Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

332 人が評価
Luigi(Ultra Instinct)
2.752 MB
2021年12月31日 10時14分
2022年1月4日 19時30分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Luigi(Ultra Instinct)

A completly sane man. 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Rick's Random Rivals Royale
29 アイテム
El wewe

fun k rool facts-
You can shield while charging Fspecial to hold it for later, it even stays after death
Dspecial's super armored start up works like a counter, once activated it will double the damage Dspecial would do.
Uspecial will not go into pratfall if you hit someone

To do the rolling attack and special, press roll and hold attack or special while in the roll animation

also no Gay luigi is not an SMG4 reference... get with the program
130 件のコメント
sonnengott 10月11日 11時19分 
sometimes i feel like ive been transported to another reality when playng this shitshow of a game god daim man
Alex 7月31日 18時26分 
sometimes side b is on fire after i use it. how do you make this happen?
peppino 7月21日 20時25分 
im a big fan of luigi and hes my favourite colour green anyways i like this mod is good :steamthumbsup:
Demogorjirra 4月27日 13時35分 
can you make a version of him but super duper hard?
wsuch77 3月2日 17時06分 
Fun fact:
You CAN misfire, and it DOES send you flying if you jump before the animation ends.
ENDICEGOD 1月10日 19時57分 
I've just noticed a very minor spelling error. On Ultra instinct Luigi's win screen, it says "Luigi (Ultra Instonct)"
NeverGreenMinus 2023年12月20日 14時56分 
I cant play as color 8, 10, or above. only 1-7 & 9 show up. how can i fix this or is it just a mod issue?
Jack Astro 2023年10月23日 12時41分 
that's awesome! makes sense why I literally thought of him when I looked at this mod
A completly sane man.  [作成者] 2023年10月23日 11時27分 
alot of his moves are based one one jump man actually,his dair and fspecial specifically i looked to the intro animation!
Jack Astro 2023年10月21日 19時40分 
Petition to somehow connect this character to One Jump Man