Alchemy
Cannibal + Scraping = Lightwood
Cannibal + Serpent = Vortex
Cannibal + Storm = Goo
Cannibal + Tornado = Arcane
Cannibal + Trapper = Cannibal
Cannibal + Vortex = Cloranthy
Cloranthy + Cloranthy = Shield
Cloranthy + Darkwood = Serpent
Cloranthy + Eye = Lava
Cloranthy + Lava = Arcane
Cloranthy + Lightwood = Trapper
Cloranthy + Reaver = Mighty
Cloranthy + Sacrificial = Goo
Cloranthy + Serpent = Protection
Cloranthy + Mighty = Thief
Darkwood + Darkwood = Thief
Darkwood + Eye = Lightwood
Darkwood + Serpent = Cannibal
Darkwood + Trapper = Darkwood
Eye + Eye = Scraping
Eye + Reaver = Tornado
Eye + Serpent = Trapper
Eye + Trapper = Eye
Goo + Goo = Reaver
Goo + Lava = Lightwood
Goo + Lightwood = Sacrificial
Goo + Mighty = Arcane
Goo + Protection = Cannibal
Goo + Reaver = Lava
Goo + Serpent = Thief
Goo + Shield = Serpent
Goo + Tornado = Martial
Goo + Trapper = Goo
Goo + Vortex = Eye
Lava + Shield = Alchemy
Lava + Serpent =
Lightwood + Protection = Serpent
Lightwood + Scraping = Alchemy
Lightwood + Serpent = Shield
Lightwood + Storm = Shield
Lightwood + Vortex = Martial
Martial + Reaver = Protection
Martial + Scraping = Goo
Martial + Serpent = Lava
Martial + Shield = Reaver
Martial + Tearstone = Trapper
Mighty + Reaver = Trapper
Mighty + Scraping = Protection
Protection + Shield = Lightwood
Protection + Thief = Vortex
Protection + Vortex = Alchemy
Reaver + Reaver = Lightwood
Reaver + Scraping = Serpent
Reaver + Thief = Cloranthy
Sacrificial + Sacrificial = Martial
Sacrificial + Scraping = Cloranthy
Scraping + Shield = Vortex
Scraping + Tearstone = Lightwood
Serpent + Serpent = Tornado
Serpent + Trapper = Serpent
Serpent + Shield = Bull
Shield + Tearstone = Sacrificial
Shield + Trapper = Shield
Storm + Storm = Arcane
Storm + Thief = Sacrificial
Storm + Vortex = Thief
Tearstone + Thief = Eye
Tearstone + Trapper = Cannibal
Thief + Thief = Storm
Thief + Trapper = Thief
Thief + Vortex = Trapper
Tornado + Tornado = Alchemy
Vortex + Vortex = Protection
4 comentarios
do not die 25 ENE a las 6:51 
Cloranthy + Cannibal = Thorn Ring (Return the Pain)
ChaosRepeated 14 MAY 2022 a las 9:18 
reaver + trapper = reaver (So it essentially destroys the trapper)
Mr. Maradok 27 MAR 2022 a las 21:18 
Goo + Bull = Tornado

Tornado + Shield = Goo

Tearstone + Tearstone = Lava

Cannibal + Lava = Serpent
Soleus 23 FEB 2022 a las 19:37 
tornado + alchemy = lightwood
tornado + mighty = eye