37 ratings
✅Commands for the administrator and not only [2024] [EN/RU]
🔷Most used commands for vanilla server
🔷Multiple control commands for Oxide
🔷Some binds for mod. servers
🔷You can suggest how to supplement the guide
🔶 You can also ask a question, I will help by virtue of my knowledge
🔶Check out the FAQ section
🔶Данное руководство на Русском
1. Commands over the server
These commands are intended for both the game console and the server console.

restart <seconds>
restart server after <seconds> seconds
may not work if the server startup file is configured incorrectly start.bat
[more details in FAQ]
env.time <value>
set in-game server time to <value> [0 to 23]
env.progresstime true/false
turn on/off the passage of time
craft.instant true/false
quick craft for everyone on/off
server.itemdespawn 180
time until an item despawn
sv meta.add oceanlevel <value>
raise or lower ocean level by <value> [from -ထ to +ထ] in steps of 0.1
ownerid <SteamID64>
add admin by steamid64
removeowner <SteamID64>
remove admin
moderatorid <SteamID64>
add moderator by steamid64 (has no authority over admins)
removemoderator <SteamID64>
remove moderator
2. Helpful commands
These commands are intended for the game console.

enable/disable the ability to pass through walls
player.noclip speed 10 - flight speed
player.noclip speed fast 50 - fast speed (+shift)
player.noclipspeedslow 2 - slow speed (+ctrl)
god true/false
enable(true) disable(false) immortality
ent lock
lock object: padlock/table/workbench/door, etc.
ent unlock
unlock object: padlock/table/workbench/door, etc.
ent who
find out who owns an object
restore health/thirst/satiety parameters
enable/disable camera flight, the player's game model stays in place
admintime <value>
allows the administrator to change their local time [0 to 23 (-1 off)]
enter spectator mode from the type of players on the server (the game model will die)
respawn (exit spectator mode)
go to sleep (your player model will go to sleep as if you were logged out of the server)
view the statistics of the damage you have caused
(✅available to all)
perf <value>
0 - off
1 - display FPS
2 - display FPS, latency
3 - display FPS, latency, RAM usage
4 - display FPS, latency, RAM usage, garbage collection
5 - display FPS, latency, RAM usage, garbage collection, ping
6 - display FPS, latency, RAM usage, garbage collection, ping and tasks
(✅available to all)
graphics.vm_horizontal_flip 0/1
change hands [0 - left; 1 - right]
(✅available to all)

bind <button> noclip - make a bind for the command to pass through walls to the <button>
3. Object spawn
These commands are intended for the game console.

ent kill
(player buildings, trees, mined stones, etc. does not work for everything)
spawnat <coordinates>
coordinates are specified in the format 0.0,0.0,0.0 necessarily with a dot, each 0.0
spawnhere <distance> <tilt angle>
distance is given as a whole number
the angle is specified in the format 0.0,0.0,0.0 necessarily with a dot, each 0.0
(the principle is not clear yet, but several objects that I tested reacted to the first two values)
spawnhere can be written without values, the object will spawn above your head at an angle depending on the look
entity.find_radius <value>
(everything counts, even in your and other inventories)

bind <button> ent kill ➖ make a bind for the command to remove objects on the <button>
3.1. Transport
spawn sedantest
car (old)
spawn ch47.entity
Chenook helicopter (cargo helicopter without bots)
spawn attackhelicopter
armed helicopter
spawn hotairballoon
spawn minicopter
spawn transporthelicopter
hot air balloon
homemade helicopter
spawn kayak
spawn rowboat
spawn rhib
kayak (raft)
small wooden boat
big boat (fast)
spawn submarinesolo.entity
spawn submarineduo.entity
single-seat submarine
double submarine
spawn testridablehorse
riding horse
spawn pedalbike
spawn pedaltrike
single seat bicycle
two-seater bicycle
spawn motorbike
spawn motorbike_sidecar
single seat motorcycle
motorcycle with sidecar
spawn 2module_car
spawn 3module_car
spawn 4module_car
2-module car
3-module car
4-module car
spawn workcart_aboveground.entity
spawn workcart_aboveground2.entity
spawn locomotive.entity
small locomotive
small locomotive (armored)
big locomotive
spawn trainwagona
spawn trainwagonb
spawn trainwagonc/_basetrainwagon
spawn trainwagonunloadable.entity
spawn trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity
spawn trainwagonunloadableloot.entity
spawn traincaboose
wagon without a roof
railway carriage
resource (random)
with items
casino wagon (3.5 is unbreakable)
spawn snowmobile
spawn magnetcrane
excavator with magnet
(has a zone limit, will break if it goes beyond it)
3.2. Fun
spawn bradleyapc
Bradley tank
spawn travellingvendor
van trader
spawn f15e
fighter, starts to fly on the map
heli.drop <nickname/ID64>
the helicopter starts patrolling along its route
patrol helicopter flies to your location
spawn a patrol helicopter above the player
launch an airdrop event
start an airdrop event to the location
spawn ch47scientist
Chenook helicopter (cargo helicopter with bots)
spawn cargoshiptest
spawn cargo ship
spawn xmasportalentry
spawn xmasportalexit
entrance to the New Year's cave
exit (can be used to block the passage)
spawn halloweenportalentry
spawn halloweenportalexit
zombie cave entrance (halloween)
exit (can be used to block the passage)
spawn player
bot man
spawn scientist
spawn tunneldweller
spawn underwaterdweller
spawn murderer
spawn xmasdwelling
bot scientist
subway bot
underwater laboratory bot
zombie with cleaver
cookie bot
spawn zombie
cubic zombie
3.3. Animals
spawn horse
spawn boar
spawn chicken
spawn stag
spawn bear
spawn polarbear
polar bear
spawn wolf
3.4. Harvest/pickup
spawn palm_tree
spawn pine
spawn oak
spawn birch
trees, the console will prompt options
subgroup of palms
subgroup of pines
subgroup of oaks
birch subgroup
spawn hemp-collectable
hemp bush
spawn corn-collectable
spawn pumpkin-collectable
spawn berry-black-collectable
spawn mushroom-cluster-5
spawn mushroom-cluster-6
berry bush: black, blue, green, red, white, yellow
spawn diesel_collectable
a barrel of diesel fuel
spawn ore_stone/metal/sulfur
ore stone/iron/sulphur
spawn crate_
box subgroup
basic; elite; mine; normal; tools
spawn codelockedhackablecrate
spawn codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig
spawn bradley_crate
spawn heli_crate
spawn supply_drop
spawn xmastunnellootbox
Chinook box
oil rig box
tank box
helicopter box
support cargo
New Year's box from the tunnel
spawn junkpile
a subgroup of garbage heaps
spawn xmasrefill
New Year gifts
3.5. Active
spawn mlrs.entity
Spawn MLRS
spawn recycler
spawn marketplace
drone purchase station
spawn modularcarlift.static
car lift (active)
spawn TrainCaboose.static
casino wagon (unbreakable)
spawn slotmachine
spawn static_config
spawn blackjackmachine.static
subgroup of poker tables
blackjack machine
spawn npcvendingmachin
a subgroup of NPC vending machines, the console will prompt
spawn big_wheel
spawn bigwheelbettingterminal
roulette wheel of the city of bandits
betting terminals
more in FAQ
spawn door.hinged.elevator_door
double elevator door
spawn sentry.scientist
spawn sentry.bandit
scientist automatic turret (active)
bandit automatic turret (active)
(peaceful, give c.d. when attacked as a safe zone)
spawn sam_static
сosmodrome air defense (active)
spawn carshredder
car recycler
spawn shopfront.metal.static
share showcase
spawn chair.static
chair (unbreakable)
spawn toilet_a.static
toilet (unbreakable)
spawn sofa_pattern.static
sofa (unbreakable)
spawn chippyarcademachine.static
arcade machine Chippy
spawn computerstation.static
computer station (unbreakable)
spawn generator.static
power generator (200k energy)
spawn repairbench_static
spawn researchtable_static
repair workbench (unbreakable)
research table (unbreakable)
spawn workbench1.static
workbench 1 lvl (unbreakable)
spawn bbq.static
bbq (unbreakable)
spawn small_refinery_static
refinery (unbreakable)
spawn waterwellstatic
manual water pump
spawn pumpjack-static
oil pump
spawn harbor_dynamic_container
container with opening doors
spawn boombox.static
boombox (unbreakable)
spawn bandit_conversationalist
spawn airwolf spawner

Helicopter dealer
spawn point for purchased helicopters
(binding distance unknown)
cannot be removed with "ent kill"
3.6. Static

spawn desert_dwelling_single_
console prompts to continue
desert base object subgroup
spawn nms_hatch
rocket shaft hatch
spawn coaling_tower_fuel_storage
fuel tank
spawn coaling_tower_ore_storage
ore container

spawn admin_cliff
spawn admin_rock
console prompts to continue
subgroup of cliffs
subgroup of rocks
spawn shreddable_pickuptruck
broken pickup truck
spawn harbor_crane_dynamic_rotate
spawn harbor_crane_dynamic_pickup
port cranes
spawn harbor_swing_bridge
harbor bridge
spawn harbor_container
group of abandoned containers
spawn cinelight_spot
spawn cinelight_point
subgroup lamps
subgroup balls of light

spawn bush_spicebush
console prompts to continue
subgroup of bushs
cannot be removed with "ent kill"
4. Server configuration commands
I recommend that you write the command in a special file server.cfg, and not in the launch of the file.
If it doesn't exist, create it. He is located here
<disk partition>:\<server folder>\rustds\server\<server identity>\cfg\server.cfg

server.hostname ""
server name
server.description ""
server description (/n - line break)
server.url "https:// "
website link
server.headerimage "https:// "
server image 1024x512 .png .jpg
server.logoimage "https:// "
server logo Rust+ App 256x256
server.motd ""
message to player in chat upon login
server.gamemode vanilla
vanilla - Standard game mode
softcore - Simplified game mode
hardcore - Hard game mode
server.tags "tag1,tag2,tag3"
weekly - weekend wipe | biweekly - two weeks wipe
monthly - wipe once a month
vanilla - no mods | broyale - battle royale
roleplay - roleplay | pve - PvE mode
softcore - softcore | minigame - minigames
battlefield - battlefield | training - shooting training
creative - creative | builds - construction
server.identity ""
server identity, the server will create the folder
with this name to store data, name
must match what is written in the launch file
server.pve "true/false"
on/off PvE mode
server.radiation "true/false"
on/off radiation
server.maxplayers ""
number of game slots
server.level ""
server map "Procedural Map", "Barren"
for custom map server.levelurl "https:// "
server.worldsize "4500"
map size
server.seed ""
seed is generated from 1 to 2147483647(not accurate)
server.port "28015"
server.queryport "28016"
rcon.port "28017"
app.port "28082"
server port for example 28015
server communication port
port for RCON
port for RUST+
server.woundingenabled "true/false"
true - player falls to death
false - player dies immediately
server.globalchat "true/false"
enable/disable global chat
server.idlekick "30"
server.idlekickmode "0"
server.idlekickadmins "1"
Number of minutes to kick inactive players
0 = off, 1 = full server, 2 = always
1 - admins cannot be kicked, 0 - can
max_sleeping_bags "15"
the number of sleeping bags the player has
"-1" disable limit
hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds "900"
Chinook box unlock time sec.
mlrs.brokendownminutes "10"
How many minutes of MLRS will be in rollback
server.stability "true/false"
enable/disable stability for buildings
server.itemdespawn 180
time until the item disappears in seconds
sentry.maxinterference "12"
sentry.maxinterference "40"
limiting the number of turrets in radius
range of turrets in meters
physics.gravity 1
Gravity of physical objects.
0-Off 1-Standard. step 0.1
carefully, affects the boat, items, etc.
No effect on the player
debug.disablecondition "true/false"
enable/disable item fire resistance
note that it will be possible to raid with anything
5. Commands over players
These commands are intended for the game console.

copy your clothes and hotbar to the player in front of you
mute <nickname/ID64>
unmute <nickname/ID64>
disable player voice and text chat
enable player voice and text chat
list of muted players
admin.killplayer <nickname>
kill player
injure <nickname>
lay down the player (is near death)
entity.deleteby <ID64>
delete all player objects
kick <nickname> "reason"
kick player from server
kickall "reason"
kick everyone from server
ban <nickname/ID64> "reason"
unban <nickname/ID64>
ban player on server
unban player on server
list of baned players
teleport <nickname>
teleports you to <nickname>
teleport2me <nickname>
teleports <nickname> to you
teleports you to a marker on the map
6. Oxide Commands
These commands are for the server console.

oxide.reload <plugin>
reloads the plugin (while the server is running)
oxide.unload <plugin>
stops the plugin (while the server is running)
oxide.load <plugin>
starts the plugin (while the server is running) add <group>
create a group <group> (for example: vip, platinum, etc.) remove <group>
delete group <group>
oxide.usergroup add <nickname/ID64> <group>
add to group <group> player <nickname/ID64>
oxide.usergroup remove <nickname/ID64> <group>
remove player <nickname/ID64> from group <group>
oxide.grant group <group> <privilege>
grant group <group> privilege <privilege>
oxide.revoke group <group> <privilege>
revoke privilege <privilege> from group <group>
oxide.grant user <nickname/ID64> <privilege>
give player <nickname/ID64> a privilege <privilege>
oxide.revoke user <nickname/ID64> <privilege>
revoke privilege <privilege> from player <nickname/ID64> user <nickname/ID64>
see what privileges a player has

oxide.grant group default unicorn.hat ➖ give group default access to a privilege unicorn.hat

<plugin> ➖ the name is taken from the plugins folder serverRUST\oxide\plugins\<plugin>

7. Binds for mod. servers
bind <button> "chat.say "/tpr <nickname>/ID64""<nickname>/ID64"
request a teleport to the player
bind <button> "chat.say /tpa"
accept teleport
bind <button> "chat.say /tpс"
cancel teleport
bind <button> "chat.say /trade <nickname>""<nickname>"
request to trade with a player
bind <button> "chat.say "/trade accept""accept;chat.say "/trade yes""yes"
accept trade request
bind <button> "chat.say "/home <name>""<name>"
teleport to home point
bind <button> ""
open backpack
bind <button> "chat.say /remove"
turn on building deletion mode

Example: binds on a numpad for two friends
bind keypad0 chat.say "/home 1""1 bind keypad2 chat.say "/tpc" bind keypad4 chat.say "/trade PEGaCORN"PEGaCORN bind keypad5 chat.say "/trade ASSW""ASSW bind keypad6 chat.say "/trade accept""accept;chat.say "/trade yes""yes bind keypad7 chat.say "/tpr PEGaCORN""PEGaCORN bind keypad8 chat.say "/tpr 76561198000000000""76561198000000000 bind keypad9 chat.say "/tpa"
----- FAQ -----
Some guide information

  1. for the restart command to work correctly, the startup file must contain labels for the console :start goto start

    an example from server posted on the site facepunch
    :start cd steam steamcmd.exe +runscript ../update_script.txt steamcmd.exe +runscript ../update_script.txt cd .. cd rustds RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.identity "my_server_identifity" -logFile "ServerLog.txt" -autoupdate cd ../ goto start

  2. when working with the console, most true\false can be replaced by 1/0

  3. Casino how to do
    3.1. you need to spawn the roulette itself spawn big_wheel
    3.2. spawn chairs spawn chair.static
    3.3. spawn terminals spawn bigwheelbettingterminal
    3.4. and here you will need to wait a few spins of the wheel until a timer appears in the terminals, it is possible to remove and put the wheel back on when the terminals are already standing.
    but there is a problem, it is placed without turning, this can be partially fixed by the command spawnhere without anything or by specifying, for example: entity.spawnhere big_wheel 2 85.0,50.0,0.0


Аnswers on questions

  1. add weather!
    There will be no weather here due to the complexity of the settings (the point is a large number of weather settings, its frequency, intensity, probability of occurrence, etc., some commands require registration in Server.cfg)
    Originally posted by odd man out:
    Well, there are a couple of commands that I know, they are written to the console for LAN.
    Fog: weather.fog "value" without quotes from 0 to 9
    Rain: weather.rain "value" without quotes from 0 to 9
    Clouds: weather.clouds "value" without quotes from 0 to 9
    Wind: weather.wind "value" without quotes from 0 to 9
    Might be useful to someone
    Originally posted by Wasilisc:
    Here are some more commands that give specific weather.
    weather.load Clear
    weather.load Dust
    weather.load Fog
    weather.load Overcast
    weather.load RainHeavy
    weather.load RainMild
    weather.load Storm

  2. Originally posted by dildoponi:
    How to give another player an item?
    give "item" "amount"
    give wood 777 or inventory.give wood 777
    giveall "item" "amount"
    giveall wood 777 or inventory.giveall wood 777
    giveto "nickname" "item" "amount"
    giveto PEGaCORN wood 777 or inventory.giveto PEGaCORN wood 777

  3. Originally posted by wremrnnoy:
    if possible, then teams for events
    spawn egghunt - event collecting eggs
    spawn halloweenhunt - candy collection event
    Unfortunately, the leaderboard does not work if the event is not launched during the official dates of the event (or I did not figure out how to enable it)
    it seems like it should be written in the config true

  4. Originally posted by karkush:
    Hello everyone, next question.

    Incorrect nicknames of players are displayed on all monitoring, how to make real nicknames of players displayed? Thanks :)
    For the correct display of the list of players, the command server.censorplayerlist "false" must be written

  5. Originally posted by Soller:
    Missing setting for a server to enable achievements. I met this on one server, there I got the achievement Smooth Sailing

    Bug server, with the command server.official "true"
    The team does not make the server official, for obvious reasons. Works on some achievements, not all!
    (for the specific achievement from the question, paddles and kayak must be researched and crafted, not issued)

>>>>>> на русском <<<<<<

[also you can report translation errors]
PEGaCORN  [author] 6 Oct @ 3:57am 
will be added later

spawn shopkeeper_vm_invis_waterwell
spawn waterwell_shopkeeper
74green 5 Oct @ 12:06pm 
Missed out the MOST important admin command...

inventory.giveall "pookie.bear" 1

AquaMan 5 Aug @ 10:47am 
PEGaCORN  [author] 4 Jul @ 6:36am 
[guidance in the translation process]
[also you can report translation errors]