Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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The Black Bishop Achievement Guide
Por Elvaril
Step-by-step guide to getting the Black Bishop achievement for Crusader Kings II.
Only Sons of Abraham is required to get this achievement, but I highly recommend also running Rajas of India as it makes getting this achievement much easier. The method used in my guide is still possible without Rajas of India, but it is not nearly as fast.
1. Start off by selecting the Third Crusade start and select the Kingdom of Sicily. Turn on Ironman and you're ready to start the game.

2. You'll have a lot of territories in your demesne. Try to get a start that gives you at least five demesne counties. Start off by giving the County of Bari to the Duke of Apulia. Make your capital Napoli or Pallermo, then give two of the Sicilian counties to their respective priests along with the rest of the Sicilian counties.

3. Set the Investiture Law to free. If playing with Conclave, you'll need to request support from enough council members to pass the law as you will need it relatively soon.

4. Your next goal is to convert your culture to Italian by right clicking your character portrait. (Note: This is only possible with the Rajas of India DLC. Otherwise you will need to have an heir educated by an Italian with the diligent trait which will take time. Having Italian culture is incredibly helpful with getting this achievement.) For this you need 500 prestige and you preferably want to do it before your wife gives birth to a male heir. To do that you will need to create the Duchies of Sicily and either Capua or Salerno as creating the Duchies will give you 200 prestige apiece. This costs roughly 400 gold total to do, but you don't need to take a loan from the Jewish Merchants to do it as you should be racking up anywhere between 30-50 gold a month from taxes. You'll have the gold in no time. You should set your focus to theology to get more chances to earn piety. Now you are ready to unpause the game.

5. When you create the Duchy of Sicily, you immediately want to give it to one of the Prince-Bishops as this will give him a very high secular power to get elected to the College of Cardinals. It is unlikely for the first priest to be the one that will be getting you the achievement though which is why you need Free Investiture.

6. Sometime during all this the Pope will declare a Crusade. Usually this will be for Andalusia, because why should the third crusade target the actual location of the third historical third crusade? That's just silly.
Anyways, join the Crusade and send all your troops to the country being attacked. You mainly want the bonus prestige, piety, and gold that comes with the crusade.

7. You should soon have enough prestige to convert to Italian culture. Do it as soon as possible. Once you have changed culture, spend all of your piety inviting holy men to your court. You want to make sure you are Italian before inviting the holy men as Italian's get a +200 bonus to the College of Cardinals and their eventual Papal suitability. Then go to the religion tab to select who should be the heir to your Prince-Bishop friend. The person you select needs to have at least one sin (traits with a red background), with the more the better. They also need 2 or less of both intrigue and diplomacy. High learning learning helps, but low intrigue, diplomacy, and sins are the most important. Being young is pretty useful as well as you need him to survive long enough.

Credit: Quendorsof has informed me that "a bishop being a lunatic, cynical, possessed, homosexual or hedonist will also work."

8. Once you have selected the heir to the prince-bishopric, you want him to start leading your crusade troops. Then start besieging county capitals with your army. Every county capital you siege in the crusade grants the leader of the siege +100 prestige and piety, which will give your heir a nice little bump that will push him ahead when it comes to be election time. So siege the capital then move to the next one. Try to keep your troops away from those of your allies so that their commanders don't take over as siege leader.

9. Once the crusade has ended, bring your troops on home. The original Prince-Bishop should hopefully have died by this point. Either assassinate him or wait for nature to take its course so your chosen successor can take the throne. Make your new Prince-Bishop court chaplain and send him to improve religious relations in Rome, which will grant him another +100 bonus to getting elected. All this should push him far ahead of your other vassals' bishops so that he should easily be your best cardinal candidate.

10. Pause the game. Put enough money into his election fund that he is at least over 100 ahead of anyone else who might be trying to get their candidate elected. (IMPORTANT NOTE You must put at least ten gold into his election fund, otherwise it will not count as you having funded the priest and the achievement will NOT pop even if he gets elected.) Now you just have to wait on someone to die, although you can always plot an assassination in an attempt to force your guy's way in early. If you have Monks and Mystics, joining the Satanists or the Assassins would be a good way to take out a few obstacles in your path.
Also note that if your ruler dies after the priest becomes a cardinal then it will not count toward the achievement. You will have to start the process over.

11. Once the priest develops the Wicked Priest trait he should still have enough secular power that the others will want to elect him (in my tests the secular power, Italian culture, and being in Rome got him +510 Papal suitability), but you might need to to take out a few people on the way. This used to be a lot easier back when there was an assassination button. Now you just have to keep plotting against the preferatus until your guy is on top, which takes time. No more killing the pope and half the college to force your guy to ascend. To further increase Papal suitability, you can give your Cardinal more titles and grant him county level vassals which will increase his secular power.

As a potential alternative I have been informed by noxbestia that once a bishop that you have funded has been elected to the College of Cardinals you may turn him into an anti-pope and press his claim, earning the achievement. Some people have reported that this works and other people have reported that it does not work. Personally I earned the achievement through waiting for the old pope to die and my guy to be elected, so I would recommend that method.

13. That's it. Your Wicked Priest should now be the Pope. Beware though, the Wicked Priest might amend his ways and lose the Wicked Priest trait upon his ascension to the Throne of Saint Peter, ruining all of your hard work and preventing you from getting the achievement. You just need to be willing to start over from scratch if you really mess up.

98 comentarios
All Might impossible boy 19 AGO 2023 a las 9:19 a. m. 
Yes i have iron man enable, i have play with saint german empire in 1066.
Then i had found a wicked priest, invited him and gived him de jure duchy and temple to increase his chance to be cardinal.
I've fund is campain to be cardinal ( assasinate the other preferatus) and when he was elected his score was high enough to make him pope. I just wait until the pope die and he was pope but nothing...
i don't kniw why this doesn't work
Elvaril  [autor] 18 AGO 2023 a las 9:43 a. m. 
What exactly did you do? I need more details to try and figure out what happened and why the achievement didn't fire. Did you
A. have ironman enabled?
B. fund your realm priest?

Those are the two most important steps that will prevent the achievement from firing. Also did your candidate get elected normally or did you push him as an anti-pope?
All Might impossible boy 18 AGO 2023 a las 6:31 a. m. 
I just do it with the german empire but it doesnt work don t know why
Max 20 ABR 2020 a las 8:44 a. m. 

In order to conquer Europe with Mongols, it is pretty easy to do it without Conclave as the Nomadic government is much easier to manage. And if you want to conquer the steppes as a feudal ruler, just disable Horse Lords: all the steppe will be Tribal, making the conquest much smoother.

But that's the easy way for those who really want to hunt achievements, I find it more rewarding with a bit more difficulty.
konzerv 20 ABR 2020 a las 8:13 a. m. 
With horse Lords its a nightmare. Constant threat of the conquered land turning back noman upon your leader dying.... had to build castles all the way :p
Elvaril  [autor] 20 ABR 2020 a las 6:49 a. m. 
Not really, but I did it before Horse Lords released so it's probably different now. Only thing is to make sure you have control of every barony. I missed one when I was doing it and had to scour the map county by county until I found it.
konzerv 18 ABR 2020 a las 11:02 p. m. 
Oh. And is it hard to conquer Western Europe with the mongols for the achievement? :v
Elvaril  [autor] 16 ABR 2020 a las 10:19 a. m. 
I have every achievement in CK2.
konzerv 13 ABR 2020 a las 1:56 p. m. 
Did you do the one about starting as western europian and conquer the eastern steppes?
Elvaril  [autor] 13 ABR 2020 a las 6:28 a. m. 
O, you were ordering them to end their wars individually, not enforcing realm peace, weren't you? Yeah, that part is kind of important for the achievement.