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Pelagica - Mango Angelfish
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All tags: Fish
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31. led. 2022 v 21.32
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Pelagica - Mango Angelfish

This highly-anticipated fan-made modpack has finally been released! Mango trees are very important and provide habitat for the mangoes that grow on them, but I couldn't really replicate that so we have this instead. From Mango Angelfish to Mango Angelfish to Mango Angelfish, Amazing Mangoes (as I hope it will come to be known although I can't really be sure of that since that's not quite what I ended up putting in the mod title, maybe that was a mistake) adds at least one game-changing thing to create a truly unforgettable experience for your guests. This mod includes what is objectively and without a doubt the best species that can ever be added to your aquariums: the Mango Angelfish. In all seriousness, this is a very simple mod, but don't tell the guests. DISCLAIMER: This mod is not affiliated with H.A.A.I, which - definitely by complete and total coincidence - released a mod with an incredibly similar name a few days ago.
Počet komentářů: 1
Khaydar 12. srp. 2022 v 11.56 
"Give Mango Me Give Eat Mango Me Eat Mango Give Me Eat Mango Give Me You"

- Wise words of a monky