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FWD Flash Course, Basic steps to FWD 2.0
By Heke[FIN]
Quick and easy step by step guide towards FWD supremacy with all the basic and some bit more advanced tips and tricks.
Example videos and laps included!
FWD is all about maintaining maximum grip at the front axle at all times, either through steering or throttle input depending on the situation.

The rear axle isn't much of a concern but it may kick out in medium to fast speed corners when quickly changing surface types are at play.
Basic Steps
1. Steering

To achieve sufficient grip through steering, make sure to always point the wheels into the direction you want to go, either by quickly tapping to the direction or feathering your steering input depending on your controller of choice (keyboard, controller etc.)


2. Throttle

To achieve sufficient grip through corners either:

1. Let off the throttle momentarily so that you shift weight forwards and allow the front to grip before going back on power


2. Proper braking/dropping a gear before a corner when you can go flatout combined with proper steering input


3. Tapping throttle or feathering


4. All of the above combined


3. Braking

Always try to brake in a straight line and brake enough so that you don't start to understeer.
Left foot braking (tapping brake when on power) also helps in some situations.

You can also drop 2 gears instead of 1 in heavy braking zones, then go back up by 1 to the required gear. Can't confirm if this actually helps, but I'm used to doing it alot by now.

Braking example

Left Foot Braking
Maintaining maximum grip
With all of the steps above and some practice you have to find a proper balance between speed, power and steering when cornering.

If any of these three (speed, power, steering) are in imbalance to each other you find yourself understeering, but it is usually from too much speed or improper steering. At that point try to slow down or find the right angle to turn into to find grip. Having too much power is more of A and B-class problem.


Too much speed:

Too much power:

Improper steering:
Drifting with FWD is not preferred due to losing a lot of speed when drifting in too high of an angle. You can drift a little bit (about 10-15 degrees) before corners to set yourself up for a turn.

DO NOT try and drift around the whole corner.


Proper "drift":

Handbrake or rear brake bias "drift":
Braking is the only tuning setting I will touch on here.

Rear bias is not recommended since it will lead into too much drift angle when setting up for a corner.

Front bias in not recommended due to understeer while braking, ie. making mid corner braking a nightmare and extending your braking zones due to losing front grip.

2-4 on brake bias is the best option with 3 being the most balanced. Only pick 2 or 4 if it suits your driving style.
Example laps
Example laps of every track*


* Does not include Figure 8s, Ovals or other non-regular circuits ie. Hellride

If you want an example video made leave a comment below
creader 22 Dec, 2023 @ 7:54am 
this guide made me beat my long time rival missionsystem, thank you for this
wiriza01 17 Nov, 2022 @ 5:29pm 
Thanks Heke[FIN]... combo, but deff the straight line breaking 2 do. Switching to 3 on brake Bias next! I may keep up with you one day, but for now keep the tips going!
Malific Scholar 12 Feb, 2022 @ 5:31am 
love it gonna learn to suck less with this as my bible of failures
Heke[FIN]  [author] 4 Feb, 2022 @ 4:08am 
@Kamikazee i have no idea what this tournament is you speak of
Kamikazee 4 Feb, 2022 @ 2:52am 
how do i get into FWD Frenzy Tournament? Have two FWDs so must be glitch.
Lewey Hammy 2 Feb, 2022 @ 1:16am 
I have over 200 hours in the speedie and this guide is very helpful.