176 ratings
How To Become A Bambian Ranger
By Matzi
A simple guide on how to train, think and become like one of the great Bambian Rangers.
What Is A Bambian Ranger?
Bambian Rangers are a special breed of Rust players. They display certain characteristics and differ from all the other kinds of players. True Bambian Rangers are reckless, annoying and downright dangerous. We are one of a kind, we are the Bambian Rangers.

For starters we look nothing like this ---->
We honestly look more like this --->

But hey we ARE Bambis and we will do what is neccesary to let those M4 Wielding nubs know who owns the trees around here.
The Bambian Code
The Bambian Rangers have a special code that they must abide to. The code of the Bambian Rangers is made up of 5 simples sentences.

The Bambian Code
  • If there is another Bambi/Freshspawn do not kill them, treat them with honor and respect, and show them the way of the Bambian Rangers.
  • Never, ever wear any form of armor, because armor is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
  • Dont use guns, only bows.
  • Share your arrows with your fellow Bambian Rangers.
  • Loot, kill and pillage the land of anyone who isnt a Bambi, steal the women, kill the men and rape the children.

The Bambian Loadout
The Bambian Rangers know only one weapon, the bow. This is the only weapon that the Bambis will use, besides their trusty Combat Rock.

These deadly bows are way underestimated amongst the advanced kind. The bow has some pretty mean but basic stats.
  • 2 arrows to kill any armor besides Kevlar.
  • 3 arrows to kill Kevlar.
  • 2 seconds to draw an arrow.
  • Can hold an arrow in place for 8 seconds, the longer you hold the arrow the more innacurate your shot.

The combat rock... hit stuff.
Get Prepared
Before you go out to to bring justice and cause mayhem up you should have done the following.
  • Praise the great Bambian Lords of Rust (Go run circles around a deer with your torch screaming obscene ritual words).
  • Eat, go find some chicken breast and chow that stuff. Only raw breasts allowed, cooking is for women (No offense ladies).
  • Beating your friends with rocks really gets the blood flowing. Try it.

Follow this guide and become one of the great generals of the Bambis. New players need to unite and wage war against the superior kind. We will show them who owns the trees, the rocks and the land. We are the Bambian Rangers, and we will put the fight to the enemy.

P.S Prestick in the middle of your screen sometimes can help with bow accuracy.

Join the Bambian Rangers today! We have a steam group where we organise mass gatherings of Bambians and go and troll and sometimes even cover houses in arrows.
GrLion 10 Jul, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
i did all of this guide
salviija 25 Sep, 2016 @ 9:39pm 
I did everything in this guide.
Daiemio 11 Aug, 2016 @ 2:02pm 
@bozjack its a game, either get with our humor, or fuck off.
Weedle 21 Dec, 2015 @ 3:25am 
the number of guns and kevlar in rust is to damn high (meme intended)make this sounfd mc donalds :steamsalty:
Jonin 7 Oct, 2015 @ 8:55pm 
Rape joke was A++
Mister Bingleton 21 Sep, 2015 @ 5:57pm 
this guy isnt a bambian ranger, he knows what an m4 is
Cum 9 Sep, 2015 @ 7:23pm 
The rapejokes arent funny pls stop for people who have gone through it it is the worst thing imaginable
Vladdy Daddy Poutine 1312 2 Sep, 2015 @ 12:10pm 
i wish to join the ranks of the bambian rangers, but not in legacy, new rust ftw m8!
Matzi  [author] 3 Jul, 2014 @ 10:15pm 
*roars* We shall kill your women and rape your children :derp:
Bohij 3 Jul, 2014 @ 10:01pm 
You brutes, how dare you conseive of such a horrid nature. The Gentlemen's Club does not approve of these horendous actions of beastiality and crude nature. You sirs are heathens and deserve a good timeout, while the Gentlemen's Club drink a nice fine wine and chuckle at your state of humiliation. I bid you all a terrible day.