Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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15/dez./2021 às 17:13
14/fev./2022 às 5:21
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Series II-60 RICO.
*via yandex translate
This residential building is known in popular culture for its location in Pripyat

The series was originally developed to become mass in Moscow, and in the experimental area in Troparevo there should have been not only the usual 16-storey, but also 5-storey, 9-storey, 12-storey and 22-storey versions of this house. But these plans were not implemented. The building was built in the cities of the Volga region and nuclear cities, such as Pripyat.

Different II-60 in Samara:

This residential building received the widest distribution and life in Togliatti, where it was built until 1991. You can look at Togliatti and imagine what an alternative Pripyat would look like if it were a huge city with a population of 700k + people. Both Togliatti and Pripyat have many similar buildings, as well as both cities were built as reference in Soviet times.

"The form of Pripyat's development was unique for that time. However, in parallel with the construction of Pripyat, the same scheme was used in the construction of a dozen other cities of the Soviet Union. In particular, some neighborhoods of Pripyat have one hundred percent similarity with the residential quarters of other atomogradov - Kurchatov and Semipalatinsk-21, Volgodonsk - and avtograd Togliatti." - ru wikipedia.

There are extremely many buildings of this series in Togliatti. The first houses built were double-entry, with apartment windows instead of fire escapes at the ends. In the next versions there are already balconies. Also, the first half of the houses have a rhythmic facade pattern on the balconies \ black \ glass inserts. On the latest and most common modifications, all balconies are without inserts. There is also a double twelve-storey modification with separate stairs on the sides, which can be folded into a very long house. Also, many houses have a stylobate made of stone, on which you can see the remains of marine life, millions of years old. A library, club or shops can be located on the first floors of the stylobate. In the game, you can manually place service blocks inside the house.

Extended pack on Patreon
This release in the workshop implies only a basic version of the building of the 80s, as in Pripyat. The extended pack of this series is available on my Patreon



Turn on or off glazed balconies!
You can switch the glazing of buildings - just place the building, click on it and rename it.
Original name - there are balconies
Not the original name - there are no balconies.
(for example, the number 1 at the end, it can be removed or added to switch the glazing)

Technical specifications:
~22k triangles, 1024x2048
LOD ~250 triangles, 512x512

7 comentário(s)
Eirlen 29/ago./2024 às 10:37 
ok i think i know how to do that, thanks for info
лд ли дон ука  [autor(a)] 28/ago./2024 às 16:58 
This is some bug - you need to add buildings manually in rico mod, or edit rico file. I actually not remember how to fix that
Eirlen 28/ago./2024 às 12:33 
doesnt seem to work, can't find it anywhere.
Полина 24/dez./2023 às 9:39 
могу ли я выложить этот дом в другую игру Transport Fever 2?
Muska 16/jan./2022 às 7:28 
It seems having problem with RICO.
酷酷的火枪 17/dez./2021 às 5:34 
Unexpected Exception while deserializing RICO
KoKsoFboX 15/dez./2021 às 20:10 