Hearts of Iron IV
93 ψήφοι
United States Historical Tank Guide
Από Alice
This guide showcases the many designs from the United States roster of vehicles of the Second World War and Interwar period along with a couple early Cold War vehicles.
Μη αγαπημένο
After the Great War the American military didn't spend much resources onto tanks or cars with the majority of the interwar vehicles only being produced in a couple hundred at most due to many reasons from internal politics to the Great Depression. However even with those limitations the Americans did produce a couple of designs for the interwar period.

Keep in mind the Tank Designer in HOI IV doesn't allow for a lot of variety in modifications so many vehicles will be stuck with the same gun.

The design may say basic radio however you can put whatever radio you want on any of the tanks with the listed basic radio modification. Also the armour and engine upgrades is up to your own prefrence.
Light Tanks
M1 Combat Car
produced: 113
owned: 0
The M1 Combat Car was an interwar American light tank built during the mid 1930's alongside the M2 Light. Due to only having machine guns this vehicle was passed out of service very fast in favour for light tanks with cannons. The T7 Combat Car also can be under this chassis.

Interwar Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Heavy Machine Gun
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

M2A1-A3 Light Tanks
produced: 328
owned: 0
The M2A1-A3 are a group of twin turret tanks developed around the time other nations like the Soviets and Polish also had developed Twin Turrets on their 7TP and T-26's the variants feature minor improvements over time.

Interwar Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Heavy Machine Gun
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Heavy Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun

M2A4 Light Tank
produced: 375
owned: 0
The M2A4 was developed after the reactions to the Spanish Civil war in which the Americans realised tanks shouldn't just be armed with Heavy Machineguns and so they developed a Two man turret to fit a 37mm Cannon. This tank was quickly replaced by the M3 Stuart.

Interwar Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Small Cannon
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun

M3, M3A1 Stuart Light Tanks
produced: 10432
owned: 0
The M3 Stuart was the succesor to the M2 Light tanks and was mass produced throughout the war along with the M5 Stuarts giving over 20000 of them combined they first saw action in Africa under the British as the Stuart I, II.1496 of the Stuarts had been fitted with Diesel engines and would be known as the Stuart II, IV for the British and Commonwealth forces. The M3 and M3A1 can be branched under the same tanks due to there being no variation for stabiliser or turret designs to change it.

Improved Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine (Or Diesel)
  • Improved Small Cannon
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun

M3A3 Stuart Light Tank
produced: 3427
owned: 0
The M3A3 Stuart Improved upon the Stuart design by including sloped welded armour instead of riveted.

Improved Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Small Cannon
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Sloped Armour
  • Additional Machine Gun

M5, M5A1 Stuart Light Tanks
produced: 8884
owned: 0
The M5 and M5A1 Stuarts continued on the development of the M3 Stuarts by increasing the engine power. The differences between the two variants in primarily the turrets with the M5's using M3A1 turrets and the M5A1's using M3A3 turrets.

Improved Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Small Cannon
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Sloped Armour
  • Additional Machine Gun

M22 Locust Light Tank
produced: 830
owned: 0
The M22 (Airborne) Locust was a light tank developed as an airborne light tank to be deployed with paratroopers to help out with the operations behind enemy lines. This tank however was inpractical to use in airborne missions of the time and would find it's way into the service of the Egyptians and Belgium armies after the war as the M24 Chaffee was replacing the light armour of both the British and American armies.

Improved Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Small Cannon
  • Two Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

M24 Chaffee Light Tank
produced: 4731
owned: 0
The M24 Chaffee brought a large improvment to the light tank role. As the medium tanks slowly took on larger guns at the end of the war the light tanks also took on larger calibre guns with the Chaffee taking the 75mm cannon which had been used on short barrelled Shermans. Due to the limitations of the tank designer though you cannot fit the medium cannon onto a three man turret and have to use the Light superstructure instead unfortunately.

Advanced Light Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon
  • Light Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
Medium Tanks
M2 Medium Tank
produced: 112
owned: 0
The M2 (18 M2, 94 M2A1's) Medium was an interwar medium tank developed in America and like the light tanks of the interwar period was covered in machineguns. This tank in particular had 7-9 Machineguns equipped. the M2A1 variant increases the armour from a maximum of 32mm to 51mm's of armour.

Basic Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Small Cannon
  • One Man Turret
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun
  • Additional Machine Gun

M3 Lee Medium Tank
produced: 6258
owned: 0
The M3 Lee was an American stopgap medium tank produced during the second world war however was not introduced into the war by American soldiers but by the British commonwealth as did the M3 Stuarts. In proved to be an effective vehicle in the African campaign and lead to the M4 Sherman in which the 75mm had finally been fitted into the main turret instead of a casemate position. The majority of the M3 Lees had been riveted and used gasoline engines however the M3A3 (322) used a welded hull and diesel engine whilst the M3A5 (591) had riveted armour and a diesel engine.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon
  • Medium Fixed Superstructure
  • Small Cannon
  • Heavy Machine Gun
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

M4 Sherman Medium Tank
produced: 6748
owned: 0
The M4 Sherman is the main medium tank for the Americans during the second world war and would come in many sub variants and be used in many armies across the world. The Sherman like the Soviet T-34 would see multiple conflicts outside of the second world war and at one point would of been found on almost every continent.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Additional Machine Gun

M4A1 Sherman Medium Tank
produced: 9677
owned: 0
The M4A1 Shermans are the next of the many Sherman variants being cast hull Shermans. The model is split into 2 main models being the short barrel (6281) and the long barrel (3396) and will be the same for every Sherman with specialised variants being listed in other parts of the guide. With all later Shermans you could swap the Machine Gun for Wet Ammo Storage.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon (Improved Medium Cannon for 76mm variants)
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Additional Machine Gun

M4A2 Sherman Medium Tank
produced: 11283
owned: 0
The M4A2 Shermans are the next of Sherman variant being a welded hull Sherman with a diesel engine. The model is split into 2 main models being the short barrel (8053) and the long barrel (3230).

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Diesel Engine
  • Medium Cannon (Improved Medium Cannon for 76mm variants)
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

M4A3+M4A3E8 Sherman Medium Tank
produced: 17128
owned: 0
The M4A3 Shermans are the next of Sherman variant being a welded hull Sherman. The model is split into 2 main models being the short barrel (8086) and the long barrel (4500). The M4A3 was the Americans preferred model of Sherman. The M4A3E8 (4542) improved on the M4A3 design by improving the engine and armour of the vehicle.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon (Improved Medium Cannon for 76mm variants)
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

M4A4 Sherman Medium Tank
produced: 7499
owned: 0
The M4A4 Shermans are the last main batch of medium Shermans and primarily were used for lend lease to other nations.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

M46, M47 Patton Medium/Heavy Tank
produced: 1160+8576
owned: 0
The M46 Patton follows on from the M26 Pershing still using the 90mm it was more of a stopgap tank to produce after the M26 Pershing and before the M47 Patton would appear. The later M47 Patton continued to improve upon the M46 chassis including a larger turret but still keeping the 90mm as the 105mm wouldn't be developed until the M60 Patton.

Modern Tank Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Heavy Cannon
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
Heavy Tanks
M6 Heavy Tank
produced: 40
owned: 0
The M6 Heavy was an American heavy tank built in small numbers but in every variation prooved to be unsuccessful in what the Americans needed due to many different factors. I have included the M6A2E1 design in brackets.

Basic Heavy Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded/Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Medium Cannon (Improved Heavy Cannon)
  • Two Man Turret (Three Man Turret)
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

M4A3E2 Jumbo Assault Tank
produced: 254
owned: 0
The M4A3E2 Jumbo and 76mm variants are assault tanks which I have put under the heavy tank design due to their heavy frontal armour and being one of the only true heavy tanks used by the Americans. 100 of them had been upgunned to the 76mm variant.

Improved Heavy Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Medium Cannon (Improved Medium Cannon)
  • Three Man Turret (Medium)
  • Radio
  • Stabiliser
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

M26 Pershing Medium/Heavy Tank
produced: 2212
owned: 0
The M26 Pershing is classed as a Medium/Heavy tank and due to it being armed with a 90mm it is easier in-game to class it into the Heavy Tank section to fit on a Heavy Cannon. Alongside the M26 is the Super Pershing of which 25 had been built and are super armoured Pershings at the expense of mobility by additional armoured plated being added to the tanks.

Advanced Heavy Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Heavy Cannon
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

T29,30,32,34 Heavy Tanks
produced: 18
owned: 0
The M29,30,32 and T34 Heavy tanks are a group of heavy tanks with similar specifications but different cannons.
The T29 (8) is the first of the heavies it is armed with a 105mm cannon. Secondly is the T30 (4) fitted with a 155mm cannon, Thirdly is the T32 (4) armed with a 90mm cannon and lastly is the T34 (2) armed witha 120mm cannon

Advanced Heavy Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Heavy Cannon (Heavy Cannon T32, Advanced Cannon T30, T34)
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
Tank Destroyers
M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
produced: 6406
owned: 0
Based upon the M4A2 and M4A3 chassis the M10 Wolverine is a medium tank destroyer developed to house a 76mm cannon into a open top turret and was produced from 1942-1943 before the eventual M36 replaced it as well as the regular Shermans being able to equip a different 76mm cannon. The M10 was based upon the M4A2 chassis whilst the M10A1 was built upon the M4A3 chassis.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Diesel Engine/Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Medium Cannon
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

M36 Jackson/Slugger Tank Destroyer
produced: 2324
owned: 0
The M36 Jackson/Slugger followed on the tank destroyer program from the M10 Wolverine with a larger 90mm cannon for the anti tank role. Like the M10 the M36 had two engine variants with the M36 and the M36B1 equipped with the gasoline engine whilst the M36B2 was equipped with a diesel engine. To be able to fit the heavy gun I had to use the fixed superstructure.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Diesel Engine/Gasoline Engine
  • Basic Heavy Cannon
  • Medium Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

M18 Hellcat Light Tank Destroyer
produced: 2507
owned: 0
The M18 Hellcat was a fast light tank destroyer which could reach up to 89km/h as it's top speed given it had a long straight road. it was equpped with the same 76mm the Shermans used but on a smaller chassis. To make it work I had to use the light fixed superstructure.

Advanced Light Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Medium Cannon
  • Light Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

T28/95 Super Heavy Tank Destroyer
produced: 2
owned: 0
Lastly the T28/95 represents the heaviest of vehicles produced by the Americans during the war the tank was heavily armoured going up to 305mm of max armour and having a maximum speed of 13km/h or 8mph. Unfortunately there is no double track suspensions in-game for this tank.

Advanced Heavy Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Heavy Cannon
  • Heavy Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
Self Propelled Artillery
M7 Priest Self-Propelled Gun
produced: 4315
owned: 0
The M7 Priest was a medium SPG built upon the M3 Lee chassis and later the M4 Sherman Chassis. It carries a 105mm Howitzer

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted/Cast/Welded Armour
  • Gasoline/Diesel Engine
  • Medium Howitzer
  • Medium Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

M8 Scott HMC
produced: 1778
owned: 0
The M8 Scott is a light SPG built upon the M3 Stuart Chassis fitting a 75mm howitzer into a open-top turret.

Improved Light Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline Engine (Or Diesel)
  • Close Support Gun
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

M12 GMC Self-Propelled Gun
produced: 100
owned: 0
The M12 is one of the couple 155mm SPG's built by the Americans this one being built upon the M3 Lee Chassis.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Riveted Armour
  • Gasoline/Diesel Engine
  • Improved Medium Howitzer
  • Medium Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio

M40 GMC Self-Propelled Gun
produced: 311
owned: 0
The M40 GMC is the second 155mm howitzer SPG and was built to replace the M12's. It was built upon the M4A3 Chassis. A further variant was tested in the M43 GMC replacing the 155mm with a 203mm Howitzer (Heavy Howitzer

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Medium Howitzer
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio

M4(105) Sherman Medium Tank
produced: 4680
owned: 0
The M4(105) Sherman is the close support variant of Sherman carrying a 105mm below is the design of the Sherman for the M4 Sherman Chassis however the 105mm Sherman had variants on the M4A3 Chassis also. 1641 M4 Chassis 105 shermans (includes HVSS variant) and 3059 M4A3 105 Shermans.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Close Support Gun
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun

T34 Calliope and T40 Whizbang
produced: -
owned: 0
The the last Sherman variant which doesn't really work to well in Vanilla HOI is the Rocket Variants are the last variant. They could be useful however due to their main gun not working in the game (they could fire HE realistically as a small additional support) they're not as useful as the Priests and M40's.

Improved Medium Chassis
  • Bogie Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Improved Rocket Launcher
  • Three Man Turret
  • Radio
  • Sloped
  • Additional Machine Gun

produced: 3
owned: 0
The T92 and T93 are Super Heavy SPG's tested by the Americans with the T92 carrying a 240mm and the T93's carrying the 203mm 8-Inch Gun.

Advanced Heavy Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Cast Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Heavy Howitzer
  • Heavy Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
Self Propelled Anti-Air
produced: 285
owned: 0
The M19 MGMC was built upon the M24 Chaffee Chassis and featured two 40mm bofor guns. Like with the Chaffee and the M18 Hellcats before I have had to use the Fixed Superstructure to fit the medium armaments onto the tanks even though in reality there wouldn't of been this problem.

Advanced Light Chassis
  • Torsion Bar Suspension
  • Welded Armour
  • Gasoline Engine
  • Advanced Anti-Air Gun
  • Light Fixed Superstructure
  • Radio
  • Additional Machine Gun
Other Info
If I have missed any tanks please do comment.

Other nation guides:
United Kingdom


Soviet Union
16 σχόλια
Alice  [Δημιουργός] 11 Μαϊ 2023, 15:14 
I would do a planes design however the planes in HOI IV are even more limited than the tanks and naval making a lot of the designs extremely similar due to lack of gun and engine options.
mchalefamily 11 Μαϊ 2023, 15:04 
I really like to use your tanks and navy designs, could you make a guide for US planes?
High Elder Floof 26 Φεβ 2023, 18:07 
There were M3A1s had welded armour those were used in North Africa (Operation Touch), even the USMC M3A1s were welded not riveted. Alice
Alice  [Δημιουργός] 14 Μαϊ 2022, 11:31 
I am not interested in making a guide for the Expanded Tank Designer mod when I still have multiple vanilla nations to go through for navy and tanks unless enough people want a guide for that.
mchalefamily 14 Μαϊ 2022, 10:56 
Would you be interested in making a version of this guide using the Expanded Tank Designer mod?
Alice  [Δημιουργός] 4 Μαϊ 2022, 7:41 
I've already added the T28 Tank Destroyer it's also known as the T95 they're the same tank
FEARTHEFUNNYMAN 3 Μαϊ 2022, 22:04 
Could you add the T28 because 2 were produced in 1945
Twillie 30 Απρ 2022, 7:10 
SPAA can't use fixed superstructures. They need rotating turrets
Alice  [Δημιουργός] 16 Απρ 2022, 3:33 
I don't give engine and armour stats as that is up to the player themselves and not my decision
bjhawk 16 Απρ 2022, 0:32 
This was what I desperately needed as a historical US player. Thanks!!
However, could you suggest how much engine/armour stats will reflect historical US tanks?