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2.013 MB
3 DIC 2021 a las 18:09
23 DIC 2021 a las 3:32
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This submarine is 100% vanilla, and compatible with the mod BAROSOMBRA. It is Among the Ancients and campaign ready ! It is also very performance-friendly (no detectors, no wifi...)

Submarine specs
  • Price : 8.500 mk
  • Recommended crew : 2 - 6
  • Crew level : Intermediate (Beginner if you forget the moonpool)

What's inside ?

It features :
  • Moonpool. Airlock are a thing of the past ! Don't forget to close it tho
  • Optional Automatic doors (don't close except when they see water, fire, aliens, or if a lock is activated for the command room)
  • Secure doors : allow the sub to be fun in traitor mode. Can be overpassed with SOMBRA uniforms. (BAROSOMBRA mod)
  • Optional automatic batteries take-over
  • Optional Autoreactor
  • Balanced Oxygen Generator : cause some issues when all the doors are closed. This issues can be avoided by upgrading it.
  • Good gun coverage while not full. An EDC that protects the rear top sub shell.
  • Maintenance mode for the ballast. You only have one ballast, take care of it.
  • And more...

Special thanks :

Don't hesitate to leave comments or ask questions !
46 comentarios
zang 20 JUL 2023 a las 14:16 
This looks like a sleek and capable ship, but I'm afraid it's been busted by the ravages of time and Undertow's update philosophy.
Ferrix 4 MAY 2023 a las 0:52 
Has railgun shell racks, but since Large Hardpoints were added, can no longer equip a railgun on any of the three turrets.
lolmanor 20 MAR 2023 a las 11:34 
Ship doesn't work with modded jobs/roles. They don't have permissions to any of the doors.
Black 8 NOV 2022 a las 16:42 
@Rameka there is a button (kinda hidden) in the captain cabin that forces all door to be open unless the room is flooded.
Rameka 8 NOV 2022 a las 16:08 
My friends and I couldn't figure out how to close some of the interior doors. Not sure if they're bugged or we're just stupid but some doors just would not close.
SLǂEranok 21 AGO 2022 a las 7:31 
Great sub
ZyreX 6 AGO 2022 a las 12:08 
does anyone know how to turn off the alarm in armory?
Black 9 JUN 2022 a las 7:59 
@AmbiguousMonk last time i checked yes it does work just fine but since this is a cheap sub you can just make a new save and start with it to double check
AmbiguousMonk 8 JUN 2022 a las 19:57 
Does this ship still work with the most recent patches?
Megakole 5 JUN 2022 a las 17:34 
is there anyway to reconfigure the wiring and door settings for a crew of only friends so we can rewire the ship and open everything