Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose

29 ratings
How to deal with Officers who make squads then leave & rejoin.
By Razer, The Batragon
This guide teaches you how to deal with them pesky Officers who make a squad leave & rejoin!
Step One
Join said squad.
Step Two
Wait for Officer who made the squad to leave & rejoin.
Step Three
Take over the Officer Role.
Step Four
Now Kick everyone from the squad & leave, like a Squad disbandment mechanic that should be in the game to begin with.
Step Five
Watch them rage on how they couldn't pick the Role they wanted because they couldn't wait for someone else to start the squad first & everyone that joins doesn't want to play as an Officer, just like the Spotter role of the recon squad. (If they do, you're in luck. If not then..... do this)

All Roles are important, but not as important as placing Markers (seeing other Officer Markers as well), OPs, Garrisons & providing/getting communication from the Commander & other Officers on what to do or if "X" needs your help.
CRAGNAR 3 Feb, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
Just shoot them.
》Billynair 30 Jan, 2023 @ 11:31pm 
I get your frustration, my first Tier X was Recon SL, then SL, then Tank SL, then Commander.

I take those roles because NO ONE ELSE Will, I would love for other people to do it, especially since I still have a few more classes to build.

That said, I have played on servers that force you to join a squad with SL in 5 minutes or it kicks you. I can't play SL EVERY GAME, it gets exhausting, so forcing people to play SL isn't the answer.

Which is why I wish they would allow any class to be the SL, you can still build up your other classes AND place OPs

Or, like you said, put the XP you WOULD have gotten for SL and place that in another class
Razer, The Batragon  [author] 29 Jan, 2023 @ 3:45pm 
Also @Billy

Here we go again, I don't want to play SL, Why don't you?
"Do you want to force a player to play a position you YOURSELF werent going to play?"

Me: I see you don't have rank 'X' on SL but have been ranking up your other roles.

Player: Rather run around kill things, make things go boom & tells you to fuck off along with others who do the same.

Me: Recommends CoD, BF (If you want to run around & kill shit) & if you just want to troll have fun Garry's Mod (Dark RP servers)

I don't get anything from playing X rank Officer nor does the XP go in to any other role, I also end up having to do this & find out that 3 of the 5 players in the squad have smooth brains & have to kick them because they see MOVE, ATTACK & DEFEND markers but do you think they care.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14
JustL4MP 29 Jan, 2023 @ 8:38am 
As a commander & officer main, I like this post :steamthumbsup:
Razer, The Batragon  [author] 28 Jan, 2023 @ 11:12pm 
I wait but I don't sit in a squad of 6/6 players witch still has no Officer in it.

I then see players leave 5-15 minutes anyway because of the waiting / re-spawn time & walking granny sim.

The other thing is people can afford a game like this but have: no mic / to busy using some other VOIP program to chat & mute the games chat, don't know they have the ABILITY to place UNIVERSAL MARKERS that or you're a SMOOTH BRAIN because you don't know what universal means even though you know what a medic has on their sleeve to tell you who is the medic.
Rhombix 28 Jan, 2023 @ 8:39pm 
Or, you know, you can just stop being toxic. Yes, nobody wants to be SL. You know why? Because half the pubs you get are either annoying (spamming their mic and saying stupid shit constantly, meanwhile you have command radio in your ear talking over what the guys in your squad are saying, all this noise and chatter makes it impossible to hear things critical to in-game survival like enemy footsteps, grenade tosses, etc), OR the pubs want to do their own thing and don't listen to a word you say.

I myself find myself being an infantry SL constantly, begrudgingly, even though most of the time I want to build nodes and go armor, but I do it because no one else will.

There's no reason to hate on an SL not wanting to stick with a squad full of idiots and annoying ppl. There's no reason to hate on SL for quitting when the guys in your squad quit on you and leave early.

I can go about how much being an SL sucks but Steam and it's stupid character limit makes that impossible.
Mr. Unidentified 28 Jan, 2023 @ 3:59pm 
So you got mad at people for not wanting to play Officer because you wanted someone else to do it for you? Or is it that you're mad that people are trying to create a squad at all, when half of the time they are locked? I genuinely can not tell with this. It seems like you are trying to educate about the importance of Officers, but yet you are just venting at the same time by taking your rage out on others.

I'm not a smart man, but this seems dumb to me. It seems dumb to complain about it.
》Billynair 28 Jan, 2023 @ 2:01pm 
you said you are punishing all the other guys too because they only wanted to wait for a squad to get started, so they are just as guilty.

A little hypocritical since YOU WAITED TOO!!

Locking people into a SL role will just make them quit the server, or worse, sit in a corner doing nothing out of protest...

Do you want to force a player to play a position you YOURSELF werent going to play? They didnt want to play it, and they will NOT do a good job. I'd rather have no SL than a bad one. And you can usually find another squad with the position you wanted to play after about 10 minutes anways
REVOLVER 22 Jan, 2023 @ 7:19am 
Rather than wait until they created a squad create your own... i've sat there for about all of the prematch time with 4 squads full and locked just sitting there yet no one wants to create a squad, so i join a squad then go rifleman, not my people like you who are confident in SL sit there and wait until someone pulls the trigger, the guy creating the squad is an annoyance, not an actual detriment to you and the team, godbless.
Razer, The Batragon  [author] 21 Jan, 2023 @ 9:56am 
You just kick the same guy then to make them more mad