Grow: Song of the Evertree

Grow: Song of the Evertree

136 ratings
Basic Tips
By Surumon
Just a list of some basic tips I've discovered so far while playing. Let me save you some time searching the internet. Spoiler free, of course!
This is just a collection of tips and information I have gathered since starting the game. A lot of information seems a bit scattered currently and I'm sure it will eventually have a more collected website where it will all be presented. But for now, here's some basic tips without spoilers for newer players.

This guide was written shortly after the game came out. Not all of this information may be true if you're looking at it a few years down the line. Keep that in mind.

Also, keep in mind that this is what I've discovered and pieced together. I could be wrong on some stuff and I wouldn't be surprised if I am wrong on things. My sincerest apologies if I am!
General Tips
  • Save your fingers (and maybe your controller)! In the options settings, change the options for weeds and trees to hold. Now you only need to hold the button in order to pull weeds or shake stuff out of trees.
  • Quests do not always reward you with stuff. However, Goals from Book always have something to give you.
  • Rewards aren't set in stone -- They're randomized to some degree. If you don't like the reward from Book or a villager, you can reload for some of them to get something different.
  • There are some rewards from Book that will upgrade your tools and your character.
  • Don't worry too much if some Myora pops off a tree and flies off the edge of the world. From what I've seen, it always gets warped back to you so you can collect it.
  • You can recycle some decorations. Coppertop won't tell you what you'll get and won't remember what the item has. I would recommend against it, but you can use this to get rid of stuff you can't sell and no longer want.
  • You can switch tools while using another tool -- For example, when you're pulling a weed you can switch to your seeds. This can save you time by preparing the next tool while you're busy with another animation.
  • Breaking those big boulders on your world seeds can often time produce some gems or ores that sell for a substantial amount of EverKoin.
  • The ONLY time pressure you're under is any time limit you're imposing on yourself. Don't stress about the time. If you have something you really want to do, go do it. Everything else will patiently wait for you.
  • A day lasts roughly 25 minutes.
  • Daylight lasts for about 20 minutes.
  • Night is only about 4-5 minutes long (at least, the night you're allowed to stay up for).
  • You'll be forced off any Ever-Tree world you're on after approximately 21 minutes.
  • Somewhere between 24-25 minutes you'll be forced back home if you're anywhere when time is advancing.
  • It can take multiple days to befriend a new animal. If you're really big into optimizing your time, consider that.
  • Time does not move when you're in caves, your house, or visiting the Where-Ever. So feel free to take as much time as you want in these locations and do not feel rushed.
  • A good rule of thumb is: If you don't see the clock in the lower left, the passage of time is currently paused.
  • Originally I thought if you didn't get a chance to finish your work on a world it wouldn't save your progress. However, I stand corrected. The game does save the work you've done in your previous day -- But you can't grow your world unless you fully complete a full day of care!
Exploration Tips
  • It is significantly easier to explore during the daytime as opposed to the night. You will save much more time being able to see where you want to go and what you want to explore during the day.
  • Some ledges can be scaled with careful jumps. You don't necessarily need a path to follow.
  • Speaking of jumping, if you time your jumps right you basically skip along and can go a little bit faster than just running. You can always use this to travel faster uphill than downhill (because you might open your umbrella and slow down).
  • Swimming is apparently both a lost art, science, and something you can't ever learn. You are in danger of being warped out of water if you see bubbles above your head. If it's really deep water, you'll be warped out immediately.
  • Sometimes you can find a ledge near the water to leap out of the water and stand on. This can let you sometimes skip a puzzle or platforming element.
  • You can utilize the warping feature of water to pseudo-fast travel by having the game warp you back to a certain spot. It's a bit inconsistent but you can use this in caves to warp you back to the entrance instead of having to walk all the way back. This seems more common if you can keep getting warped out of water in quick succession.
  • If you want to explore the Where-Ever, there's stuff to be found out there. Including chests filled with goodies. Did I mention time is paused here so you can search as long as you want?
  • The caves in the Where-Ever don't seem able to be entered. They appear to just be decorative even though you can walk into the darkened entrance.
  • Some chests seem to respawn the following day after you open them. I do not know if this is intended or a bug, but you can use this to farm up some extra Myora and other chest drops.
  • Remember the mighty F12 button (screenshot). If you find something you really want to remember but don't want to write down the symbols the game uses for alchemy.
  • When you're tending to your world and want to go back to the Alchemist Grotto quickly, you can just jump off the world. As far as I can tell, this does not penalize you at all and skips having to watch the map zoom out and zoom in animation. However -- If you intend to then fast travel elsewhere, this will not save you time!
  • Speaking of fast travel -- Use it! It's free and you can utilize your mount right up until night fall. Plus you have plenty of other methods of travelling quickly at nightfall as well. Route your day around these helpful fast travel tools to optimize the daylight.
  • Use Photo Mode to peer around corners and look into those nooks and crannies you can't quite see in. You can't fly everywhere with photo mode but you can go a pretty far distance from where your character currently is and see if there's something to grab.
  • Photo mode ALSO PAUSES TIME so you can alleviate that time pressure burden a bit while you're out exploring.
Town Management
  • Early on when you're building your first buildings, you might come across an upgrade called "Two's Company" which allows a second resident to move into the same Small House. This is a cost effective way to increase your population instead of building new homes. A Small House costs 180 Myora but the upgrade token only costs 40 Myora -- That's 140 Myora savings! Plus you can always move people around later when you expand your initial build area.
  • If you're not happy with where you placed a building, you can freely move it the following day and rearrange your town anyway you like. Don't worry about placement, you can always fix it later!
  • Time is paused when you're in the town overview/building screens during the day.
  • Check out the construction sites before a building goes up. Sometime the Everkin dig up things...
  • If you get a piece of clothing or a customization that you don't like, remember you can always re-gift that bad winter sweater to somebody else. This can be especially true of hair styles you don't like and won't be equipping.
  • Save yourself having to run around, open the town overview and look at the little icons next to each person to see what they want!
  • A picture of two Speech Bubbles next to somebody's name means they just want you to chat with them (ask them how they're doing). This is an easy way to get a star with somebody.
  • A picture of a gift means ANY gift. They'll take just about anything, but you should probably try to give them something beneficial to what you want them to do (like a skill up).
  • A picture of a shirt means they want new clothes.
  • A picture of a scroll with an exclamation mark (!) means they have a request of you. This could be anything from a resource, bugs, fish, or articles of clothing.
  • A picture of an ID-Card looking thing is that citizen wanting better skills at their job. You'll need to use a skill up item on them!
  • If you're unsure what they want, use the "About You" option and it should be pretty clear in the info box about what they want.
  • If you pick up a quest and don't want it anymore, you can simply remove it from Book's list of things to do. They won't mind at all.
  • If you pick up a quest with a villager, it will lock your interactions with them to only be about the quest. You'll have to complete the quest or drop the quest to get them to start cycling through other interactions again.
  • If you don't like somebody's stats, don't feel pressure to settle them immediately. Remember, this is your town and you can recruit only those who suit your needs.
  • Conversely, if you really like somebody's stats, their look, etc. - You can always settle them and wait to put them in their dream job later.
  • Also, if you don't like somebody's look, you can always gift them stuff to change their look. However, you can't change their body shape (so far as I've discovered).
  • Don't forget about tokens as a quick way to boost productivity of stuff you've already built. This can save you heaps of Myora early on when you need to clear out rubble and other building blockers.
  • Some shops sell stuff for Myora. Don't forget to check them out!
  • If you go visit some buildings, you might find some sparkling furniture piece. If you interact with it, you'll get a few Myora for your time. While this won't break the bank, a path section only costs 10 Myora and some customization pieces only cost 20-30 Myora. You can try to farm up what you're missing for that day.
  • Sadly, you cannot (as far as I can tell) move people between districts.
  • The Myora cost in each new district seems higher than the last (so far as I've seen).
Fish & Bugs
  • Sometimes a citizen might ask you for a specific bug or fish for their quest.
  • If you don't need a fish or bug immediately, sell them to the Everkin for their EverKoin.
  • Rarer fish and bugs sell for more EverKoin.
  • Some areas will constantly spawn rarer fish or bugs and if it's in a cave there's no time limit. You can spend time catching them to your heart's content (and the pleasure of your wallet as well).
  • If you're trying to catch a bug, you NEED to see the net icon appear or you're going to miss the bug.
  • If you can't get the net icon to appear, just sneak away. The bugs don't seem to notice you until you stop sneaking. So if you're concerned about losing a new insect for your collection, sneak away from it and try another angle.
  • Bugs will only run a certain distance then stop so you can try to catch them again.
  • Try to approach bugs so they'll run towards the center of the world you're on, otherwise they'll just yeet themselves off the edge. Why? Who knows!
  • When fishing, always hold 'S' on the keyboard or down on the appropriate control stick. 'Down' reels the fish towards you. It's not really well explained in game.
  • Glowing water is always in your best interest to throw a fishing line into.
  • Everkid's make a particular sound and they also glow at night.
  • Since they glow, searching at night can sometimes help you find them easier in town.
  • They can appear in certain story-related puzzle-dungeons. Make sure you look thoroughly and don't skip the different paths.