Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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PZ-ClothingUI - Clothing items grid view
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3.011 MB
26 Des 2021 @ 10:00am
3 Jan 2022 @ 12:26am
11 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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PZ-ClothingUI - Clothing items grid view

This mode provides alternative graphical UI for equipped clothing items.

  • Draggable button to display equipped items in an overview window (drag by grey border)
  • Items are displayed in categories (right click category button or item icon for equip possibilities)
  • Left mouse double click on item icon for quick unequip
  • Item tooltips on mouse hover

Options / configuration
For full guide click here[]. Configuration is done via MOD OPTIONS.
It's optional but recommended for anyone with different than FullHD resolution.
  1. Start the game and enable the Options mod (Don't forget to enable it also on your save file)
  2. Load into Single Player Game
  3. Open game settings, click on tab Mods (Doesn't show in the Multiplayer games!)
  4. Configure the mod to you liking (To be able to see the changes, you need to open/close the Clothing UI window)

Configure your view in SP games and than load to MP, even though the mod is not enabled in MP. The config is loaded.

Multiplayer is supported if server has allowed this mode.

Translations are now possible. Supported languages:
  • English (EN)
  • Russian (RU)
  • Chinese (CN)

The mode is not text-heavy, so if you want to help with translating, see

Bug reports
See this guide how to report bug[].

See the dev progress here
If you want to report a BUG or make a Feature request, please consider using github. Otherwise, you can still use discussions here on Steam.

Manual installation
You can find and download all releases here[].

- If you cannot see the button, try to delete clothingui.ini inside C:\Users\[yourname]\Zomboid\Lua

Workshop ID: 2695471997
Mod ID: myclothinguimod
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (12)
1 Apr 2023 @ 11:47pm
PTBR translation
11 Nov 2022 @ 10:41am
Bugs and problems
4 Apr 2023 @ 4:18pm
UX/UI Improvement ideas
271 Komentar
yoshuzapat 7 Apr @ 10:50am 
falta barra inferior ya que no permite ver todos los items equipados (en el caso de tener muchos, por ejemplo accesorios)
BLAZEPK 28 Feb @ 11:45am 
Best inventory mod ever for me.
Being able to clearly see what gear you have equipped and being able to equip items in your inventory with a right click is awesome.
Danzo 27 Feb @ 11:30am 
Remember window positions from one run to the next would be awesome. I start a new guy, gotta move those windows.
Hex: Fish floss 26 Feb @ 11:50pm 
Is there a way to lock "INV" button in place?
Yorak Hunt 21 Feb @ 7:19am 
Can you please please add an ability to wear just one shoe on left or right foot and one glove on the left or right hand? I am wanting this for Amputations rp and The only cure
Cutflood 21 Jan @ 3:39pm 
Has a conflict with Custom Zombies. If I load the mod before the zombie mod the UI Icon never shows up, even if I delete the .ini file. But if I load it after the custom zombies there is a error in the Stats.lua file with Custom zombies, but the UI Icon appears. Ugh, how there is a conflict between these two, I don't know. :(
rbalsek 19 Jan @ 9:44am 
밑에 분이랑 마찬가지로 다른 의류 ui모드보다 장착한 아이템이 잘보여서 좋지만, inv 아이콘이 사라지거나 단축키로 누를수 있다면 더 좋아질것이라고 생각합니다. 다른 ui모드는 i버튼을 누르면 인인벤토리 창 옆에 의류 ui가 나타나는 식입니다. 이 모드와 같이 해도 좋겠지만 아이디어가 곂치고 ui창이 크거나 위치가 안맞을수도 있으니, 최선은 inv 박스가 안보이고 단축키로 누르고 끌수 있게 되기만 한다면 더할 나위 없을것 같아요. ui창이 크고 직관성이 훌륭해 정말 많이 도움이 됩니다!
IvashaMagnus 17 Jan @ 1:19am 
Gamepad pls!
ParasiticSquid 22 Des 2023 @ 5:45am 
Good mod but to truly be perfect it needs controller compatibility. Splitscreen needs a controller as far as im aware and quite a few new players use controllers, in my case I sometimes play with a younger family member who isn't very good at gaming on a mouse and keyboard yet or stream it from my computer to my living room TV with remote play. I don't have a steam deck but im guessing it's the same issue there for obvious reasons. Can't use this as a result which is unfortunate to say the least.
{playername(-1)} 10 Des 2023 @ 6:16pm 
I love this mod, but the button is really ugly.