Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

490 人が評価
Transport Tool v2.5.8
465.917 KB
2022年2月20日 21時08分
2月26日 15時08分
66 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Transport Tool v2.5.8


Take control of your public transport.

This mod makes it easy to find busy public transport lines, without having to open each line individually and then scroll through the stop list looking for busy stops.

  • Public Transport overview statistics
  • Columns are sortable so you can quickly find the lines with lots of waiting people
  • Highlights the line on the map that corresponds to the line under the mouse
  • Clicking on a line will take you to the busiest stop and open the Line Details panel.
  • Commuter destination support (if subscribed/running)
    Hold down CTRL when clicking on a line and it will open the Commuter Destination panel instead of the Line Details panel and set the panels target to be the busiest stop on that line.
  • Adds an Orange Bus button to the Line Details panel to allow re-opening the Transport Tool panel easily
  • Supports cable car line information, which the base game doesn't.
  • Automatic detection of public transport line issues

This mod is not a replacement for Transport Lines Manager or Improved Public Transport 2. It is a tool to help you detect problems and improve the efficiency of your transport network, If you want unbunching or changing ticket prices or the ability to choose multiple vehicle types then you should try one of the above mods. This mod is compatible with both.

Main Panel Displays
  • Stops
  • Vehicles
  • Current Passengers
  • Total Capacity
  • Total number of waiting passengers
  • Number of people at the busiest stop
  • Number of people that are about to give up waiting (Bored)

Live tooltips
Most columns of the main panel now show live tooltips
Number of stops to show can be controlled in settings
Tooltip font is now fixed width and its size can be altered in the settings

Detection of Line Issues
Transport Tool now monitors your public transport lines and will warn when issues are found, including:
  • Detects and warns if transport line vehicles despawn (requires Harmony)
  • Detects and warns if transport line vehicles stop moving or are stuck in congestion
  • Detects if transport line stops have issues.
  • Detects and warns if bored count gets beyond a specified threshold.
Clicking on the warning will open the Line Issues panel and take you to the location

To open the panel, click on the orange bus icon on the main toolbar (toolbar at the bottom of the screen) or in the Unified UI toolbar if you use that or press CTRL+I (configurable)

The toolbar buttons can be controlled in the settings menu.
The "Bored Threshold" setting controls when people are considered "Bored"

Warnings can be controlled in settings.
Source Code
Source code can be found here Github[]

I have set up a translation project on CrowdIn[]
You are invited to join and provide translations, if you want me to add a language just leave a message in the comments below.

We have set up a Discord[] sever to help with support.
If you appreciate my efforts then a small donation would be welcome.

Version 2.5.8
    Bug fix: Fixed crash when closing Cities Skylines
Version 2.5.7
  • Design change: Updated look of panels.
Version 2.5.6
  • Design change: Don't change tab to show line issues, just keep currently selected tab.
  • Bug fix: Fixed tab not being selected when first opening panel.
Version 2.5.5
  • Added support for new UnifiedUI mod by code:witch.

See version history for earlier changes.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2022年3月13日 14時28分
ピン留め: Version History
249 件のコメント
Zulu75 7月30日 22時32分 
This is must have mod🤩
Thanks for awesome mod!👍😁
vic.foras 2月26日 19時04分 
I noticed that the game simulation is extremely slow, this mod was the only one that updated recently. Could it be related?
Sleepy  [作成者] 2月26日 15時10分 
@PhazezGova and @Ray Eldath

I have released version 2.5.8 which should hopefully solve the crash for you. Let me know if it is still causing you issues.
PhazezGova 2月22日 23時39分 
Since today the following error message appears:

The Mod E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Games\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\2760310384 [UnifiedUILib.dll, PublicTransportInfo.dll] has caused an error [ModException]

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ToolsModifierControl.get_mainToolbar () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.MainToolbarButton.GetMainToolStrip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.MainToolbarButton.Destroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.PublicTransportInstance.Destroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.PublicTransportLoader.OnReleased () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at LoadingWrapper.OnLoadingExtensionsReleased () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Ray Eldath 2月10日 3時37分 
Same on my device. When exiting from a replay to the main menu:

The Mod /Users/ray/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/255710/2760310384 [PublicTransportInfo.dll] has caused an error [ModException]

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ToolsModifierControl.get_mainToolbar () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.MainToolbarButton.GetMainToolStrip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.MainToolbarButton.Destroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.PublicTransportInstance.Destroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PublicTransportInfo.PublicTransportLoader.OnReleased () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at LoadingWrapper.OnLoadingExtensionsReleased () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
buda atum 2023年9月14日 6時07分 
Awesome mod, @Sleepy. Thanks for making it.
Sleepy  [作成者] 2023年9月12日 23時31分 

No definitely not Transport Tool.
franzeusq 2023年9月5日 3時12分 
The cims refuse to board the transport, it started to happen these days. Can the mod be related?
Snewo-NL 2023年9月1日 6時51分 
Can you make it see the panel stays open? It's quite annoying when I select a stop, that I have the open the panel again for another stop. Or at least make a setting?
Moyocoya 2023年7月7日 7時40分 
I can't get the buzzer to work. Have I missed something?