43 ratings
Monster Part Descriptions
By - ̗̀n o o k ̖́-
A list of descriptions of each monster part; the description from the "Key Items" menu, and also the descriptions given by June, May and the Fortune teller.
Level 1: Aquatic Aqueduct
Completely hollow, naturally. Would make a perfect bowl if it wasn't for the eyeholes!
Skellies! An ancient race who roam the Aqueduct. You might think they were once human, but bones they've always been! Not needing food or drink, Skellies were ideal guards for dungeons of all sorts! Maybe they felt imprisoned themselves...
Wait, seriously? Skellies are total pushovers! Just break 'em apart with a flurry of punches! Doesn't get any simpler than that!
Fortune Teller
Ah… I see, this cranium is all that’s left of this petty guard... Done in by your fists, broken at the very base... The beginning of a journey is always the toughest, but match your fists with those found inside to unlock the way...
An aged skeleton arm. Hardened to a tempered degree, no doubt from countless battles.
High-ranking warriors of the Skeleton race. The armor they wear is passed down from their ancient elders.
Oh yeah, the armored variant. They're not as wimpy as the standard Skelly, but you can still wear 'em down! Just dodge those slashes and give 'em the ol' one-two! A parry never hurts either!
Fortune Teller
The proof of a warrior is their arms... but for who did this creature fight? Many a soldier lose their way, no longer knowing why they raise their sword. I hope that on your journey you do not lose your own way. A careful eye is required! Make the most of your map... Explore the unexplored!
The tail of a Lizard Wizard. Seems to detach under duress, just like their ancestors. Still wiggling!
A group of lizards who were apparently granted literacy by The Tower. They now spend all their time practicing low-level magic! Perhaps what they were looking for was peace and quiet, to study and perfect their skills... I can't help but feel some kinship!
Lizard Wizard, huh? These little guys are total cowards! Chase 'em down if ya want, but there's nothing better than a well-timed parry to send their spell right back at 'em!
Fortune Teller
How curious... A tail, no, a TALE of fear... Those who stay behind are left behind, with no one to take the vanguard... There are many steps to success in life... but the steps you seek are palpable. Keep a sharp eye for red!
Smells of rotten egg. Can be used as a seasoning. Known to cause stomach aches.
Ah, the Bomb Gobbo... Mischievous lurkers of the Aqueduct. Their technical prowess is only matched by their sheer enjoyment of chaos! Likely prisoners originally, surely with their skills they easily could have escaped... They must have found the dungeon to be an ideal habitat!
Ack, Bomb Gobbo powder! These lil' creeps must think they're so smart, huh? Little do they know... You can always punch their bombs back, but you can also just try backing up!
Fortune Teller
A bitter joke... For this residue to be all that remains of one so clever... Depths filled with foolish prey are the greatest trap for the able. It's always darkest before the light... The subterranean floor will guide you...
Thought to be a lucky charm. Considered a delicacy in some regions.
These Gobbos are dedicated to carrying Skellies in their rucksack through tunnels that assembled Skellies can't fit through. How considerate! How do they keep their bones from getting mixed up, anyways? What a mystery!
Bone Gobbo? ANNOYING!! They look just like Bomb Gobbos, but don't mix em up! Take these guys out ASAP! If you don't, you'll be dealing with more Skellies than you can shake a bone at!
Fortune Teller
What rare kindness I feel! To lend an ear to those in need is a virtue... But to give up your ear to those who would take it is tragedy...Alas, you are close! The switches seal water tight within line of sight! I sense a darkness beyond the central waterfall...
Level 2: Desolate Desert
Aged beyond belief. Turns into a fine dust if handled too much. Said to have healing properties.
Ooh, a Mymmy strip! This cursed pile of cloth still defends its king, to this very day! Wrapping imbued with the souls of a tyrant's slaves... Perhaps their fear to disobey persisted even through death. Spooky!
Ugh... Mymmys might look like wimps, but watch out for that second swing! Dodging might get you smacked, so try interrupting or parrying before they get a hit in!
Fortune Teller
Heartbreaking. Scorched by wrath, and bound by fear... Chained merely by fragile cloth, and yet all the more piteous in servitude... Ahh, what a wretched Desert... Just remember, patience is a virtue... Let not your heart be burned by pain or frustration.
Despite all its sheen, this crown is quite flimsy. Good oven-starter.
A higher-ranking minion, the Mymmymancer can resurrect its peons to continue their eternal service to the King. He bears a striking resemblance to the heiroglyphs of this civilization, doesn't he? But which came first? That's the real question!
Ah, the Mymmymancer! Unless you wanna sit around fighting Mymmys forever, you'll wanna close that distance! Although... Hey, maybe one of your specialties could come in handy? It's worth a shot!
Fortune Teller
Yes... this gilded gleam is deceiving, isn't it? The coronet of a brute, blinded by control over others, oblivious to their own laughable stature... The Pharaoh's gaze is long, but not long enough. Your map may offer you sight where the Pharaoh is blind.
Incredibly sharp fin. Would make an excellent kitchen knife!
Ahh, the long-extinct Sharpshark! Without any predators, they've become quite common a sight within The Tower! Their fin is apparently quite useful for weaponry, but I must say, I'm glad The Tower is the only place they still thrive!
Ack, Sharpsharks! I hate these things! They pop up at the worst times, and usually in groups too! Just focus on dealing damage to the group rather than individually, and you'll get them all cleared out before you know it!
Fortune Teller
Ack! How cutting! How caustic! How cruel of nature to craft a creature that flourishes by slicing into others. The northern Desert may seem barren, but I sense a powerful energy waiting to be put to work!
The cords have started to fray. Seems to be from another age.
The Tomb-Whipper... Cursed souls from a distant land who dreamed of riches untold. Now they're merely another guard. They aimed to plunder from a long-dead king, captured by The Tower... Not realizing he was still very much alive, and not in a good mood, either!
This is from a Tomb Whipper, right? Those guys must be melting from the heat inside their jackets! Just stay outta the way of their lasso, don't even think about trying to parry it!
Fortune Teller
Oho... Quite the yarn this tells... Adventurous, yet incorrigible... Ultimately their adroitness paled in the face of unchecked fury... When all hope looks lost... perhaps the only option is to work with your enemies! What of that pyramid to the southeast...?
Sometimes a dish just needs the right presentation.
Hmmm... The Sling-Gunner is a rather out-of-place character, isn't he? Perhaps the Tower correlated the desert with another setting... Regardless, they are from another age of sand, gold and betrayal... I digress, this era has quite a library of tales to browse! It's a bit intimidating...
What's this weird thing Sling-Gunners attack with, anyways? It smarts! Listen for the whistle and get ready to dodge... Or just parry like a madman!
Fortune Teller
Why, even I'm astonished. This slick garb belonged to one with the fastest hands... Still, the Pharaoh consumed them. For what is faster than sight? Although powerful, the Pharaoh's statues must open their eyes before dragging you away. Wait for the right time and make your move!
Level 3: Scrapyard Swamp
A strip of wiry netting, their signature attire. No points for style, but it is a useful strainer.
The first of a race of sentient Fishmen! They seem to have come together based on one thing: a love of playing with garbage! It's not something many would appreciate, I suppose. To each their own! At least it's constructive...
Hah! Boardwalkers think they're so cool with their big shield. What a bunch of dorks. Knock that thing outta their hand with the right directional attack, and then clock 'em square between the eyes! HIYAH!!
Fortune Teller
Mmm? An odd choice of livery... this playful creature must have been struck, satisfied with whatever fell into its lap! Switches signify sky-dwelling garbage blocks... but perhaps their trash is your treasure? Traverse the swamp by any means necessary!
The rotting skin of a Garbag. Absolutely horrid in every sense. What this could possibly be used for is a mystery.
A breed of mimic who unfortunately bears a resemblance to a garbage-filled bag. It does a horrible job of holding in its contents, too! I suppose it fits the theme, but I'm hardly glad to see this make an appearance. Ugh. This floor is so trashy!
Garbags STINK! UGH! I don't even want this piece! EW. Whatever you do, avoid the balls of trash it burps up, or you'll be in a sticky situation!
Fortune Teller
Beneath the putrid and vile is melancholy... A formless creature, moldable into anything. But if garbage it eats, so shall it be. A great power resides in dark dwellings. The path is longer than one might imagine, laid bare by three falling planks...
The tiny wings of a Basebug. Hardly useful for flight, but they do make for good stock.
A gigantic insect with a love for diamond-based sports. The balls it heaves are actually its offspring... EWW!! Sorry, just... Nope! I've got nothing else to say! Absolutely revolting! Gross! Get this bug away from me!
You might think the Basebug is another back-row benchwarmer, but get to close and he'll take a swing! Wait for the right chance, close the distance between you, and strike them out!
Fortune Teller
Oh my... These useless appendages... The mocking reminder of a bug forced to walk. One wonders if even warped wings dream of flight... Walk carefully along your rickety path! Lest you fall victim to those that lurk in the depths!
Rigid but flexible, for perfect form during aerial attacks.
Another Fishman with a chip on his shoulder... One can certainly see the comradery that brought these boys together! They seem to think quite highly of their fashion sense. But, personally... I think he looks kind of trashy!
Fighting Amphbians might look scary at first, but once they jump their path is set! Bait them into attacking and knock these hunks out!
Fortune Teller
These tenacious and feisty jaws... a creature for which even scrap was the mother of invention. If only not for sloth... Your path is laid out for you! The one who created the garbage dump lies in wait at the center of the Once-Great Tree!
I'm not sure if these are from their sawblade or their mouth.
A diminutive Fishman who rides an odd mechanical contraption. It seems what he lacks in stature he makes up for with scrappy 'tude! It's unusual, but their board can traverse land or water! Quite clever, really... I wonder if... I mean, no, it's much too dangerous!! Goodness...
Rip Riders! These small fries don't stand a chance against you! Test your reactions and beat 'em to the punch.
Fortune Teller
These tenacious and feisty jaws... a creature for which even scrap was the mother of invention. If only not for sloth... Your path is laid out for you! The one who created the garbage dump lies in wait at the center of the Once-Great Tree!
Level 4: Chaotic Colosseum (Cold)
A freshly cut wooden stick. Very sharp. A sweet, sticky syrup drips from the core.
What elegant equipment! This belonged to a warrior and practitioner of the ancient sport of ICEPUCK. All that strict training to hit a small piece of wood! Oh, if only I had such time to devote to studying. Hm? Why's it so sticky?
Slapshot Samurai aren't your typical Tower fodder... Watch out for their parry stance! Wait for them to drop their guard and send 'em to the penalty box!
Fortune Teller
To think this common tool yet holds its master's frigid aura... their unyielding discipline, their refusal to cede even icy and treacherous ground... Be bold and step forth! You shall slide on shivering ice 'til you collide with an object, or person!
A black nutrient-filled puck. Has the texture of wood chippings, but it is surprisingly filling.
An official ICEPUCK referee. While they're supposed to remain neutral, I'm sure they'll stack the odds when it comes to fighting YOU! Some people say you could always see them chewing something off to the side... are those bite marks on the puck? Were they...? What louts!
Rikigun Refs aren't too much trouble on their own, but Slapshot Samurai like to make sure his disks stay in play! Sometimes it's best to just let a projectile pass you by...
Fortune Teller
Is there any valor in winning at any cost? The favored implement of a false judge who wished to tip the scales... Great meetings await in the south, yet the opposite way might yield your true path... Find pride not in hollow victory, but in the glory of endeavor...
Leftover sake from an insane sports fan. I'd have to get drunk before I could stomach a swig of this.
A completely crazed ICEPUCK fanatic. Always there to cheer on his team, his iced sake will freeze a normal person solid with a single sip! Why, I'll never understand how someone can be so fanatic about anything. Some people really get obsessed and put on the blinders... Really now...
Frost Fanatics know how to party!! Maybe a little too hard... Don't stand in his nasty freezing breath or you'll find yourself on thin ice!
Fortune Teller
Aha... This crisp liquor, the vice of a life led numb until intoxicating victory... Perhaps it was too much for one once frosty, unused to the burn of spirits. The sweeping glee of gliding can distract from the triggers that bring down obstacles. Miss not these switches... Or bump right into one!
Formed from several tiny, perfectly packed snowballs. Somehow the snow never melts.
An elite ICEPUCK mercenary. This enigma of an enemy seems more intent on taking out other players than playing the actual game! They were said to be quite good at what they do. But I wonder if you could really trust such a strange and distant fellow with your back.
Oh, Cozy Shinobis! Why can't these cowards just sit still!? Wait 'til they commit to an attack and then plow through 'em!
Fortune Teller
Strange... difficult, even for me to see beyond the cold mask... This visage wished to never be caught, never be dominated and stayed out of sight. Be not a shadow in your own life. Although sliding on the ice might be fun, take your time! Your map holds clues to paths less traveled.
Level 4: Chaotic Colosseum (Hot)
A carved, still-hot chunk of stone. Guaranteed to chip your teeth, but good at keeping food warm!
A professional HOTROCK athlete who hails from a military state. He continually carries around a huge rock for training, but his ego's even bigger. He's been looking for a stage grand enough to show off his explosive power.
Spiker Hikers!!! These dopes think they're sooo hot, but they're NOT! Use an uppercut to send their big exploding rock back at 'em! Just be sure they're not ready to receive a pass!
Fortune Teller
Ugh! This heft! Their excessive, blazing pride desired to raze and flatten all... not realizing brashness domineers and extinguishes itself... Lava flows of its own will! Look past the molten haze and let not one's emotions dictate action, but one's actions stir emotion!
This torch's fire refuses to go out. Perfect for that final char!
Don't ignore him just because he's a bench warmer. This second stringer's been training his whole life for a chance to play HOTROCK! Too bad Coach thinks he's too much of a beanpole! If only his teammates would put up their jerseys for him.
Torch Twister, huh? Talk about low blows! This jerk will just run up and take a swing at you! Be wary if there's a rock on the field or they'll try to punt that in your face, too!
Fortune Teller
This kindling, still warm... It speaks, does it not? To their determination, a heart on fire... Staying lit in the winds of adversity. Fiery combat awaits southbound... Oh ho? Yet it seems icy slides may pave your way there! Hold fast and burn bright, even in gusts!
Or at least the charred remains of one. Maybe the olive is still good?
They may be smaller, but these HOTROCK linemen hold fast and surge forward with their shields, rarely breaking rank. We can't all be superheroes, but there's strength in numbers. And the crowd roars when they see the phalanx march onto the field.
Scutum Scuttlers might be on a lower pay-grade than most, but geez do they work hard, And their shield is even harder! Wait 'til they pop out from their shields and send them packin'!
Fortune Teller
Such a senseless honor... the only legacy of the breaker, ruination. For what victory more pyrrhic than to dominate the land you trampled? As you tumble forward on waves of lava, keep your patient eyes peeled for switches that guard the path. Adaptability, not terror, shall lead the way!
An outer piece of a Maskott. Surprisingly light... A perfect skillet.
The adorable little mascot of the ROCKTACKLE team. What a cutie!! Wait... are those his arms? Why's he so worked up? I can't believe such sweet thing would do a face turn... I'll never be fooled again!
Maskotts... These ugly little runts aren't much... Until they get mad! You better have a plan to take em out FAST! Make sure you're absolutely committed to knocking 'em out before dropping their health below half!
Fortune Teller
Tricky, tricky, this alloy. Within the guise of innocousness, violence waited to erupt. Like the steam of a kettle... Patience is key. As molten rocks flow smoothly, so must your temperament... Succumb not to a restless spirit, or you may find yourself incinerated...
A horrible stinky shoe... Why did I even pick this up?
You might think they're just here for support, but these girls think they're the real athletes. They trained just as hard to see the turf. Agile and coordinated, every single one of them knows how to bring the heat. I just love their synchronized moves!
Cheer cleaters are so catty! They think they're hot stuff, but really they're just old news! Just dodge along to the beat and watch out for their fireballs! They might look intimidating but they'll go down before you know it!
Fortune Teller
Passion and ardor... Exuberance and animation... What greater proof of toil than the aroma of... sweat? My! What a perfume! Faint not in the face of hardship, nor the miasma that strikes others unseemly. You may find yourself surprised on returning to gentler areas...
Level 5: Graveyard Grove
A collection of sharp bits. Hollow fangs allow the creature suck the blood of its victims from any part of its body.
The Thorn Thistler! A creature often thought to only be a fairy tale! In southern lands they're known as Chupacaballeros. They were said to be responsible for corpses found with cuts all over... but also, strangely, fang marks on the forehead. What were they trying to consume?
YOWCH! Thorn Thistlers are more hyperactive than the Potion Seller's kids... I'd say to wait for a pause in their attacks, but they never have one! Just smash 'em into the ground as quick as you can!
Fortune Teller
Yowch! This annoying -- impish, flippant even in death! One that loved to devour what it willfully nitpicked and lashed. Anything to fill its emptiness... The great gates stand guard... but time has its way with all things. Perhaps there is already a path?
Whatever posessed the suit is long gone... At least, I hope so.
Ahh, the Dullahand... This cursed suit of armor roamed the overgrown grounds... Its vicelike grip speaks to its obsession. Its head is the perfect manus for a roaming sentinel! It must have been made to guard something very powerful indeed...
These Dullahands pack some serious steel... And they're not half-bad at blocking your attacks with it, either! They're blind normally, but an Eyeholder's death can set them up to be a strong enemy. Be smart about who you fight first!
Fortune Teller
Curl and clench! Perfection thence... Even still, I feel the touch of one who lived and died by sword. Overwhelmed by mania, unable to come to grips... The beast does not roam the dark without purpose. Every nook and cranny must be explored! Perhaps the Houses saw fit to guard something...
A large spore jettisoned from a Daintylion. Smells like... ACHOO!!
An overgrown weed who grew sentience, due in part to its surroundings. Once upon a time, people actually believed eating these restored youth! Not wont to be chewed up by an old wive's tale, now they bite back! Despite its sharp teeth, it seems to actually prefer sap more than anything!
Daintylions... I'm pretty sure this thing is more of a weed than a flower. It's not too scary on its own, but it'll make the battlefield hard to see. Wait 'til you're ready to strike!
Fortune Teller
Tragic... within the malice, the fibers and ties of a simpler time. Beautiful blooms turned to weeds, halcyon days eaten away by time's hunger... The Crests seem to hint at familial ties. Perhaps this allowed entry somewhere?
The massive jaw of a Jellogre. These ancient bones only moved due to the intelligent, oozing slime surrounding it.
A symbiotic creature composed of a living gel and an ogre's skeleton. It seems the ogre's diet created a perfect environment for the gel to live. But I can't help but wonder what happened to the original ogre... Who was really eating whom...?
A gelatinous skeleton? How is the Jellogre even alive? He sure is huge... He's got more reach than you'd think, too! Once you cut him down to size he's a lot more manageable... Easier said than done when he's behind other enemies, though!
Fortune Teller
Massive jaws, massive strength... A creature that arrogantly believed all beings for mastication... not knowing its greatest enemy was within, not without! Four Families total... They all decided... to seal away the monster, blighted! What do you think of my rhyme!? Don't tell Potion Seller!
A false eyelash plucked from an Eyeholder. Unfortunately lacks any wish-granting powers.
A lesser demon known for its dauntingly large eye, and its insidious giggles. They can be quite fickle with appearances... and not just theirs! Shall I say they're a little... Judgy? Oh, I hate their side-glances!
Of course, some monsters get all the luck! Why can't I have lashes like the Eyeholder!? I mean- Watch out for their laser! And be extra careful not to let their eye fall into the Dullahand's grasp!
Fortune Teller
Spoilt and nasty... searching for all things ugly. If only it found a mirror... and discovered its own sneer unsightly. The Houses of old divulge a pathway it would seem... Explore the rotted forest and collect the Great Crests! Put an end to what they started!
Bosses (Levels 1-3)
Enough meat to feed a family! Or one me.
Oh, my! Old tales speak of a bull-headed beast that roamed an ancient labyrinth, keeping those inside trapped forever... Could this really be it?
Oh wow, the Skellotaur! He's strong, but don't let the huge health and huge biceps intimidate you!
Fortune Teller
An ignominious end for one so powerful... To never ascend, left to its duty... tasked with keeping the gate beyond... Skellotaur... poor creature... Once not so different from you or I. Corroded to a mindless guard by The Tower. You're ascending!
The eyes of the King's pets, All that was left. They're still looking at me...
King Casket himself! Goodness, he really does reside in The Tower! In the story, his love for his precious snakes was only matched by his cruelty...Such was his venom that when his followers entombed him alive, he called The Tower and his entire kingdom sunk with him into the desert!
King Casket... EEP! He's no slouch, and he's got pets to boot! Each snake is different, so watch out! And his arms are even beefier than yours! Seeing them shatter gave me... Complicated feelings...
Fortune Teller
An irony... Though the whole desert burned with his vicious glare, perhaps these were the only eyes that saw him with endearment. What a horrid ruler he was. More in love with his pets than his people. No wonder the Tower absorbed his wickedness...
Covered in a sour, black fluid. Was their ruler completely built out of scrap metal?
The leader of the Fishmen and self-proclaimed lover of metal. Years of tinkering have created this mechanical monster! These Fishmen really are talented, aren't they? One only wonders what they could accomplish if they would just focus their efforts!
Now this is the real deal! Punk Croc will come at you fast, but will leave himself open afterwards! His missiles might seem scary, but they can be his own worst enemy! Send this metal-head back to the scrapheap!
Fortune Teller
Marvel upon marvel! A genius for whom even the junkyard was a lab... But to think he elected to stay in the mire... Perhaps a secret desire...? A resentful Fishman that wiped out the tree-dwellers who dumped their garbage on him. Was he truly in the wrong...?
The mechanical arm of that damn prince. To match a foe, one hand short... Does he really think this a weakness?
Oh my! This is... Well, it's rather striking! I don't know of a Tower tale which brings a gauntlet like this to mind, though... Could it be from someone else, up in The Tower? Oh, dear... They should be careful, it's rather dangerous!
Oh! This is from that pompous guy, right? I saw him in the desert! Wasn't much for conversation, though. Heh, remind you of someone? Where'd you get this, anyways? Seems like that guy might need it!
Fortune Teller
Egads! I've never seen a pride so towering, always positioned to hide weakness in its shadow... You've reached a critical juncture! But take care... some hurt is hidden harshly.
Bosses (Levels 4-6)
A small piece of apron torn from the Butcher. Feels incredibly heavy in my hand, despite its small size.
Is this a butcher's apron? Hehe... Mother always liked to scare us by saying bad girls get gobbled up by a monstrous butcher! Even I don't know much about this creature! Our village was once home to a butcher, but that was ages ago. It can't be related!
What is this thing, even? He reminds me of that boogeyman story the folks would spook me and May with when we were little! I don't think you can KO him... but maybe you can give yourself some time! Throw some hooks 'til he's on a hook!
Fortune Teller
His true self lost to the ages... Once too, a guardian... But the dream of prosperity, usurped by the obsession of satiation... Undying as it may be, the creature can be pre-occupied. Make it taste the sourness of its own indulgence!
A beautifully marbled piece of meat. It actually looks rather appetizing... On second thought, never mind.
Wow, that's quite a steak! You didn't get this from Captain Cooke, did you? You know, it's been a while since we've had a good BBQ... Maybe once this is all over I can get Blacksmith to cook up his famous roast beast!
OOH, now that you mention it, I'm starving! I haven't had a bite since dinner, and who knows how long it's been since then! We could make a stew, or fry it up real thin... Maybe grind it up for spaghetti and meatballs... Or meatloaf... MEATLOAF!! Yeah, meatloaf.
Fortune Teller
Delicious! Delectable! Succulent and scrumptious! GATHER AROUND FOR THE FEAST! Ah... ahem. I don't know what came over me... This pound of flesh belongs to a man who lost his mind and was sealed away by his own neighbors... Perhaps the echoes of their guilt still persist...
Coolio Dudio 8 Aug, 2022 @ 1:15am 
You missed one!

PRINCE'S POKER: This beautiful rapier would've sliced through marble with the flick of a wrist. Not much of it remains now.

May: Oh, my! This is a beautiful hilt! The blade is shattered though, and it's cracked throughout. Hmm... I believe I've read about this... Could this be a Rosencranz rapier? I take it you found this in The Tower, but it's quite a way from home! Hehe... Maybe someday we can return it?

June: Whoa, cool sword! This isn't yours, is it? Naw... WAY too fancy. I'm no sword-smith but this is looking pretty ruined! Maybe I'll see if Blacksmith could fix it up... Then again, maybe he'd just eat it.

Fortune Teller: Moon and star, shining bright, Skillful dancers of the night... Star, the guide of sturdy mast, Aiming true, and built to last!
Mentlegen 11 May, 2022 @ 12:58am 
So, there's actually an item called the Prince's Poker. It's only awarded to you after beating the game, so I assume you have to beat either the Prince of The Tower, or The Tower itself.
Kkman 19 Apr, 2022 @ 2:40pm 
I didn't want to save and reload every time I wanted to read one, so this is a nice list
- ̗̀n o o k ̖́-  [author] 9 Feb, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
@Captain Norrec thank you for letting me know, I'll correct it soon!
Captain Norrec 28 Jan, 2022 @ 12:43am 
It's really nice and informative, although I think you'll want to at least make an edit, cause it seems as if you put the same fortune teller info for the Rip Rider Teeth entry as the one for the Fighting Amphibian Fin entry. But yea, aside from that one detail, it's pretty awesome that ya made one up like this, especially with how the graphics and organization are overlayed.
S_C_R_U_B_Y 26 Jan, 2022 @ 1:35pm 
mmm rock
- ̗̀n o o k ̖́-  [author] 5 Jan, 2022 @ 6:05am 
@Beholster, thank you for the comment! I'm glad to hear you found this list useful.
Samurai_Yeehaw 4 Jan, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Thank you so, so much for putting this together. Genuinely.