Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

74 évaluations
Anime Music Collection
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2.023 GB
12 janv. 2022 à 17h05
27 avr. à 23h13
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Anime Music Collection

Currently up to date with Hearts of Iron 4 version 1.14.*


This Anime Music Collection contains dozens and dozens of tracks from various anime and anime-adjacent sources such as Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Gundam, and many others. The collection will likely have many other tracks added in in the future as time goes on, including additional radio stations for particular tastes and genres.

Currently, there are four different radio stations
☑ "Epic" OST Radio: Various original soundtrack songs and pieces that are relatively high energy, being best utilized in moments of war and such.
☑ Ambient OST Radio: Various original soundtrack songs and pieces that are relatively low energy or otherwise "pacifistic", being best utilized in peacetime.
☑ Modern Radio: A collection of "modern" weeb/anime songs including Vocaloid, Love Live, Touhou fan music, etc.
☑ OPs/EDs: A collection of various famous anime OPs and EDs.


Q: What about multiplayer and save game compatibility?
A: This is a music mod and should not affect multiplayer or save game compatibility whatsoever.

Q: Do you have a full list of all the tracks used in the mod?
A: A list is available here[docs.google.com].

Q: Will you add more tracks in the future?
A: Yes, I plan on updating this collection every now and again to add more tracks.

Q: Can I suggest tracks?
A: I'll be taking requests in the Project Moe Discord, link found at the bottom.

Q: "Epic" radio? That name sucks!
A: I know. I'll figure something else out another time.

Max - Primary Developer
Nuclear IL-2 - GFX Artist, Assistant


Feel free to join the Project Moe Discord[discord.gg]!
30 commentaires
Majo Max  [créateur] 27 avr. à 23h14 
It took me way too long but I finally updated the mod to not have the wrong refresh rate on some of the songs, which should lower the error log a whole bunch.
I'm also going to maybe add new songs in a bit of time, I just have to get a break from what else I've been doing lately.
牢公挖矿跟鱼四爱 8 nov. 2023 à 19h04 
Alftruppen 2 avr. 2023 à 20h23 
Oh hey I know that guy
乔亚尼 • 朱斯蒂尼亚尼 14 janv. 2023 à 22h35 
Majo Max  [créateur] 18 déc. 2022 à 7h37 
@Binbaşı Özçelik In what?
LittleHack 18 déc. 2022 à 3h26 
Hello. Can I use your Hoi4 content?
Majo Max  [créateur] 1 déc. 2022 à 3h59 
The mod has been updated again.
A bunch of AKiko Shikata stuff (from her albums RAKA, Harmonia, Turaida, and the Umineko album she did)
Two Hiroyuki Sawano songs
Several Kaleido Sphere songs (all from their album stellatram)
A bunch of Utsu-P music (all from the Greatest Shits album)
Majo Max  [créateur] 1 déc. 2022 à 0h14 
I can't help but feel like I added AVID already. I loved 86 Eighty-Six, so I'm surprised it's not already in. I'll have it in in next update.
As for God of Ink, sure. Never saw recreators myself.
Junko Space Mommy 30 nov. 2022 à 20h46 
Could you add AVID by Sawano? and God of Ink?
Majo Max  [créateur] 26 nov. 2022 à 12h21 
I just went through all the songs myself and all of them play. I had the Equestria at War radio on as well as another music mod, so that would be only 2 music mods active at once.
I also know that the music mod should work if you have the TNO music on. Maybe the problem lies in having too many mods at once, or you need to unsub and then resub.