Arma 3
81 个评价
Men Of Sin
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Character, Equipment
1.219 MB
2022 年 2 月 16 日 下午 1:27
2022 年 2 月 16 日 下午 3:48
2 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Men Of Sin

在 turfy 的 1 个合集中
Turfy's Mods
18 件物品
NOTE: This is a ALiVE faction mod. ALiVE is not needed to play this mod, but is required if you want to make changes to the loadout in virtual arsenal. see last pic above to find out how.

!!! Link to City Of Sin !!!

!!! Link to City Of Sin LITE !!!

Mod Description
Adds 3 factions to arma 3, two mafia's and one law enforcement factions designed for the early 1900's interwar era. Besides a few class's such as machine gunners, most units default loadouts will contain & be able to carry a very limited amount of ammo. No faction/ sub faction are designed for prolonged combat or large firefights, not even the national guard ("The Law" sub faction) though they are better suited as they do carry a bit more ammo and have more firepower. This is to encourage a greater usage of vehicle storage and storage depots, inturn making those vehicles and territory more "valuable" to capture, destroy, & defend. The names of the mafias & its members (aside from a few inspired by utopia UK) have no relation to any real world people or organizations.

Factions Descriptions
These backstories were just quickly written up to help explain why both mafia gangs AI act so militaristic. I.e. why they act/ fight more like soldiers then like gangsters.

The Law A combined faction of constables, detectives, federal agents, and the national guard. Standard GTA style 1-5 star wanted tier system, found in the groups tab. Each sub faction/ tier has access to greater firepower then the last. Although not apart of any law enforcement agency, at the highest level the nation guard are brought in to reestablish order.
* - foot patrol
** - motor patrol
*** - detectives
**** - federal agents
***** - nation guard.

The Family A large international crime family which is dominated by, but not exclusive to, members of Irish descent. They made a name for themselves for being overly aggressive towards their competition and law enforcement. Though this constant state of conflict has kept their numbers low, but the ones that remain are extremely combat hardened.
(Note: i have not made a boss character for the family, that i leave to you. you can select any of the existing members, make your own, or it can even be you! )

The Outfit Originally just a peace agreement between 3 different small time gangs/ clubs mostly comprised of Great War veterans that couldn't find stable work. Utilizing their experience the group was able to grow rapidly in just a small amount of time by forcefully absorbing or eliminating smaller gangs into its ranks. Due to the groups origin & leadership its foot soldiers are overly uniform and well equipped. While it's upper ranks prefer a more espionage way of operating, often hiding in plain sight while using messengers to relay orders. Not much is known about them other then that each of them were officers of some kind in each of the 3 major allied powers during the Great War, and that they go by the call signs of Veni, Vidi, Vici.

RECOMMENDED / Assets seen in pics - Geist - Retextured gaz m1's - Flying Circus - Zeppelins and biplanes - ATS - Trains - NIArms - Full-auto/ carbine versions of the C96 - Naval Legends - Boats - Charlieco89's Mod Pack - All the unique cars - East Asia War - 1936 dodge, swords, more C96's - aftermath- lots of guns, clothes, and melee - Improved Melee System - Melee & Melee AI - The Free World Armoury - More Thompsons

Questions & Answers
Q: What is a alive faction mod?
A: It is a mod made using the ALiVE mod, all done in game. It replaces base units default loadouts on spawn & initialization with the loadouts I have created, that is why you need the mod if you with to make changes. see last pic above to find out how.

Q: What maps were used for the pics?
A: City Of Sin (link above)
New York City

Q: Where can i find the death zone object if i wish to expand this?
A: I made a comp that makes all the assets easy to find/ use, found here:

Q: No iconic Italian mafia faction?
A: None of the mods add italian-english voices, and i didn't want to add extra mods just for voices, also the unsung mod overrides all vanilla voices, leaving even less to work with. and yes, i know the UK ascent isn't an irish ascent, same answer. but if you don't mind the extra mods then its not hard to give the units different voices.

Known Bugs & Issues
- some units have multiple heads, some with & without hair. if a unit spawns with hair sticking out of their hat they are meant to use their no hair heads. just delete and respawn the unit until you get the desired look
- No melee units as they require they're own AI that i was unable to find it in alive.
33 条留言
turfy  [作者] 6 月 17 日 下午 1:41 
@SewerHampster Nope. 1. becouse its not DLC, they just call it "creator DLC" to trick people into buying it thinking BI made it, its just a monitized mod and ill never use a mod you have to pay for over a free mod everyone can use & enjoy. 2. i don't support monitizing mods, mainly becouse the mod devs that actually make it get very little - NONE of the money, & also very little recognition. imo its a lazy, greedy, scummy practice, almost always a case of "big guy just takin advantage of the little guys". we should kill it like lootboxs but its probably our future
SewerHampster 6 月 16 日 上午 12:29 
Since Vietnam DLC is out.. do you consider removing Unsung from required mod? Unsung is too big.
Bizwiz 2023 年 6 月 22 日 上午 10:49 
Bizwiz 2023 年 6 月 13 日 上午 11:06 
I tried.
Bizwiz 2023 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:24 
I'll keep trying tomorrow.
Bizwiz 2023 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:20 
turfy  [作者] 2023 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:13 
try with just the required mods and see if the issue persists, if nto then you know it must be one of the entra mods you had loaded. then just trial & error will you find the one causing the issue.
Bizwiz 2023 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:08 
I have quite a lot of mods.
Bizwiz 2023 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:05 
It might be a mod conflict.
turfy  [作者] 2023 年 6 月 12 日 下午 9:03 
what is? you still getting the same message? are you trying with just the required mods or other mods too? this is an alive mod if you dont have somethin the units will just not have those assets, it doesnt break the game, maybe a mod conflict?