Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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SCS: Autumn For Barbarossa
즐겨찾기 해제
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2
Language: English
태그: SCS
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364.425 KB
2022년 1월 1일 오후 12시 39분
2022년 10월 10일 오후 5시 35분
변경 사항 16개 ( 보기 )

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SCS: Autumn For Barbarossa

hjess60님의 1 모음집
Standard Combat Series
아이템 6개
"Autumn For Barbarossa, (AfB) is a Standard Combat Series (SCS) game that was published in Special_Ops magazine #7 (2017), covering the the struggle to seize Smolensk in the late summer of 1941. This marks the end of the opening phase of Operation Barbarossa and the stabilization of the front until the effort to take Moscow in Operation Typhoon in the fall.

AfB features a small map area and a limited number of units, making it easily accessible for fast or competition play. The entire campaign finishes in 10 turns.

Play begins with the German offensive in full bloom. The German player attempts to rapidly seize as much of the map (in the form of Victory Point locations) as he can. Speed is essential; while he has several cities to reduce, he knows the clock is ticking before Hitler pulls the plug on his efforts. The commanders did not realize this was in the cards, but for design purposes we assume the player feels the pistol pointed at his head. The Germans have copious air and mechanized forces to accomplish their goals...for the moment. At some point determined by the "Hitler Roll", the German mechanized forces are taken off the map, their air support is cut in half, and the Red counteroffensive strikes in an attempt to turn things around.

The Soviet player stalls, withdraws, and conserves his forces while letting the German offensive expend itself. As the high tide passes, he prepares his rebuilt Red Army for the second half of the game: the Soviet effort to blunt the German gains and recoup their losses as best they can."

Considered an excellent next step in your wargaming journey after becoming comfortable with gateway games such as the Command & Colors series. This is a traditional hex and counter wargame with a CRT, but rules are light and play is fast and furious.

*Thanks to Mangofeet for Counter Exploder!
** Game is set up for Historical scenario
*** Available for purchase here:

This mod is intended for owners of the physical game. Please show your support and buy the game if you are going to play it!

**** Table upgraded to a Kraken by Richthofen56 for our game together and I felt it would a crime not to share it with all of you :)
댓글 8
Диванный диктатор 2022년 1월 31일 오후 10시 36분 
Good job dude, thanks
Richthofen56 2022년 1월 20일 오전 7시 30분 
Thanks for the mention Hjess.. :)
Richthofen56 2022년 1월 16일 오전 4시 38분 
Gotta love the simplicity of the SCS system. 8 pages of core rules and then a few more pages for the game specific rules. Very elegant design. I'll need to hide my wallet from that MMP website. Great prices and easy shipping costs to Canada as well :)
hjess60  [작성자] 2022년 1월 1일 오후 5시 34분 
Yes as the number of modules grows the harder it gets with the current system to keep things organised. Will check imgur out, thanks!!
Richthofen56 2022년 1월 1일 오후 5시 26분 
Importing tiles does take time. I use to host all my image files rather than the TTS cloud. MUCH easier to work with as you can see the image you're uploading and there's no silly file number cap or less than optimal folder control.
hjess60  [작성자] 2022년 1월 1일 오후 3시 58분 
As for them being double sided... NOT a big fan while importing but love it now that I'm done lol
hjess60  [작성자] 2022년 1월 1일 오후 3시 51분 
Well, they are much much newer than my usual subject matter so that made it pretty easy : )
Richthofen56 2022년 1월 1일 오후 3시 23분 
Thanks hjess. Love the map and counters on this one.