Dude, Stop
40 평점
How to quickly get "Secret door" achievement
CBlade 님이 작성
Due to this being a misseable achievement I have attached my save file so that anyone that missed this can legitimately and really quickly get the achievement
즐겨찾기 해제
The Secret door achievement is the only missable achievement in the game, if you finished pack 12 already and you don't have this achievement you will need to replay the whole game to get to this point.

OR you can simply download the save file I backed up just before doing pack 12 :)
Save file
If you want to download and use my save file follow these steps:

1) Download the two SaveData0 files I'm hosting on googledrive here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bf_IPTE3X3tEA2D1B7dTVAkbOCMilwn1?usp=sharing

2) Then open up your games directory through following these steps:
2.1) Right clicking on "Dude, Stop"
2.2) Hover over Manage, and then click on "Browse local files"

3) Open the "Saves" folder

4) Move the two SaveData0 files over into this folder (if you have a secondary save file it will ask if you want to overwrite the save file, which will be required for you to use this)
Getting the achievement
Once you have loaded the save file simply go to pack 12 and start the test

1) Pull only 1 sheet off the calendar and then place the Christmas tree down

2) Make the burger WITH the pickles in the order that the guy wants it in
Bun, Meat, Cheese, Pickles, Tomato, Lettuce, and bun again

3) Pull the blue balloon out from under the tree and let it float away

4) Park the car over the white lines

5) Let the duck scenario play out, click close on the console after the emails are loaded, and then wait until the narrator starts a countdown, you must then close the game.
(If you are running on Windows you need to press Alt + F4 on your keyboard, if you are playing on a Mac you need to press Command + Q on your keyboard)

6) Simply open the game again and you will get the achievement after the narrator has a few lines of dialogue with you
댓글 13
Froggy926 2024년 3월 9일 오전 10시 04분 
marko 2023년 10월 20일 오전 4시 44분 
CBlade  [작성자] 2023년 8월 28일 오전 8시 19분 
It's a big pleasure @everyone haha
filipcho131 2023년 8월 28일 오전 7시 41분 
thanks for the guide :steamhappy::ds_duck:
Codsworth 2023년 5월 15일 오후 6시 13분 
thanks dude
rowannoobslaver 2023년 2월 19일 오후 4시 02분 
alt 4f is good
Aard 2022년 11월 6일 오전 10시 57분 
it worked, thank you
napalm eater 2022년 5월 3일 오전 10시 31분 
i found a way to make it not overwrite, just change the 0 to a 1 and it puts it on a different save file
CBlade  [작성자] 2022년 5월 2일 오후 10시 09분 
It will overwrite yeah, if you want to keep your save files copy them to somewhere outside of the folder and copy them back in after completing the guides steps to get the achievement.
napalm eater 2022년 5월 2일 오후 2시 15분 
does the save file download override your current save