Dota 2
Vesture of Unkindness - Modest Coiffure (Style)
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Heroes: Death Prophet
Slots: Head
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Размер на файла
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16.243 MB
11 юни 2014 в 0:44
1 бележка за промяна ( преглед )

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В 1 колекция от Zipfinator
Vesture of Unkindness
10 артикула
The bloodravens of the Felldrift cannot be killed by any living creature, but that hasn't stopped Krobelus from creating a lovely vesture out of them.

Created by:

Zipfinator - Modeling
Arty - Concept and Texturing
The Horse Strangler - Particles
Hot Donna - Animations

Check out the other items in the set!