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Complete Guide: Getting Resident Evil Revelations 1 to Work in Proton/Wine
Kiba Snowpaw 님이 작성
This is how you can get Resident Evil Revelations to work in Proton or Wine.
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How to get Resident Evil Revelations 1 to work in Proton
To get Resident Evil Revelations working in Proton or Wine, you need to install WMP manually since the game uses it to play its cutscenes. Here are the steps:

  • Start the game in Proton 5.0 without playing it, so that it creates the prefix folder in Steam.
  • Open the terminal and enter the following command:

PROTON_VERSION="Proton 5.0" protontricks 222480 -q wmp9

This command will install WMP9 for the game.

It is important to note that the Proton version used in the command may vary depending on your system. Additionally, if you encounter any issues with the game after installing WMP, you can try verifying the game files or reinstalling the game to ensure all necessary components are present.
How to get Resident Evil Revelations 1 to work in Wine
To make Resident Evil Revelations work in Wine, you need to manually install WMP since the game uses it to play its cutscenes. Here are the steps:

  • Open Terminal.
  • Type the following command into the terminal:
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winetricks wmp9

his command will download and install WMP9. Please note that the WINEPREFIX is where your wine folder is located, so you need to change the link to the wine folder where you have the game installed.

  • Once the installation is complete, the game should now show the cutscenes.

If you encounter any issues after installing WMP9, try verifying the game files or reinstalling the game to ensure that all necessary components are present.
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Kiba Snowpaw  [작성자] 2023년 4월 15일 오후 2시 43분 
I have updated this guide to be free of grammar errors and easier to read. Additionally, I have changed the title to better reflect the content of the guide.