124 ratings
By Meneleke
A straightforward guide to fix the online functionality of Dark Souls 3 via the use of private servers.
Due to the current maintenance, there's no way to do any form of coop or pvp, so we'll be fixing that, and we'll also be using Blue Sentinel to keeps us safe from any harm people may want to do.

Do take in note, that none of these tools are made by "official means", but by renowned members of the community, that I most certainly trust.
Using Private Servers
So, this is quite the simple process, but I'll explain every step with images so that everyone understands.

First, download the tool here[github.com]
You'll want to click on "Binaries.zip" on the latest release

Then, unzip it's contents on any folder, I do it on my desktop for the sake of convenience, but you can do it wherever you want

Install what's on the "Prerquisites" folder
And now, head to the "Loader" folder, and open "Loader.exe"
It should look like this
It's pretty simple to use, just click on the server you want to join, and then click on the "Launch Game" button, this will open the game and now you'll be playing on that private server.

Make sure the game location is the same as your actual game location, if not change it to be so.

You may need to run the tool as administrator if it doesn't work right away.

I recommend using the ?ServerName? server since it's the official unofficial server.
Keeping yourself safe
You are now done and can once again enjoy the multiplayer experience of this wonderful game, but there's one extra step you can do to keep yourself safe frome anyone who wishes to do any sort of harm to your save file or computer.

For that, you'll want to head here[www.nexusmods.com] and download the latest version of Blue Sentinels

Then, unzip the contents on your "Game" folder, and you're done.
If you don't know where to find your "Game" folder:
Right click Dark Souls 3 > Manage > Browse local files
drigaiteiro 16 Apr @ 8:44am 
alguem tem o arquivo online fix do ds3??
Holy Viyer 4 Aug, 2022 @ 7:39pm 
Ok found the Binaries, but the latest one is v0.19. Is that it? Because when I try to install what's is the prequisites it failed every time saying that another version is alerady install..
Holy Viyer 4 Aug, 2022 @ 7:27pm 
I don't have Binaries zip :(
8 Bit Pyro 4 Aug, 2022 @ 5:04pm 
Glad that someone made a guide about DS3OS, it is really great to be back in PvP.
PsychedelicRasputin 27 Jul, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
The guy who said this was patched is wrong, it is still working great. ANyone who is having the problem of no servers showing up, try using a VPN.
BoSh 26 Jul, 2022 @ 10:38am 
Hey, guys! Is there some sort of Discord or chat for the main server?
dihmz 25 Jul, 2022 @ 10:37am 
Nice guide! Ill try this out later. Has anyone scanned the files?
Floppa 22 Jul, 2022 @ 5:22pm 
This just got patched dont try it. Disappointing
VyrsJak 17 Jul, 2022 @ 10:21pm 
it is not illegal for from softwere?
Dr Fyrm Caulkhold M.D 16 Jul, 2022 @ 11:02am 
because we all know at this point from aren't going to fix it they dont even seem to care
ahh well, modders do a better job anyway and actually seem to care about the players