

평점이 부족합니다.
Trick to become an Absolute God
warking 님이 작성
This guide will present a very nice trick that help with boss fight and to also look badass
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What is it all about
this trick lets you move while having a charging weapon.

In 3 simple steps you can glide like a eagle and maximize your damage while dodging fireball and whatnot!

practicing this before a boss fight will come in really handy (might be usefull for speedrunners during 4th boss fights who knows -__-)

Instead of just calling it Trick, lets name it the Displacement Charge (DC for short).
Step 1
do a default attack (for keyboard users, press j)
step 2
Do a roll right after the attack finishes. (press the spacebar on your keyboard).
Step 3
THere is the tricky part.
during the roll animation, press charge attack in the middle of the dodge (more specifically, when the head *hits the ground) and keep charging.

tip: keep pressing the same direction performing this trick. after you can move anywhere and on the plus side you gain a speed boost.
Step 4
Enjoy your new DC skills!

Edit: It works with all weapons aside from greatsword or trick weapons and shield (DLC)
Edit 2: This trick works with shields!!!! the timing seems a little different but the massive boost in speed makes it pretty fun
Also works with broom!!! like the bow be careful not to change direction when dashing. Could be usefull for a certain achievement who knows
댓글 1
Lucas_R 2023년 5월 5일 오전 6시 40분 
Good one. I'm gonna save this for my 100% playthrough