DOOM Eternal

DOOM Eternal

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4 steps to learn how to play DOOM
By Lady✨Moni ♫
1. Find guns.
2. Move with WASD and spacebar.
3. Shoot anything that moves, until it dies.
4. Have fun!
Step 1: Find guns
See guns on the ground? Pick them up, they are yours.
Step 2: Move
You move with WASD and spacebar, OK? That is all what they paid me to say.
Step 3: Shoot
Do you see some ugly moving things on your way? Yeah, you can now shoot them with your guns. What, it doesn't work? Then shoot more! Until they die!
Step 4
Congratulation! You now learnt how to play Doom!
ADP 25 Jan, 2022 @ 4:24pm 
the good ole days, before the doom guy got a red plumber skin
⛟ GAMING™ © 25 Jan, 2022 @ 2:33pm 