Hidden Deep 幽閉深淵

Hidden Deep 幽閉深淵

32 次評價
How to mod hidden deep for nerds!
由 bit* 發表
Are you a masochist? Do you hate everything? Are you spiderman wearing jordans? This guide is for you!
Thinking of the mod.
Before we jump right in we best think of a mod! If you've already thought of one, please skip this section.

Lets take for example.. a mechanic from the game BaroTrauma!
He'll fit the proportions pretty well and can be customised easily.
Finding your HDeep sprites folder.
Right click Hidden Deep, Click Properties, Click "Local files", Click Browse Local Files.
Alternatively you can go through windows explorer like a madman and find it there.
You should now be in the folder "Hidden Deep Playtest", Make your way from this folder to "\graphics\miner1\b\horiz" for this is the place our graphics for Murphy and his buddies is stored.
Being creative with your sprites!
Alright, so we can assume you have some sort of editing tool. Paintnet, Photoshop, Gimp or even simple paint can do with enough elbow grease.
Here's my experience from Paintnet, A software that has a handy dandy layer feature!
1. Open your image in Paintnet
2. Find the mod image you want (Lets say, a torso)
3. Paste your mod image in as a new layer.
4. Fit the mod image onto the base image (Remember to make the torso not too fat!)
5. Delete bottom layer.
6. Save into the Horiz folder
Repeat steps with all items (Yes, including gore items, you can just use the non-gore one if you dont have one with gore) until character is fully modelled.
Launch Hidden Deep (Of-Course) and get into a campaign, you should see Murphy is someone.. different, he could be some mechanic, Spiderman wearing jordans, Barney from HL1 or even just a blob of flesh.
If something you find is wrong (IE. The Scout's torso is 50 times the size of texas) you can always edit it in paintnet!

Additional Notes
Weapons are stored in \graphics\weapons
Sound files are stored in \sounds
Pistol and SMG use same firing noise!
Murphy's sounds are stored in \sounds\miner
Scout and Engineer use the same face
The Scout uses a tan suit while the Engineer uses an orange suit
18 則留言
Draconus 2023 年 7 月 1 日 下午 7:04 
@Bill this only applies to the charatcer sprite textures and item sprite textures anything enviorment wise can be increased by a factor of 4 which is my rule so if texture for terrain walls lets say is 1000x1000 u can resize to 4096x4096 which is 4k....i stick with proper textures sizes when dealing with non sprite textures so if texture stock is 512x512 resize to 2048x2048 which is 2k and a factor of 4

if u go more than 4 times the stock size youl actually degrade the fidelity of the texture itself and once u resize to bigger texture dont down size again this will also mess the fidelity up...has to do with texture scaling stuff...The PS copy below has also the nvdia DX DDS plugin so any game u mod that supports .DDS format textures can be done as well.....hope this helps and the PS gift below have fun with it what modding is all about ;)
Draconus 2023 年 7 月 1 日 下午 7:04 
@Bill know the above with sprite textures being over sized "If something you find is wrong (IE. The Scout's torso is 50 times the size of texas) you can always edit it in paintnet!"This is because its a sprite texture which renders dfferently than say the enviorment textures for the walls

...if u replace a stock game textures like those stick with the same texture size as the stock texture was in as the engine wont scale the imagine small or bigger depending on the texture size itself so there scaled already in stock game to be rendered at that size...any bigger resolution size texture will look bigger in game same goes for smaller....downside to sprite textures
Draconus 2023 年 7 月 1 日 下午 6:41 
@Bill... You dont have too consider this a gift.... its a dev copy from the devs of PS from my dev G drive....simply unzip ready to use
Know since u havent used PS i would look at tutorials on how to do the texture layer stuff and alpa layer for a masked texture...Enjoy {連結已移除}
bit*  [作者] 2023 年 7 月 1 日 上午 4:16 
Gee man I kinda dont wanna pay an arm and a leg for photoshop
Draconus 2023 年 6 月 30 日 下午 7:50 
@Bill just a note since i do a lot of custom texture stuff over the years with different projects paint.net is great but it does not allow u to see the alpa mask layer on photo shop will allow this and problem with paint.net if its a masked texture with alpa and u screw with the size it can screw the alpa layer texture up....look at my bio on steam if u have question ive torn this game apart already long time ago and do all sorts of dev work...

i currently work in UE4 on 2 game projects and do modding stuff on various games over the years...i chatted with the dev on this game as the water rendering stinks even for side scrolling game setup so we chatted on what could be done with shader work ect to make it look more like water that isnt flat shaded....
Draconus 2023 年 6 月 30 日 下午 7:44 
Yeah ive modded most of the stock game to higher resolution for the terrain stuff with some new rock textures i thought would look better...know to do this properly i had 2k-4k for alot of the textures and the game exe will only support less than 2gigs of ram due to the LAA flag not being set...i was able to get it to run better after doing so ....

know for games with the steam DRM in exe u can not touch the exe anbd set the LAA flag due to this but i have a dll that can be renamed dx9_43 or dx11 ect depnding on game rendering api and this creates a secondary LAA file so bypasses the steam DRM and sets the LAA flag to 4 gigs+ ......i do alot of dev stuff and modding is nothing to me really look at my bio on here.....
Larry the gas mask man 2023 年 4 月 11 日 下午 9:22 
i just want to make a mask so hopefully this works
LeatherJr 2022 年 7 月 13 日 上午 2:05 
If you're in the beta, the weapon graphics folder is worth checking out just to see what possible new weapons there are.
♉♆ Daacals ♆♉ 2022 年 6 月 25 日 上午 1:44 
Anyway, is there a way to mod bullet casings and magazines to stay longer before despawning?
Yogurisimo 2022 年 4 月 24 日 下午 4:58 
after reinstalling works and could see the elevators