theHunter: Call of the Wild™

theHunter: Call of the Wild™

평점이 부족합니다.
Silver-Gold-Diamond trophies score / Callers / weight per animal for each reserve
Kreigan 님이 작성
[EN / FR / ES] Designed to be displayed on a second screen while playing:
-check the threshold for Silver, Gold, Diamond.
-Display the usable callers for the reserve
-Display your current keybind for your callers

***** Thanks to MAT for the Spanish translation *****
즐겨찾기 해제
This tool is meant to be displayed on a second screen while playing the game.
Quickly control the quality of the animal you are spoting in game, and which caller to use.

Tool link :

How to use
Select the reserve at the bottom of the list.

While ingame, check the possible score range for the animal :

Check the trophy you might get :

The bottom of the page display the callers you might use on this reserve.
You can set your keybind under each callers, which will be reported on each line for the respective animal.
You might have several callers for a single animal.