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30+ Tips I Wish I knew Moonlighter Guide
By Jovian
These are things I Wish I knew before playing Moonlighter. Time saving tips include:
EXPLORING TIPS, Green Monster, Sparkles / Secret room, Green Pillar, SHOP TIPS, Item Popularity, Selling Tips, Hero and Warriors, Le Retailer, Merchant Mirror, Showcase, GEAR TIPS, Forge and Wish list, Witch, Potions and Enchantments, SHOP UPGRADES, Hawker, Chest Upgrade, FAMILIARS, Mimic, NEW GAME+ MODE
Tips and Simple Guides (Exploring, Shop, Secrets, Suggestions, and more!)
Helpful Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing Moonlighter
#UGSreview #QnD #Moonlighter

0:19 Green Monster
0:50 Sparkles / Secret room
1:08 Green Pillar
1:40 Item Popularity
2:02 Selling Tips
2:13 Hero and Warriors
2:21 Le Retailer
2:33 Merchant Mirror
3:20 Showcase
3:32 Forge and Wishlist
3:41 Witch, Potions, and Enchantments
4:18 Hawker
4:28 Chest Upgrade
4:55 Mimic

Check the video for visuals to accompany the guide below.

EXPLORING TIPS (Video Time Stamp - 0:13)
If you die, you only keep what's ON you and in the top row of your inventory. Everything else gets deleted!
While exploring, if you stay too long, a giant green monster will spawn and chase you. It One Hits items, chests, and can't be killed.
If you see a chest sinking in a green pool, it means you need to kill all the enemies before it sinks entirely.
Sometimes you aren’t LOCKED in a room. Check the doors if you're in danger as you can sometimes run away.
Weapons can attack through objects if they have the range. This makes the spear and big sword really useful behind cover. Keep in mind that the bow and arrow can only shoot through objects if you charge your shot.
Sometimes you might enter a room and see sparkles coming from the darkness. Fall down any hole (not only where you saw the sparkles) to find a secret room.
-If you notice a solitary chest it will take any items you put inside and teleport them home for you. Items sent home like this, or by cursed items, will always land in the topmost treasure you have back at base.
-Another secret room may have a pillar you can Interact with to summon a wave of monsters. Beat that wave and be rewarded with a chest. You can keep summoning more waves after each win to upgrade the chest to the max rarity and reward can grant you a rare accessory!

SHOP TIPS (Video Time Stamp - 1:23)
Keep an eye out for little bubbles that appear over shoppers' heads. You might notice a thief enter before they even try to steal from you. Don’t forget that you can sell items from behind or in front of the cash register so keep a watchful eye and be ready to pounce!
Up and Down arrows on items indicate popularity. Selling too much of an item will lower its popularity and force you to reduce your price! Know your shoppers reactions.[]
High popularity will allow you to charge a little more than normal. Wealthy people are always willing to buy items at a little higher price than normal as well. This means you can change the price of something a rich person is interested in by following them around and changing the price before they pick it up.

Make sure to use the right tab with really useful information about previous prices that you’ve tried.
To figure out the right price for new items, I would sell one at a time and adjust the price as I go. This may feel slow but it helps you nail down a price and also gives you room to find the highest price people are willing to pay.
Customers with a sword and helmet bubble are heroes/heroines, and they’ll only buy potions or equipment like weapons or armours (and note that you can’t sell amulets).
You can also determine prices by looking at Le Retailer’s shop. He sells things at 4 and a half times the price so you can technically check his price and divide that by 4.5 like a math whiz! Or you can use other tools like the Merchant Mirror or sale box. The mirror tends to give you a third of the price for an item so multiply that by 3 to get a good estimate (but remember if you Merchant Mirror ONE item, the price will be for one item. When you're selling a stack you will have to multiply by how many you are selling).
The sale box has some more nuance. Check out this guide if you want to learn more (It brings you to a new page, Favourite this guide so you don't lose me!) LINK[http//-Sale+Box+%28Steam+Community+Discussion%29+https]
When you get showcases in your shop, thieves can’t steal from them and they also make the item inside more popular (allowing you to sell it for a higher price!) But only wealthy customers visit them.

GEAR TIPS (Video Time Stamp - 3:30)
The Forge crafts several weapon types. Each tier can be crafted with the things found in one of the four dungeons. Don’t forget to Wish list the gear you want so that those items will show up with a star reminding you to save instead of sell them.
The Witch is useful since she sells all sorts of potions but they're expensive. Instead I focused on her enchantments which require money and red crystals. The enchantments effects are: confusion(stun), poison, fire, and electricity.
I DEFINITELY found the Bow and Arrow to be CRITICAL in my runs. Without a solid ranged weapon like the bow, spear, or big sword, the dungeons can be really tough!

SHOP UPGRADES (Video Time Stamp - 4:09)
When deciding on shop upgrades, I recommend getting anything which increases money flow (e.g. upgrade your register first and Shop size when possible).
At the Hawker focus on decorations that further increased customer tips, speed, and max shoppers.
Upgrading your chest will only increase the capacity of your main chest (the one next to your bed).
I avoided getting the Sale box until later on. Useful if you're swimming in items that sell for such a low price. Customers visit the salebox at least once allowing you to move products fast!

FAMILIARS (Video Time Stamp - 4:43)
Just outside your shop is a fenced area for the Familiars []you find in the dungeons. They start off as eggs and need some time to hatch.
My favourite, the Mimic, collects items dropped after combat and you can use the mimic as a chest to unload all the stuff you’re carrying! Also the Mimic ignores Item Curses[]. And if you die, the mimic retains everything it was carrying (best to keep your items on it rather than you, especially before a boss battle).

NEW GAME+ MODE (Video Time Stamp - 5:24)
Once you beat the game you get a chance to start a new game+ mode. Select a completed game file to transfer your character but only the potions and equipment he had equipped at the time. All other money, gear, items, and upgrades will be gone. Just be aware that your best gear from the previous game file acts like starter gear in this new world. Everything from enemies to prices are buffed and you’ll go through another upgrade cycle.
Check out the new items at the forge, there’s new weapons you can craft and the Witch offers a new way to enchant your gear!

Bonus Video for fun!
AmbrosíasTirma 30 May @ 12:09pm 
Good info! I was searching for some info about a green pillar on the desert dungeon, but none of it. It seems like i could used it but nothing happens. Thanks fot thouse advise!
Ridley12, Knight of God 2 May, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
Good to know.
Jovian  [author] 1 May, 2023 @ 4:35pm 
I upgraded every chance I got. I would stick around and make sure I got all the new stuff before I tried to get to the new stage.
Ridley12, Knight of God 25 Apr, 2023 @ 1:42pm 
One other question. Do you recommend the Fabric armor or the Iron armor? I'm currently using the Fabric armor for the extra speed, but I'm not sure if I should switch to the Iron armor for extra health (and defense if the added defense from enchantments increases further on the Iron and Steel armor.
Jovian  [author] 6 Apr, 2023 @ 8:57am 
Ridley12, Knight of God 6 Apr, 2023 @ 8:41am 
By "solitary chest", you mean the empty stone chests that are sometimes found in sparkle pits, right?