141 értékelés
Készítő: Sadge
To bind something in console, press F1 (default for console) and copy-paste the following commands.
You can change the binds to your liking.

The general formula: "bind key action"

Clearing keybinds: "bind key clear"

bind [leftshift+k] kill - Instant kill, no need to press F1 and type it out.

bind f1 consoletoggle;combatlog - Instant combatlog, no need to press F1 and type it out.

bind m forward;sprint - Auto-run

bind j forward;sprint;jump - Auto-run + jump (good for auto swimming)

bind z duck - Toggles crouch until you press crouch again

bind [leftshift+N] attack - Auto-attack until you manually press attack again (good for soft-side degeneracy)

bind mousewheelup "craft.add -2072273936 2" - Crafts bandages with scroll-wheel up

bind Mouse1 +attack2;+lighttoggle - Always toggle flashlights or lasers when aiming down sight

bind 6 "+slot6;+attack" -Auto apply bandage or medical syringe in slot 6

"bind o fov 90" - Changes FOV to 90
"bind p fov 60" - Changes FOV to 60 (good for zooming even further)

graphics.vm_horizontal_flip true - Left Handed Gun Model
graphics.vm_horizontal_flip false - Right Handed Gun Model

More nice commands to know:

hitnotify.notification_level 2 - Disables hitmarkers from invalids.

perf 1 - See your FPS

perf 2 - See your FPS & Ping

graphics.vm_fov_scale false - Reverts the weapons FOV

player.recoilcomp true - Will make your weapon reposition to where it started after firing just 1 shot (great for m249 tapping)

graphics.waves 0 - Disable waves

effects.maxgibs -1 - Removes pieces of structures and doors when they've been broken

bind mouse1 "+attack2;+input.sensitivity .7;input.sensitivity .35;" - Different hipfire and ADS sensitivity. (first is hipfire, second is ADS)

client.lookatradius "20" - increased radius to open doors, boxes and other stuff.

input.autocrouch "True" - Makes your character auto-crouch when needed (like jump-ups or through windows)

bind mouse1 +attack2;+graphics.hud 1;graphics.hud 0 -Removes HUD when aiming down sight

Useful on modded servers:

bind j craft.add -194953424 1; craft.add 1110385766 1; craft.add 1751045826; craft.add 237239288; craft.add -1549739227; craft.add -699558439; craft.add 1850456855 -Crafts a Full Kit

bind k craft.add -132516482; craft.add 442289265; craft.add 2005491391 -Crafts a Holo, Laser and Extended mag

bind comma "craft.add -1211166256 20" - Crafts 20x 5.56 Rifle ammo

bind period craft.add 1079279582 2 - Crafts 2 syringes
Comment below if you want me to add more!

Now go beam some losers B-)
30 megjegyzés
zfatchen máj. 27., 5:24 
can we get one for the new pvp walls and a full kit holo extend mage lazer and full kit meds and amo please.
Faith is a qt febr. 25., 9:18 
how do i bind ak
Naked_Raper febr. 12., 5:22 
How to bind mouse 4 and mouse 5 buttons
Sheep Thief 2023. nov. 29., 16:52 
good to know
esh 2023. jún. 5., 13:53 
Trix 2022. aug. 20., 13:38 
thx man
ANDRYAO' 2022. aug. 19., 13:50 
Johnny 2022. aug. 19., 8:20 
for the unknowers, physics.steps doesnt work anymore by regular players and can be used only and ONLY by admins of the server
테크닉스 2022. aug. 18., 13:45 
TALLGRASS6676 #RETIRED 2022. aug. 18., 11:40 
theres some op binds that are not in this list