Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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1.897 MB
5 déc. 2021 à 17h23
25 juil. 2024 à 13h21
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Minior, the Meteor Pokemon is here!

A floaty rushdown that can change between 2 stances, use the bulk of Meteor stance or the mobility of Core stance to overwhelm your foes!

By using Uspecial,Dspecial, or hitting your Fspecial rock with Nspecial, you are able to break out of your armor and activate Shields Down, which makes you enter Core stance.

While in Core stance, your Nspecial and Dspecial have extra speed, and your fspecial becomes Sandstorm, use Uspecial or Nspecial in the sand cloud to recover your armor and return to Meteor Stance.
In Core stance, your Uspecial also changes, trading the vertical boost for a powerfull kill move.
Some drawbacks though, while Core stance gives you powerful tools, staying out of the shell is harmful, and after some time will start damaging Minior, and the lack of armor will also make you lighter to enemy attacks.

--Other Stuff:
Try charging dstrong trust me it's a funny move

[This character was made in a month for the EXW pokejam, I hope you enjoy them!]
also shoutouts to SAKK for helping with the jab animation you're awesome
20 commentaires
maryevangelinemartins 25 nov. 2024 à 14h02 
is there a way to regain the shell? if you cant removing the damage over time would be a little convenient
fr_fr._.pp 27 avr. 2024 à 13h34 
maybe make marshadow (i will kiss you if you do)
Spubbily01 17 nov. 2023 à 13h59 
Cool character, but fighting against him feels terrible. You just can't touch the floor of the stage while against this guy, it's impossible.
I Am The Law! 7 oct. 2023 à 22h08 
If you ever consider doing other pokemon for Rivals of aether may I suggest either Hitmontop or Raichu?

This character is absolutely amazing and very fun to use!!!
soup 10 juil. 2022 à 8h34 
love this recent update! the visual indicator and the change to stealth rock are significant improvements. the nerf to up air was warranted too. I do personally think the up special nerf was a little heavy handed, but the patch was a great change for the health of the character
vido games 20 juin 2022 à 9h45 
I really, REALLY love this character. the way it evokes jigglypuff while still being unique is incredible, I MISSED the feeling of landing a rest since I switched to rivals and this nails it (and on one of my favorite random pokemon!). thanks so much for making minior!
the burger 19 juin 2022 à 13h14 
hey i love the character a lot and i plan to bring them to round a bouts tomorrow. i hope if/when another update comes that its not then. also i think u air needs to be nerfed
AustriaGamer 7 févr. 2022 à 19h59 
I genuinely don't understand. I completely forgot this pokemon existed for years now, how did you turn it into what might be my favorite character in any platform fighter I've played? Why is the happy rock so fun? Also as a suggestion, maybe have up special in shields up stance launch projectiles under you since it breaks your shields since it does feel kinda bad not having up special as an offensive option with shields up
DigPlayz 6 févr. 2022 à 13h03 
love this guy
Spooper 28 janv. 2022 à 11h20 
why is that?