Solasta: Crown of the Magister

Solasta: Crown of the Magister

32 arvostelua
Destined to be Loveless
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Tunnisteet: UserCampaign
1.547 MB
3.1.2022 klo 21.02
27.1.2023 klo 20.30
10 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )
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Destined to be Loveless

Hired by the dwarven Goldbrewer clan, your party is charged with finding the location of the Loveless estate, home to a rich and reclusive family.

-Starting with a 4th level party is recommended
-Features interconnected level design
-Carefully crafted narrative and scenario interwoven into the environment itself
-Custom item and enemy descriptions greatly enhance the overall narrative
-Branching paths, hidden and optional areas, varied loot, optional battles, and other secrets for the keen eyed.
-Feel free to ask questions or leave feedback.
38 kommenttia
Lninefingers  [tekijä] 9.6.2023 klo 15.43 
@Skelly Yes, the three forest encounters are that way. I designed this way back many updates ago. Switches, plates and activators were barely a thing. Then those came to be in an update, and I had to retrograde fit some of them in. But no, not every encounter will be that way.
Skelly 1.6.2023 klo 17.24 
Do enemies just spawn into existence? Only done two encounters so far but both times enemies have spawned into existence which kinda just negates our parties rogue sneaking and scouting ahead.
BlackguardRogue  [tekijä] 23.4.2023 klo 5.30 
@pp1497, sorry about that, but some of the description must have gotten erased during an update. You can use characters from LV 4-8, but 4 is recommended if you want a decent challenge. If you start at 4, you'll probably end around 6 or 7.
pp1497 23.4.2023 klo 3.48 
What level range does this campaign have?
Artyoan 26.1.2023 klo 19.28 
2 out of 3 isn't too bad. I did pick up the brooch but I botched the context about where I got it from. I was reflecting on the item descriptions from everything I had in my inventory after reading Rancor's final journal descriptions, but couldn't recall where I'd found some of them. So that makes sense.
For Lillith I was trying to force a connection somewhere, which latched onto the unnamed but referenced female sorak and the unusual nature about which Amdis thought the Sorak disregarded her. I figured Lillith's appetite was sexual but also something of a blood feed (vampire plus sex), as blood is referenced as being a most important thing. So I made a connection between pregnancy and increased appetite for blood as well.

Very cool style of story telling. I'm finally trying other people's campaigns and figured I'd look for ones doing things a bit differently. This fit the bill. Thanks for making it.
Lninefingers  [tekijä] 26.1.2023 klo 18.30 
@Artyoan Hey thanks for completing, despite the botched exit in the estate. Not sure how that happened, only me and one other person have access, I don't remember moving it for testing, fixed now. It's always great when a story-minded person like yourself plays my stuff.
1. You're exactly correct about Rancor, the goldbrewer leader, and the simulacra statuette.
2.That's not what I had in mind for Lillith, but it's interesting you interpreted in that way. Her appetite mentioned in the diary was of a sexual nature, not food related. She was just a vampire like Amdis. If you caught the mention of a silver wedding brooch in Amdis' journal, and then found the brooch in Rancor's kitchen with the initials "L.L.", combined with Dagon's growing appetite (differing appetites were a recurring theme here) you can probably put two-and two together regarding her fate.
3. Correct again regarding the Sorak and Amdis.

Thanks for playing.
Artyoan 26.1.2023 klo 11.24 
So may-or-may-not be wild speculations, probably wrong but how my mind made connections:

-Rancor killed the goldbrewer leader to get his statue which is the dead 'dwarf or halfling' in the room adjacent to the torture devices
-The reason we can pick up the statue and not be controlled is because Rancor was already dead via the dragon
-Lillith is/was the female sorak used in the birthing experiment, which is why she had an insatiable appetite. Not sure about this one at all but I didn't find Lillith?
-The soraks were putting on Amdis as to the summoned being because he couldn't properly see anymore and one named Sorak could speak via an ethereal nature

Liked the feed drip of information. Definitely has a 'civilization is gone and we are left with the consequences of what came before' feeling to it, which I like.
Artyoan 25.1.2023 klo 21.45 
Maybe his sleeper crossbow will wind up in your future campaigns for full functionality. ;)

Not sure if its a bug or not but I entered the estate and it put me in the middle of the aviary. Then there was a comment seemingly backwards about torches being close to the wall to start a fire but it wouldn't light because it was a special kind of wood. Thought the entrance point might have been moved.
Lninefingers  [tekijä] 25.1.2023 klo 20.59 
@Artyoan Heh, yeah I guess it is. I like those old trick since I'm also old-ish. Back when I made this campaign it was only possible to assign status effects to enemy attacks, but not to custom weapons. When you loot his crossbow after the battle, it's just a plain old crossbow, no sleeping effects unfortunately.
Artyoan 25.1.2023 klo 19.06 
I was not expecting the sleeper crossbow shot. Oldest trick in the book and I fall for it.