Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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12 feb 2022, ore 23:26
18 feb 2022, ore 8:43
3 note di rilascio ( visualizza )
In 2 collezioni di uncle ron
Uncle Ron's Maps and Theme Mixes
37 elementi
One Click Collection - Tyrol
37 elementi
European | Realistic | Alpine | Mods Required

Please note that subscribing downloads two versions of the map 'Railway 2' custom rail and a 'Vanilla Rail' version
  1. Subscribe to all assets and mods within linked ‘One-Click Collection’ for the 'Railway 2' version. Don't subscribe to the custom rail assets and associated mods if you're running the 'Vanilla Rail' version.
  2. Start Cities Skylines, enter Content Manager to activate any new mods. Ensure your 'Tree Anarchy' settings enable at least 1.3 million trees on load otherwise your map will be broken.
  3. Map is now ready for playing.
  4. If using Railway Replacer... Any railway catenary and props must be selected in the Railway Replacer by pressing SHIFT + ALT + P. Familarise yourself with the Railway Replacer Mod and the Railway 2 Collection
If you encounter errors, please check the discussions for advice on how to fix them
Alps Dolomites w/ Snow EUR Theme
Relight Alpine
Daylight Classic
Select options 1, 2 and 3 only
Select ‘Classic Fog Effect’ only
Yes – See screenshot for settings
Ultimate Eyecandy
Yes – See screenshot for settings
Cubemap Replacer
Yes – HDMI Cubemap Kloofendal

This map has been commissioned by Gardening Buddy (listed as a co-creator who has influenced the assets and look of the map) who asked for an Alpine environment in the Nord Tirol to provide an amazing backdrop to constrained buildable spaces and countryside.

The map location is inspired by the town and environs of Reutte in the state of Tirol in Austria, but not a 1:1 recreation (as heights are approx 80-85% of reality due to CSL limitations).

An 81-tiles mod is recommended to play all buildable areas.

Traffic lights by Clus are not required to load the map, so are not listed as a Required Item, but are included in the One-Click Collection.

The real rail line is single track. A double track is provided for gameplay reasons.

The map includes some Props from Parklife DLC. These will not appear if you do not have the DLC.

TMPE settings for junctions have been set in the editor.

Highway Connections
Rail Connections
Air Connections
Shipping Connections
Buildable Space

I'd welcome your feedback and questions via the comments below.

Thanks to…
- Gardening Buddy and Sidai for testing the map.
- All the creators of the assets used in this map.
- Brom for creating a bespoke tree brush.
- Raccoon for the downvote fairies image.
- BonBonB and members of his Discord channel.


Enjoying downvoting assets for no reason?

Tags: European, Central Europe, Alps, Alpine, Tirol, Tyrol, Austria, 1:1 Scale, Snow, Swiss, Switzerland, Realistic, Map, Mountain, Mountains, River, Rivers, Waterfalls, Fields
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (1)
13 lug 2022, ore 4:08
Potential solutions to solving map errors
uncle ron
16 commenti
PSYCHO 23 ott 2022, ore 13:08 

I'm unable to build anything. I Can't even place roads. It's saying that its out of the city's limits. I can't even zoom out to see the whole map and buy tiles. I get a lot of error messages with the 81 tiles mod.

Anyone else have these issues?
ilcicci1983 3 apr 2022, ore 15:05 
Great map
Remixthis 6 mar 2022, ore 12:41 
I really like the castle ruins. I recently went to them on my way back from a snowboarding trip. That got me most excited. Fort Claudia
Kalifornia Belem 27 feb 2022, ore 2:52 
This map has been reviewed by BonbonB here :

I rated it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5. Perfect, bravo !
uncle ron  [autore] 16 feb 2022, ore 0:26 
@IhmeHihhuli ™ constructive feedback is essential to everyone! Glad you liked the map!
Emaxmagnus 15 feb 2022, ore 15:21 
Good to know you've foind the issue and good for me it wasnt on my end. I'm having a blast with the other version :)
IhmeHihhuli ™ 15 feb 2022, ore 11:35 
Ah yes the good old downvoting without commenting why so that the creator could perhaps improve their work if there's something wrong with it :lunar2019grinningpig:

Fancy looking work as usual though uncle ron! :hardhat:
Indometus 15 feb 2022, ore 5:36 
lmfao nice meme
uncle ron  [autore] 14 feb 2022, ore 6:32 
As an update @Emaxmagnus there was a phantom node in the vanilla rail version of the network from the original railway 2 map, prior to downgrading to vanilla rail. This has been relayed to the mod developer who is looking into the issue. Hopefully I will be able to reupload the vanilla rail version if this can be fixed. Sorry this caused issues for you.
Emaxmagnus 13 feb 2022, ore 12:31 
gotcha, I'll use the other map then. Thanks!