

129 次評價
Guide to all pictures
由 Mister Lower 發表
Complete guide to filling up the picture album. (No longer being maintained)
This guide is no longer being maintained. The information within this guide should still hold up, but there are a few pictures missing.

If an image requires you to perform an action that seemingly isn't there, try messing with your Darkness (for /st) or Affection (for Spend Time Together) to get the different actions.

If you just want to unlock all images (or most) without working for them, there is a possible solution in the end of guide section.
Ame pictures

CREDITS-The hardest one to get, gotta pay real money for this
000---/st/---Stir ♥♥♥♥
001---/st/---Go Undercover
002---Hang Out---Play game
003---Medication---Magic Grass
004---Stream---Conspiracy Theory 2
005---Hang Out---Pity Party
006/007---Event---Have 80+ affection on night 23, then visit her parents day 24.
008---Event---Day 15 low darkness and affection. Reply with top answer 8 times for picture.
009---Go Out---Akihabara
010---Go Out---Akihabara
011---Stream---Angel Explains 2
012---Hang out---Spend Time Together (?)
Kangel pictures

013---Ending---Do the 60 mental darkness and affection event on night 15, then get the Utopian Parody ending and answer correctly to which trauma she revealed to you.
014---Stream---Internet Angel 5
015/016/017---Stream---Sexy Stream 5, change the language to get the desired one.
018---Go Out---Shibuya
019---Stream---Kangel Tries Stuff 1
020---Event---Early on she will ask you what to put on her wishlist, choose cosplay and you'll get the picture later
021 all the way to 025---Ending---Do You Love Me?
026---Medication---Magic Grass
027---Hang Out---***
028---Stream---Chat & Chill 1
029---Stream---Sexy Stream 4
030---Stream---Let's Play 3
031---/st/---Go Undercover
032---Ending---(Un)happy End World
033 to 036---Random event---She'll ask you which color to paint her nails.
037---Ending---Happy End World
039---Go Out---Nakano
040---Stream---Breakdown Stream 3
041---tweeter---Bash Others
042---Stream---ASMR Stream 1
043---Tweeter---Vent on Main
044---Stream---Netlore 1
045---Stream---Posted directly after the first stream on day 1, good luck missing this one.
046---Medication---Magic Paper
047---Medication---OD Depaz/Embian
048---Medication---OD Dyslem
049---Ending---Nerdy Girl Overload
050/051---Unobtainable, probably. Check end of guide segment for more info.
052/053---Stream---Sexy Stream 5, but you guessed it, change the game language.
054/059---Ending---Internet Runaway Angel: Be Invoked
Realistic pictures

000---Hang Out---***
001---Go Out---Akihabara
002---Go Out---Akihabara
003---Go Out---Akihabara
004---Go Out---Akihabara
005---Random Event---Can appear at start of day.
006---Go Out---Jinbocho
007---Go Out---Jinbocho
008---Event---Have 500k+ followers on day 27, picture comes on day 29
009---Hang out---Spend Time Together
010---Go Out---Asakusa
011---Go Out---Asakusa
012---Data0---Found in secret.txt
013---Go Out---Kichijoji
014---Go Out---Ueno
015---Random Event---Can appear at start of day.
016---Go Out---Hikarigaoka Park
017---Go Out---Harajuku
018---Go Out---Harajuku
019---Go Out---Harajuku
020---Go Out---Harajuku
021---Go Out---Ichigaya
022---Go Out---Ikebukuro
023---Go Out---Ikebukuro
024---Go Out---Ikebukuro
025---Go Out---Ikebukuro
026---Go Out---Akihabara
027---Go Out---Ikebukuro
028---Go Out---Ikebukuro
029---Go Out---Ikebukuro
030---Go Out---Asakusa
031---Random Event---Can appear at start of day.
032---Random Event---Can appear at start of day/dusk/night
033---Go Out---Shimokitazawa
034---Go Out---Shimokitazawa
035---Ending---Welcome To My Religion
036---Go Out---Kichijoji
037---Go Out---Nakano
038---Go Out---Nakano
039---Go Out---Nakano
040---Go Out---Nakano (night-time only)
041---Go Out---Harajuku
042---Go Out---Hikarigaoka Park
043---Go Out---Hikarigaoka Park
044---Medication---OD Depaz
045---Tweeter---Daily Tweet
046---Hang Out---Cuddle
047---Unobtainable, probably. Check end of guide section.
048---Hang Out---Cuddle
049---Go Out---Toyosu
050---Hang Out---Spend Time Together
051---Video streaming
052---Go Out---Toyosu
053---Go Out---Shibuya
054---Go Out---Ichigaya
055---Go Out---Shibuya
056---Go Out---Shibuya
057---Medication---Take recommended dose
058---Go Out---Shibuya
059---Go Out---Shibuya
060---Go Out---Shimokitazawa
061---Go Out---Shimokitazawa
062---Go Out---Shinjuku
063---Go Out---Ueno
064---Go Out---Ueno
065---Go Out---Ueno
066---/st/---Search Opinions
End of guide
The 3 pictures that are described as ''unobtainable'' can be obtained by editing a certain file. If you want to know how to obtain the unobtainable pictures (or just get all of them without working for them), read the short guide found just below. For your own sake you really should make a backup of the file, otherwise the game might not work.


The guide is rather old, so it either may not work, or at best give you all but 8 pictures.

Super special thanks to Martin, L||M_4 and g for helping out a lot with this guide!

If you think something is wrong, pretty pls comment.
39 則留言
Nyctoooo 9 月 11 日 上午 3:38 
File060-064 is the sexy stream with more languages - vietnamese, german, spanish, french, italian respectively
D.VA 7 月 22 日 下午 5:20 
@nataroni did you get img005 by any chance? If you know how, please let me know. As far as I know, img031 cannot get from steam version
nataroni 5 月 6 日 下午 2:03 
i tried all the methods but i still cant get img31 (all mental darknesses, mornings, etc) but there's this morning event where she just doesn't talk? it the event broken or has anyone got a way to get img31 ;;;;
Garrafon 1 月 3 日 下午 4:33 
@Courtflash Do sexy stream (5) in vietnamese, german, french, italian and spanish.
Courtflash 1 月 3 日 下午 3:19 
Does anyone know how to get File 060-064? Yes, File, not IMG. There's a 060-064 after IMG 66.
molki 2023 年 11 月 13 日 下午 10:55 
is there a way of obtaining img 47 now or not??
Hinoe 2023 年 7 月 19 日 下午 3:59 
last update added another pictures from sexy stream for other languages
eclipse 2023 年 5 月 27 日 下午 11:32 
i cant get kangel pic 13 from utopian parody ending
Broomstick Girl Magical Amber 2023 年 4 月 8 日 下午 6:25 
@g @Soy Thanks, I tried some more and managed to get IMG032. I got fed up trying for IMG031 though.
Soy 2023 年 3 月 8 日 下午 1:43 
I followed @g's recommendation and kept the stats between 40-60 every day since day 12 or so, exhausted practically all day daily events, and then reloaded day 29 about 500 times. Didn't get event IMG031 even once. On what day did you guys get it? Is there another requirement? I had 84300 followers.

@Broomstick Girl Magical Amber: IMG032 is (with a high probability) a dusk/night event, NOT a day/dusk/night event if you've missed that.