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Öğe (8)
anime sound【cloud】+Weapon sound
Yaratıcı: 雲雪幽
anime sound【cloud】 我把游戏的声音改了 I change the sound 【還有公開招募各種攻擊的語音我手上只有三個】 【I just only has three attack voices ,if you guys have any other voice can tell me and send to me】 打开本mod所在位置【STEAM\steamapps\workshop\content\602960\2649949504】以开始进行替换安装mod 如果无法打开请确认你是...
Black Sea's Armory(BWeapons)
Yaratıcı: Bodevarc
Fixed,if you find any bug please let me know! Now with four language,English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Russian!Special thanks to Cain. Inspired by EK,i made this mod. Powerful Fractalguardian New Job with unique items: Iron Rider Weapons: Euro...
Escape From Barotrauma Beta
Yaratıcı: Kapral Efimenko Русская версия: Escape From Tarkov mod for Barotrauma. By: Капрал Ефименко Discord: Капрал Ефименко#1772 You can neve...
为了帝皇 For the emperor
Yaratıcı: 小康
战锤40k星际战士模组 2021.11.20更新 1.更新了物品的英文 2.修复与其他mod不兼容的bug,更新了弹匣的id,可能出现爆弹枪开火没反应,显示弹药用尽的bug,需要开新档解决,如果是潜艇编辑器里,需要在编辑器里把潜艇里原先的弹药和枪械移除后,把潜艇更新一下解决。其次可能会跳红字显示原先的弹匣缺失,属正常现象,重新按放弹匣即可。 PS: 下个版本将进行对物品制作和购买的调整。 有的朋友提出希望增加阿斯塔特手术强化肉身,这个目前还在研究,可能会是下一个更新之后的主要更新方向。 ...
Half-Life Combine Module Pack
Yaratıcı: SloppyTrainyard
Universal Union now visited Europa, because they can Adds various items and structures related to Combines from Half-Life game series Includes Outfits, with custom footsteps...
Yaratıcı: Maximus
*Sounds of sexy ogre* Buy it on any outpost just like any other instrument!...
Enhanced Ryder‘s Waifu+ 莱德改进型分支
Yaratıcı: サボり
注意!版本更新后可能会导致mod失效,但我已无空闲时间维护 !!基于莱德的二次元模组进行更改,除自制素材外,其他所有图像代码归原作者所有!! ⚠⚠⚠游戏内叫2JIEN+,懒得替换名字了(是的,罗马音还是错的 ⚠⚠⚠You might not find this mod in setting because it's In-Game name is "2JIEN+" 原地址 Modified based on Ryder's Anime Texture :