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Official Level Editor Guide
Von etodd und 2 Helfern
The definitive guide to Lemma's built-in level editor.
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Get started
On the main menu, hit Challenge levels:

Then Level editor:

You should see the main editor interface:

There are three tabs:
  • Map - commands to open, duplicate, create, save, and publish maps
  • Entity - commands to create, manipulate, and delete entities
  • Voxel - commands and settings for voxel editing

Hit New to create a new map, or open an existing one and hit Clone map.

If you have god mode activated and you want to edit the campaign levels, it's recommended to clone them first, otherwise the campaign will become corrupted. If this happens, you can always restore the game files.

To play a map, hit Run. Make sure it has an active PlayerSpawn first!
Movement controls
Controls are similar to Blender[www.blender.org].

[Right-click] -------------------------------------------- Select entity
[Shift] ---------------------------------------------------- Hold to select multiple entities
[Alt+Mousewheel] ------------------------------------ Zoom in and out

While holding [Mousewheel] or [Capslock]:

[W] [A] [S] [D] ------------------------------------------ Move along X / Z plane
[Ctrl] / [Space] ----------------------------------------- Move along Y axis
[Mouse movement] ---------------------------------- Rotate view
[Shift] ---------------------------------------------------- Hold to increase movement speed
Create and edit entities
With no entities selected, hit [Space] to open the Add menu:

Type an entity name and hit [Enter] to spawn it.

Hit [G] to "grab" the entity and move it. [Left-click] to apply the movement, or [right-click] to cancel it. While moving, hit [X], [Y], or [Z] to axis-align the movement.

Similar commands:

[R] ---------------------------------------- Rotate
[Shift+D] -------------------------------- Duplicate

Keep in mind, if you move the PlayerSpawn too far from the ground, the player won't be able to spawn. You'll just see a white screen when you hit Run.
Voxel controls
[Right-click] to select a voxel entity. The editor will automatically switch to the Voxel tab.

Select a brush to paint voxels with:

You can also hit [Space] with a voxel selected to open the Brush dropdown.

Press [Tab] to enter voxel edit mode. Movement controls remain the same.

[Left-click] ----------------------------------------- Fill current voxel cell
[Right-click] --------------------------------------- Empty current voxel cell
[Mousewheel] ------------------------------------ Change brush size
[Shift+Mousewheel] ---------------------------- Adjust jitter (useful for natural formations)
[F] --------------------------------------------------- Hold while moving to resize a box
Publish to Steam Workshop
With no entities selected, hit [Shift+Space] to open the Select menu. Type "World" and hit [Enter]. This selects the World entity, which tracks global settings for the map. The last setting is ThumbnailCamera:

This setting must point to a CameraStop entity. When you upload your map to Steam, the level editor will capture a screenshot taken from the viewpoint of the ThumbnailCamera.

Hit Workshop upload.

You can upload your map to an existing Workshop entry to update it, or select [new] to create a new Workshop entry.
Command links
Commands are actions or events which you can link between entities. For example, a PlayerTrigger could cause an Explosion to spawn.

Commands appear in the property pane when you select an entity. Each command has a Link button which shows how many commands it links to. When that command executes, so will all the linked commands.
  • Hit Link
  • For the Target, select the entity you want to link to
  • Select which command you want to link (some entities only have one)
  • Hit Link
  • The link appears as a white line between the entities, and an entry in the command's link list
  • Hit the minus sign (-) to delete the link

Here's an example of a PlayerTrigger linked to an Explosion:

17 Kommentare
Shilag 29. März 2018 um 9:13 
Man, I don't understand this editor at all. I literally just want to make a non-level to publish for the achievement then delete it, but it won't let me publish it, saying "Failed to store map."

What am I doing wrong? What is required to do in order to publish a level at the bare minimum, because I seriously don't understand a single thing about this.
Tereus 14. Jan. 2017 um 16:49 
Hey is there a way to turn on script and turn it off later?:steamsalty:
Old Crow 6. Okt. 2015 um 3:19 
I must be missing something, but i can't seem to get certain entity values saved. For example changing cloud color value, after right clicking on the entity again, the values are reverted to previous state.
etodd  [Autor] 26. Aug. 2015 um 6:21 
Under the "Map" tab.
Phischermen 25. Aug. 2015 um 20:36 
I cannot find the upload button. Where is it?
John Mechwarrior 20. Aug. 2015 um 23:15 
can udo a video plez
etodd  [Autor] 20. Juli 2015 um 2:38 
Dezerp: take a look at some of the other levels to see how the switches work. Basically you want to create a box with the "Switch" or "PoweredSwitch" material, then spawn a switch, set the AttachOffset to something like 3 or 4, and then position it so it points into the box you created. Then check the "command linking" section of this guide to see how to hook it up to a slider.
polar 18. Juli 2015 um 14:09 
et1337 im trying to make a level in the level editor and... i dont get how im supposed to make a switch that makes a slider go up -.- im so confusled... Also is there anyway to increase player speed for custom levels?
X5416 22. Mai 2015 um 8:06 
Ahh, it all makes sense now :)
etodd  [Autor] 22. Mai 2015 um 8:00 
Did you use a PlayerTrigger or a Trigger? Trigger is for normal entities, PlayerTrigger is for the player... confusing I know.