At Home Alone Final

At Home Alone Final

234 evaluări
100% COMPLETE guide
De către MrDemon&MrsQueen
Complete guide with Walkthrough and game achievements.

Part of the game's achievements are just old achievements from the other 2 games (At home alone and At home alone II), so I'll split the game between the old/original achievements from the other games and the new achievements, in the achievement part.

The Walkthrough was summarized in weeks, following the same nomenclature that was used in the game's mini guide. To get all the achievements you need 2 gameplays, since the achievements consist of different endings, but once you finish the 1st gameplay, you can do the second around 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on your speed and ease with the puzzles.

Well, I created the guide in Portuguese, buuuuuuuut as someone commented that they would need to translate it online and everything else to be able to play, I decided to release an English version as well.
Adaugă la preferate
Elimină din preferate
At Home Alone Final is the 3rd part of the At Home Alone world, and so far, the most complete of the versions. The achievements, called Originals, are achievements found in the other first two games and have the same method to get them.

Extra Original Achievements

我爱蹦迪 I love disco dancing
Trampoline addiction can not extricate itself.

你好像很沉迷 You seem to be addicted
The sound of the flushing toilet fascinated me so much.

Original Achievements

表象or现实 appearance or reality
What you see is only one surface.

显现or循环 showing or cycle
Another layer that shows up.

不再是秘密 It's no longer a secret
Everything will begin to show up.

这是我的日常 This is what I often do every day.
Every day when my mother goes out, I turn quietly from here to outside.

失去 Lose
Like precious things lost in the process of growing up or being taken away by others.

Discovered the secret behind it.

New Achievements

漂流 Floating Butterfly
Butterfly sinks due to missing wings.

活死人 regain consciousness
Inherit his body and be reborn.

逆转 reverse
Rewind back to the moment before death, change fate.

追寻光芒 be divorced from
Out of stagnant waters, following the light in the distance.
- Press "Z" to start the game

- Talk to your mother
- Press "Z" to reply

- Walk around the room
- Press "X" to exit the options screen
- Get on the bed and press "Z" several times to jump on the bed a few times

Achievement Unlocked: I love disco dancing (1/12)

我爱蹦迪 I love disco dancing
Trampoline addiction can not extricate itself.

- Leave the room

- Enter the first door on the right (locked)
- Enter the bathroom (door on the left)

- Interact with all objects in the bathroom
- Interact a 2nd time with the toilet to unlock the option to trigger the flush
- Choose "Press"
- Do this a few times

Achievement Unlocked: You seem to be addicted (2/12)

你好像很沉迷 You seem to be addicted
The sound of the flushing toilet fascinated me so much.

- Keep walking and interacting with objects in the house until the doorbell rings
- Leave the house and go meet the visitor

- No one at the doorbell
- Someone is waiting for you at the gate
- Go to the gate and interact with the red haired boy (KangTai)
- Invite him in, eat cake and play

- Wait for the cutscene
- Go to the kitchen
- Take the cake from the fridge
- Bring the cake to the visitor (KangTai)
- Go answer the doorbell for the 2nd time

- Again, no one at the door
- Go to the gate and answer the blue haired boy
- Talk to him (the game only gives us one option to talk to him at a time)
- Enter the house
- KangTai disappeared
- You hear a door slamming on the 2nd floor
- Go answer the doorbell and let the blue haired boy go to the 2nd floor

- For the third time, no one at the door
- Go to the gate and interact with the blonde girl
- Invite her to play
- Enter the house again
- Looks like we can't play with her
- Leave the house again
- This time, send the girl away.
- Go back home

- Walk up the stairs, you will hear a gunshot and a scream
- Walk up the stairs
- There is a blood trail to the left
- Follow the blood trail
- Go through the corridor, following the trail
- Arrive on the balcony
- Wait for the cutscene with the blue haired boy
- KangTai fell off the balcony and died
- Talk to your mother
- Leave the room
- Skip repetitive content

- After the skip, you appear at the door of the room, the blue boy by your side
- He enters
- KangTai disappeared
- You hear a door slamming on the 2nd floor
- This time, a new option appeared in the dialog
- Choose to go to the second floor with the blue haired boy
- Walk up the stairs

- KangTai locked himself in his room and doesn't want to open the door
- Go to the kitchen to get the extra keys (they are near the top right)
- Go back to the 2nd floor
- Open the bedroom door
- KangTai doesn't seem to be in the room
- Help the blue haired boy look for KangTai in the room
- You hear a gunshot and a scream outside the room
- Leave the room

- Follow the blue haired boy
- Arrive on the balcony
- Wait for the cutscene with the blue haired boy
- KangTai fell off the balcony and died

- A new scenario appears
- Go up the hall
- Skip the dialogue
- You will hit an invisible wall
- Keep hitting the wall
- A new week will begin
- Wait for the cutscene

- Talk to your mother
- Leave the room
- Skip repetitive content

- After skipping, you appear in the kitchen, with the cake in hand
- Take the cake to KangTai
- New option in dialog
- Choose not to open the door and go play with KangTai
- Go to the back garden
- A cutscene will start
- Go after KangTai

- Enter the house
- Skip voice dialogue
- Go up to the 2nd floor
- Interact with your bedroom door
- KangTai locked himself inside
- Go to the kitchen

- Extra keys are gone
- Interact with the door under the boxes (top right)
- Take the gun
- Exit the kitchen and go back to the 2nd floor

- KangTai runs out of the room
- You automatically shoot him
- He gets up and runs away.
- Go after him down the hall
- Arrive on the balcony
- Shoot him
- Wait for the death cutscene
- Instead of KangTai, you are lying on the ground, dead

Achievement Unlocked: appearance or reality (3/12)

表象or现实 appearance or reality
What you see is only one surface.

- Skip conversation with voice
- Memorize the cutscene numbers: 851216
*For those who have already played the previous ones, it was necessary to insert the cutscene code on the sign between the mother's room and the bathroom, but it seems that in the fourth week, this happens automatically*

- Talk to your mother
- The mother will suffer a bug
(As explained above, this was a game mode that was required to enter a code in order to continue the new content, but here, we have this mode automatically at the beginning of week 4. For those who want to test it, there is no more option to interact with the code in the box between rooms).

- Go to your bedroom
- Interact with the diary
- Leave the house and go meet the visitor

- Ignore the bugs (in this part, all realities, the 3 weeks, will happen simultaneously)
- No one at the doorbell
- Someone is waiting for you at the gate
- Go to the gate and interact with the red haired boy (KangTai)
- Invite him in, eat cake and play
- Go to the back garden
- A cutscene will start
- Go after KangTai

- Enter the house
- Go up to the 2nd floor
- Interact with your bedroom door
- KangTai locked himself inside
- Go to the kitchen

- Extra keys are gone
- Interact with the door under the boxes (top right)
- Take the gun
- Exit the kitchen and go back to the 2nd floor

- KangTai runs out of the room
- You automatically shoot him
- He gets up and runs away.
- Go after him down the hall
- Arrive on the balcony
- Shoot him
- Wait for KangTai's death cutscene (you will enter the infinite loop)
- The game will close automatically

Achievement Unlocked: showing or cycle (4/12)

显现or循环 showing or cycle
Another layer that shows up.
After the 4th week, after finishing the parallel worlds mode, you will get a new achievement:

Achievement Unlocked: It's no longer a secret (5/12)

不再是秘密 It's no longer a secret
Everything will begin to show up.

- Walk to the right until you reach a creature
- Interact with her
- Keep going right until you reach a fountain
- Interact with her and get a potion
- Come back
- Give the potion to the creature
- Talk to the creature

- Go down to the path
- Go left
- Interact with door
- Wait for the butterfly cutscene

- Talk to your mother
- Leave the room
- Don't skip the important content
- Go down and go to the back yard
- Interact with the chair
- Push the chair into the gap in the fence
- Choose "Climb up" option
- Climb the fence and go to the front yard

Achievement Unlocked: This is what I often do every day. (6/12)

这是我的日常 This is what I often do every day.
Every day when my mother goes out, I turn quietly from here to outside.

- The ghost on the doorbell will interact with you automatically when you approach the door
- Try to interact with the door, you will find it is locked outside the house, and you can't go back through the fence because the box you used is missing
- Walk down the street
- Interact with the newspaper on the wall
- Follow your copies as they become the blue haired boy and the blonde girl
- When you hear the bell sound, go back to the house
- Talk to the ghost and repeat the process
- When the ghost has fully finished talking, a cutscene of KangTai's death will appear
- Talk to your mother
- Skip voice dialogue

- Leave the room
- Skip repetitive content

- After skipping, you appear in the kitchen, with the cake in hand
- Take the cake to KangTai
- Choose to go play with KangTai
- A hand will appear with a remote (yes, I'm not kidding)
- It will speed up the scene and you won't be able to move the characters

- When you get to the dialogue, choose the option "Hand it over" twice
*If you choose the "No" option, you will repeat the same route as in Week 3, and you will have to kill KangTai with the gun, which will result in the Failed Plan message*

- KangTai will commit suicide by hanging himself
- The Man in Black will take the boy away (as he had asked before)
- A dialogue with the Man in Black will appear (that white dialogue with the black background)

Achievement Unlocked: Lose (7/12)

失去 Lose
Like precious things lost in the process of growing up or being taken away by others.
After the dialogue with the Man in Black, he says that he will grant your wish.
We started in a gray setting.

- Enter the house
- Go to the front door
- Interact with the red haired man on the doorbell
- He will give us tips for the other achievements and how to save the child

- After the white screen, you will appear in a maze
- Interact with the object from above
- Turn left
- Go through the maze to find all the lights (4 in total)
- To find the lights, follow the blue light path, each time you turn on a light, a new light path will be formed
- Find the last light
- Go right
- Start the dialogue with the red haired man
*Accepting the favor or not will not affect the ending, so you can choose either option*

- After going through the door, we enter a hallway (the same one we see in Week 2)
- Go up the hall
- An invisible wall will block the way
- Wait for the cutscene
- The screen will start to shake

- We entered the same scenario as we were while talking to the red haired man
- You can't move the pink haired girl
- Wait for the blonde girl to come talk to you
- After the dialogue, she will enter the house
- Now you can walk with the pink haired girl

*If you want, you can walk around the scene, but there's not much to see, since the Man in Black left only the house in this world*

- Enter the house
- Once inside the house, we must follow the blonde girl (since we don't have many options to move around)

- Go to your room with the blonde
- Talk to the girl, let her inspect the whole room, until she gets paper and crayons to draw
- Go to the blonde and start drawing with her (she locked the room, we have no way out)

- Walk the ghost around the hut and interact with the objects
- Interact with the fox
- Possess the fox and leave the hut
- Go left
- Talk to Sad Pink Cat
- Go left
- Enter the barn
- Walk up the stairs
- Take the doll
- Go down the stairs
- Push the button
- Go to the door
- Wait for the cutscene to end

- You are in a maze with the Fox
- Clear the path by pressing "Z" and changing the bushes (you can't move rocks or two bushes together)
- Do this 3 times
- Get to a road and take the Fox to the tree
- Wait for the cutscene
- Follow the doll to the door
- Keep walking to the next door
- Wait for the cutscene

- Play again with the blonde
- Go to the back garden with her
- Push her on the swing
- Keep it up until mom calls for dinner

- Talk a little
- Sit in the chair
- Play the mini game

*Feed the blonde waiting for the ice cream to arrive in her mouth and pressing the keys that are shown on the ice creams*

- Finish eating and go to the back garden
- Play hide and seek
- Enter the house
- Go to your room
- Take the chair
- Go to the bathroom holding the chair
- Go to the mirror
- Choose "Other" option
- Choose "Smash the mirror" option

Achievement Unlocked: !!! (8/12)

Discovered the secret behind it.

- Choose the option "Climb In"
- Enter the corridor and go up to the end
- Exit the mirrored bathroom
- Go to the hallway on the right
- Keep walking
- Choose "Don't trust her" option
- Press Shift + Up Arrow to run from the demon
- To pass the maze, dodge the blue shadows
Blue shadows with white eyes = block the way
Blue shadows with red eyes = make you reset the escape

- Go to the door and go through it
- Arrive in the forest
- Go left (right only has the font)
- Interact with the Man in White by pecking the blue egg
- Wait for the cutscene with the red butterfly

- Get up and go right
- Enter the forest map
- Go up to the end
- Turn left
- Enter the first building
- Memorize the code
*Follow the direction of the green bird man's peak.*
*The code on the wall is formed randomly, if you can't memorize the code, mark it somewhere.*

- Go to the next building
- Use the code you memorized in the previous building
- Watch out for the boy in purple, he will ask you to approach him and he will hurt you
- Ignore the boy in purple and go through the directions according to the code on the wall
- Get to the final room
- Go up the stairs to the end

- Enter the room on the left
- Interact with the middle green drawing
- Get the 1st Slate (Slate 1/4)
- Go to the green circle
- Take the hammer
- Go to the door
- Press "Z" to open the door
- Get out
- Looks like this room was actually the locked room in building 1
- Exit the building
- Get out of the city of buildings

*Slates appear randomly across the map. The order of Slates varies, but as long as you conquer the puzzles and challenges, in the end you will get the Slate*

- Go down the map to the south entrance
- Get in
- Keep going down until you find a blue eye
- Just follow the blue eye instructions
  • Blue eye = right path
  • Red eye = opposite direction

- Proceed through the maze until you reach a statue
- Interact with it to obtain the 2nd Slate

- Get out
- Return to the labyrinth map
- Go right-down

- Enter the egg map
  • Purple eggs can be broken
  • Gray eggs cannot be broken
  • Don't break the scrambled eggs
  • Watch out for the bird, it will kill you if it gets close to you, use the eggs and nests to block it

- Go to the end of the map and break the eggs that are there
- Find the egg that has a gem
- Interact with the gem
- Get the 3rd Slate (3/4)
- Exit the egg map

- Walk around the map
- Go right-middle
- Interact with the statue
- Take the dagger
- Use the dagger on yourself
- After stabbing yourself several times, interact with the object on the statue altar
- Get the 4th Slate (4/4)

- Go back in the city of buildings
- Enter building 1
- Check the placement of the circles and their numbers (they are marked randomly)
- Get out

- Go to the altar in the middle of the map
- Insert slates in the right order
- Wait for the cutscene
- Climb to the new entrance
- Keep going up and go to the door

Achievement Unlocked: Floating Butterfly (9/12)

漂流 Floating Butterfly
Butterfly sinks due to missing wings.

- A white screen will appear and we will be back in the living room of our house
- The bell rings
- Mom comes in and hugs you

After reaching the end, we have the option to continue by clicking the "Z" key

In this world we have 2 options:
  • Interact with the crow to go back in time
  • Interact with the chair to get the chair achievements

- Climb through space until you reach the crow
- Interact with him
- Choose to go back to when you were playing hide and seek with the blonde
- This time, play hide and seek
- Enter the house
- Now the blonde will hide in 3 places at random:
  • Under the kitchen table in the lower left corner
  • Behind the sliding glass balcony door
  • In the bushes in the front yard, she is in the upper right
  • On the sofa side of the living room, next to the window

- She will get tired after you find her in these 3 places
- Go to the room
- Interact with the bed to go to bed
- Close your eyes
- Wait for the cutscene
- In the last cutscene, wait for the finger to move

- We returned to the Red Man's labyrinth
- This time, the invisible wall is broken
- Walk to the white object
- Interact with him
- Wait for the screen to go white

Achievement Unlocked: regain consciousness (10/12)

活死人 regain consciousness
Inherit his body and be reborn.

- Wait for the cutscene

We returned to the black room.

Special bonus:
  • Go right
  • Meet your mother
  • Interact with her
  • Talk to the shadow
  • Interact with door
  • Go right
  • Interact with the TV
  • Watch the cutscene
  • Go back to the hall
  • Leave the Lounge
- Take the pink key
- Obtain "Mother's Key"

When you finish the 2 endings, you will get a new object: The Mother's Key
But, for this, you need to get the 2 endings first

- Climb up and interact with Crow
- Return to hide and seek game
- Exit the back garden

- Walk up the stairs
- Interact with mom's bedroom door
- Enter the room
- Position the shadows in the right places
- The lilac shadow on the right and the purple shadow on the left, with their feet touching the red markings
- The mark on the wall will turn into a door
- Enter the black door
- Interact with mom's diary
- Get out

- A new map starts
- Go right to the end
- Again, walk to the right
- Interact with the man dressed as a penguin
- Win a device from him
- Go right
- Follow the device's tips
- Go to the Dolphin statue and go down
- Go to the building with the Jellyfish and go down
- Go to the building with the crab and go down
- Go to the pink chameleon and go down
- Interact with the beverage machine, go down
- Keep walking
- Watch the cutscene

- Leave the room
- Take the plastic shovel
- Go to your room
- Take the chair
- Go to the bathroom
- Break the mirror
- Get in
- Go to mom's room
- Interact with the plant
- Memorize the code: 215199
- Get out
- Run down and solve the maze
(*Be careful when running down, because the bird can appear and kill you, when that happens, go up and when you see him coming from above, go down again)
- Run until you reach the crow

- Raise
- Interact with the glowing object
- A new gameplay will start
- Just like week 3, do all methods
- When you get to the part of chasing the boy, go to the balcony
- When you are about to shoot, your mother appears and pushes the killer off the balcony

Achievement Unlocked: reverse (11/12)

逆转 reverse
Rewind back to the moment before death, change fate.

- Go back down the hall
- Go down the stairs
- Go to the door
- Wait for the cutscene

- Interact with the room
- Go to bed
- Close your eyes
- Wait for the cutscene

- Go right
- Interact with objects in the scene
To get that last ending, you need to do a new gameplay. YES, ALL AGAIN!

Repeat everything you did in week 8:

- You can't move the pink haired girl
- Wait for the blonde girl to come talk to you
- After the dialogue, she will enter the house
- Now you can walk with the pink haired girl

*If you want, you can walk around the scene, but there's a lot to see, since the Man in Black left only the house in this world*

- Enter the house
- Once inside the house, we must follow the blonde girl (since we don't have many options to move around)

- Go to your room with the blonde
- Talk to the girl, let her interact with the whole room, until she gets paper and crayons to draw
- Go to the blonde and start drawing with her (she locked the room, we have no way out)

- Walk the ghost around the hut and interact with the objects
- Interact with the fox
- Possess the fox and leave the hut
- Go left
- Talk to Sad Pink Cat
- Go left
- Enter the barn
- Walk up the stairs
- Take the doll
- Go down the stairs
- Push the button
- Go to the door
- Wait for the cutscene to end

- You are in a maze with the Fox
- Clear the path by pressing "Z" and changing the position of the bushes (you can move rocks or two bushes together)
- Do this 3 times
- Get to a road and take the Fox to the tree
- Wait for the cutscene
- Follow the doll to the door
- Keep walking to the next door
- Wait for the cutscene

- Play again with the blonde
- Go to the back garden with her
- Push her on the swing
- Keep it up until mom calls for dinner

- Talk a little
- Sit in the chair
- Play the mini game

*Feed the blonde waiting for the ice cream to arrive in her mouth and pressing the keys that are shown on the ice creams*

- Finish eating and go to the back garden
- Play hide and seek
- Enter the house
- Go to your room
- Take the chair
- Go to the bathroom holding the chair
- Go to the mirror
- Choose the option "Other"
- Choose the option "Smash the mirror"
- Choose the option "Climb In"
- Enter the corridor and go up to the end
- Exit the mirrored bathroom
- Go to the corridor on the right.
- Keep walking
- Choose "Don't trust her" option
- Press Shift + Up Arrow to run from the demon
- To pass the maze, dodge the blue shadows
Blue shadows with white eyes = block the way
Blue shadows with red eyes = make you reset the escape

- Go to the door and go through it.
- Arrive in the forest
- Go left (right only has the font)
- Interact with the Man in White by pecking the blue egg
- Wait for the cutscene with the red butterfly

- Get up and go right
- Enter the forest map
- Go up to the end
- Turn left
- Enter the first building
- Memorize the code
*The code on the wall is formed randomly, if you can't memorize the code, mark it somewhere.*

- Go to the next building
- Use the code you memorized in the previous building
- Watch out for the boy in purple, he will ask you to approach him and he will hurt you
- Ignore the boy in purple and go through the directions according to the code on the wall

*(To get this achievement, you must NOT TOUCH THE PURPLE BOY)*

- Get to the final room
- Go up the stairs to the end
- Enter the room on the left
- Interact with the middle green drawing
- Get the 1st Slate (Slate 1/4)
- Go to the green circle
- Take the hammer
- Go to the door
- Press "Z" to open the door
- Get out
- Looks like this room was actually the locked room in building 1
- Exit the building
- Get out of the city of buildings

*Slates appear randomly across the map. The order of Slates varies, but as long as you conquer the puzzles and challenges, in the end you will get the Slate*

- Go down the map to the south entrance
- Get in
- Keep going down until you find a blue eye
- Just follow the blue eye instructions
  • Blue eye = right path
  • Red eye = opposite direction

- Proceed through the maze until you reach a statue
- Interact with it to get the 2nd Slate

- Get out
- Return to the labyrinth map
- Go right-down

- Enter the egg map
  • Purple eggs can be broken
  • Gray eggs cannot be broken
  • Don't break the scrambled eggs
  • Watch out for the bird, it will kill you if it gets close to you, use the eggs and nests to block it

- Go to the end of the map and break the eggs that are there
- Find the egg that has a gem
- Interact with her
- Get the 3rd Slate (3/4)
- Exit the egg map

- Walk around the map
- Go right-middle
- Interact with the statue
- Take the dagger
- Exit and return to the map
- Return to the entrance with the monster trapped in the tree
- Interact with him
- Use the dagger on him
- Get out
- Run away from the monster, avoiding the green spots on the ground
- Return to the dagger altar
- Interact with the object on the statue altar
- Get the 4th Slate (4/4)

- Go back in the city of buildings
- Enter building 1
- Check the placement of the circles and their numbers (they are marked randomly)
- Get out

- Go to the altar in the middle of the map
- Insert slates in the right order
- Wait for the cutscene
- Climb to the new entrance
- Keep going up and go to the door
- Interact with dialogue

Achievement Unlocked: be divorced from (12/12)

追寻光芒 be divorced from
Out of stagnant waters, following the light in the distance.

- Wait for the cutscene

Thanks to Ash for pointing out the position of the content and to ShuraMura for passing the code to open the door.

- Go to the Hall of the Black Man
- Go right
- Enter the room with the TV
- Look for a button on the right side of the TV
- The bookcase will move and a door will appear
- Put the code: 8888

- Enter the forest with white trees
- Climb up until a cutscene starts
- Talk to the Man in White

- When the cutscene ends, the game will close by itself.
- If you go back and try to enter the room again, you will find a small room with cardboard boxes
73 comentarii
Shizuru 17 sept. la 2:55 
@bobstar: there are little dots next to the circles which indicate the order in which you have to place the slates at the altar.
Arielcorn 3 aug. la 16:49 
I don't understand why you're recommending 3 (Hide and Seek) instead of 2 to go directly to the forest. I went to 2 and got it. :unicorning::paint_a_rainbow::ss2sparkle:
bobstar 12 mai la 12:06 
i may be kinda dumdum but how do you know the order that you should insert the slates?
ssyndrome 22 apr. la 3:33 
btw in the extra content, if you open the stand alone box, a cute cat comes out! :D
›⁧⁧ʜᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ 27 mart. la 2:37 
You need to stop recommending a whole new game for week 11 right now.
Players who want to obtain the achievement can go to section 3. Hide and Seek from the crow after week 10 and proceed from the middle step of the explanation for week 11.
Also, you should not describe it as exactly the same progression as week 8. Because that explanation will result in players not paying attention to your Week 11 explanation.
The difference between week 8 and week 11 is that you cannot touch the purple man, you cannot sacrifice yourself with a dagger, and you must sacrifice the monster hanging on the tree.
bootybandit777 17 ian. la 3:07 
how to restart game i can't get to it
bootybandit777 17 ian. la 2:10 
how do we end the game? after the small room with empty boxes and dead cat and device?
ichidetsux 29 dec. 2023 la 5:04 
Thank you for the guide bro:marijaonlooker:
Negasaa 7 dec. 2023 la 1:51 
headhole 20 nov. 2023 la 18:30 
I cannot for the love of me find out how to get that last achievement.