215 คะแนน
Lockheed F104 Starfighter V5.1
90.994 KB
4 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 10: 28am
30 ก.ย. @ 11: 40am
11 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

Lockheed F104 Starfighter V5.1

The F-104 is known for its rocket-design and the very small wings. This plane was designed to be used as a fast interceptor and not as a dogfighter. The colour scheme is inspired by the F104 G from the German “Luftwaffe”. Usually they put on many external fuel tanks and it was also used as a fighter-bomber during the cold war there.

Features: -Almost realistic automatic retractable gear - Automatic flaps - Throttle assistance during landing approach -Afterburner -Minigun -Two droppable small bombs -Two missile pods -Pendulum elevator -Wheel brake system -Proportional throttle optional (setting shown in cockpit)

Steering for flight:
W S = elevator
A D = Roll
2 1 = Increase/decrease proportional throttle
Space = Toggle thrusters
RMouse = Instant full engine power
LAlt = Toggle afterburner (is working only when engines are on)
3 = Engage missiles
LMouse = Minigun + missiles (when engaged)
X = Drop bombs

Steering on surface:
W = Some thrusters to drive forward
S = Wheel brakes (only available when engines off )
A D = Turn left/right
. = No function, only placeholder

Notes for Version 5.1:
It could reach horizontal speeds about 650kph (~404mph) cruising and max. about 740kph (~460mph) with afterburner now. For Landing you can rise up the nose when the gear comes out and throttle assistance will give you some thrusters and flaps that you will be able to do a relatively slow and soft touchdown.


Die F-104 war für ihr Raketen-Design und die sehr kleinen Tragflächen bekannt und primär als Abfangjäger und nicht als Luftüberlegenheitsjäger konzipiert. Diese Version ist an das Farbschema der F104 G der Luftwaffe angelehnt. Die Deutschen bestückten die F104 mit vielen Tanks und nutzten sie als Jagdbomber während des kalten Krieges.

Features: - Fast realistisches automatisches Einziehfahrwerk -Automatische Klappen -Automatische Triebwerksregelung während dem Landeanflug -Nachbrenner -Minigun - Zwei kleine Bomben -Zwei Raketenwerfer -Pendelhöhenleitwerk -Radbremssystem -Variable Motorregelung als Option (Einstellung im Cockpit sichtbar)

W S = Höhenruder
A D = Rollen
2 1 = Variable Motorregelung
Space = Triebwerke einschalten
RMouse = Halten für vollen Triebwerkschub
Lalt = Nachbrenner einschalten (nur wenn Triebwerke an sind aktiv)
3 = Raketen aktivieren
LMouse = Minigun + Raketen (wenn aktiviert)
X = Bomben abwerfen

W = Einige Triebwerke zum Vorwärtsfahren aktivieren
S = Radbremsen (Nur möglich wenn Motoren aus)
A D = Bugrad lenken
. = keine Funktion, nur Platzhalter

Info zu Version 5.1: Die Geschwindigkeiten horizontal liegen nun bei 650km/h horizontal und maximal über 740km/h mit Nachbrenner. Zum Landen kann man, wenn das Fahrwerk herauskommt, die Nase ordentlich hochziehen. Die automatische Triebwerkssteuerung schaltet dann einige Triebwerke zu und setzt die Klappen für eine relativ langsame, sanfte Landung.
8 ความเห็น
Zulu 1 1 ม.ค. @ 9: 00am 
nabi_1978  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 ม.ค. @ 4: 46am 
Hi, the F9F Panther is finished and online now :-)
Zulu 1 29 ก.ค. 2023 @ 12: 34pm 
nabi_1978  [ผู้สร้าง] 29 ก.ค. 2023 @ 11: 15am 
Hi, i agree. A F9F Panther in the blue Navy paint would be nice. I am working on many other projects and reworks of older builds, so i only can put it on my to do list so far...
Zulu 1 26 ก.ค. 2023 @ 7: 44pm 
can you make a "Grumman F9F Panther" please?
Cap'n Leonard 8 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 10: 18am 
id you need any help with something you can always reverse engineer my builds on my workshop. or just message me ;)
nabi_1978  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 9: 22am 
Thanks a lot for your positive comment. I always tryed to make my creations without using any glitch but its right that you can make it faster ;-). Good Idea with the spoilers. The main problem for stability is the negative v-shape of the wing but this is necessary for the original look.(Positive v-shape leads to stable pendulum effects) The physics of the game does sometimes too much or too less in comparison to real life... Btw. All my uploads are original. I never will upload something stolen...
Cap'n Leonard 8 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 1: 28am 
well i must say that it looks awesome and that you`re first person from germany that uploaded something original or not stolen. and one more thing uyou should use aeroglitch that makes your plane faster. oh and btw if u want to make your plane more stable you should use inverted spoilers ;)