100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

99 ratings
Comprehensive Map Guide
By PKMN Trainer Green and 1 collaborators
"What does this map do again?"
Overview and Goal
This guide is written with the purpose of explaining each map and it's flow of movement, along with a good strategy to use for the map. Additionally, there will be explanations of specific character advantages/weaknesses and basic cards that have synergy with the maps where applicable.
Field Event Explanations
These are the field effects encountered in the game in order:

Random Warp
At the beginning of every 5th chapter, every player will be warped to a random location on the map.

At the beginning of every 3rd chapter, a random trap card will appear on a random space on the map. Cards to expect from Minelayer are: Mimyuu's Hammer, Bad Pudding, and Dangerous Pudding.

At the beginning of every 5th chapter, Miracle will trigger causing every Bonus, Draw and Drop panel to give double the effect. Additionally, wins from Battle panels will count as 2 as opposed to the usual 1.

At the beginning of every 5th chapter, all players are healed for one hitpoint.

At the beginning of every 5th chapter, every player is given one random card draw.

Air Raid
At the beginning of every 5th chapter, all players are damaged for one hit point.

At the beginning of every 6th chapter, Battlefield triggers, causing all bonus and drop panels to become battle panels. This effect last for three chapters.
Quick Map Explanation
Player movement direction across the maps is indicated by colored arrows. The difference in colors of the arrows indicate the various possible paths across each board:
  • Red is the main path on the map.
  • Blue is the off path on the map.
  • Green is used to show alternative paths between both the main and off paths.
Practice Field

Practice Field is a small map with no field events and a fairly straightforward pathing. It's purpose is to simply show off the basics for the maps to come while being an all-purpose map.


As this map is very basic, there is no specific strategy for this map.
For fighters, following the inner ring of the map is recommended as it has the majority of the battle panels and also has the shortest path to catch up to other players.
For farmers, following the outer rings is recommended as it allows access to two more bonus panels as opposed to the single one located in the inner ring. Keep in mind the drop and warp panels are also located in the outer rings, making this a slightly riskier strategy as you can get placed near dangerous opponents from a wrong warp.

Since this is a smaller map, Dash is a good card to have in order to both close the gap or to widen it from other players. Dangerous Pudding can also be used effectively here to delay another player from running away or catching up to you.


This map has no advantages or disadvantages for the characters.
Space Wanderer

Space Wanderer is a wide map with several warp panels and the field effect Random Warp.


Space Wanderer is difficult to write a strategy for, as the map is very random. However there are a few things to keep in mind to help lessen the frustration the map can bring.
Space Wanderer has several warp panels that are easy to land on. The majority of them are concentrated in the rings you can follow to camp the home spaces, so following them around can be very risky as you can be warped in front of a dangerous opponent.
For fighters, Random Warp can both be your worst enemy and your greatest ally. It's as common to have someone you're chasing warped halfway across the map from you as it is for everyone to be warped right in front of you. Your best strategy is to be patient.
For farmers, the best you can do is run and take your chances with the warp panels. Your chances of getting away from a threatening player are better with the warp panels than simply trying to outrun them.

Here and There is a very useful card for this map, as it allows for an additional warp effect after an unfavorable warp. Extend can also be a good card for this map, as it allows you to recover quicker to take advantage of the chapters between Random Warp. Finally, because of the battle panel locations being in front of all home spaces, Oh My Friend can be used for chance KO's on opposing players threatening a win if they're unlucky enough to land on it, or to discourage players from camping their home space.



+Marie Poppo
Of all three star collectors, Poppo benefits the most from this map. Having the ability to control her own warping in the use of her hyper Ubiqitious after a chaotic random warping can put her in a safer position that Aru and Fernet can't match.


He suffers the most from the random warping effect mainly because of how his hyper works. Keep track of which chapter you're in to avoid wasting Protagonist's Privilege.
Pudding Chase

Pudding Chase is a small map with a more rectangular design and the field effect Minelayer.


Pudding Chase is very similar to Practice Field, but slightly larger.
Fighters can take their time circling the map and fighting with other players.
Farmers should try to run and take advantage of the bonus and warp panels when they can.

Stiff Crystal is a useful card to help avoid potentially disruptful cards from Minelayer, such as Dangerous Pudding and Bad Pudding. We Are Waruda is also useful for moving potentially dangerous trap cards off of your home space for a small star cost.
Any trap cards (such as Flamethrower and Tragedy in the Dead of Night) both blend in well with the other traps laid down by Minelayer to provide even more chaos to the map.


No character is at an advantage or disadvantage on this map.
Christmas Miracle

Christmas Miracle is a wide map in the shape of a star with the field effect Miracle.


The layout of the map is very open and allows for players to never have to land on battle spaces, meaning the boss can be completely avoided at all points of the game. Because of this, aggressive play on this map isn't recommended.

Cards such as Nice Jingle and Flip Out can be very useful on this map to both further increase your star gain, or to punish other players ahead of you on Miracle chapters. Addtionally, Piggy Bank and Holy Night can be used to further increase star gain.
More expensive battle cards, such as Little War and Super All-Out Mode can be used to better effect because of the increased star gains.


+ Poppo
Poppo does the best of the three star collectors on this map due to the chance of gaining double cards from draw spaces during Miracle. This allows her more chances at drawing her hyper which she can use to steal stars gained by others during doubled bonus spaces.

+ Marc
Marc can potentially do very well on this map, as it allows for her to rack up stars and potential hypers very quickly for early wins due to Miracle.

- Aru
While all three star collectors do benefit from this map due to Miracle doubling star bonuses, she also suffers from it because of everyone's chances to gain 2 cards on draw spaces. Keep track of the chapters to get the most out of her hyper.

-Store Manager
Store Manager suffers from the lack of combat usually seen on this map, and also the doubled effect of card draws that can be seen during Miracle. However, if he can catch someone, he can earn a large amount of stars. Play at your own risk.
Planet Earth

Planet Earth is a long map with the field effect Regeneration.


The inner ring of Planet Earth contains the warp and drop panels, while the outer rings have multiple card draws and bonus panels. Because of this, Planet Earth is best suited for star collecting, with its abundant amount of bonus panels and few battle/drop panels. Additionally, the long outer rings and the Regeneration field effect help to somewhat discourage combat.

Dash is a very useful card for this map, as it can be used to cover ground quickly in the outer rings of the map or to avoid the boss square later in the game. Saki's Cookie can be useful on this map to help heal extra with the Regeneration field effect. Go Away can also be used effectively on this map to deny another player from winning, or simply from leveling.


Fernet does best on this map out of the three star collectors due to her ability to defend against anything in combination with Regeneration. Addtionally, she's one of the few characters who can reliably tank the boss when it spawns meaning that she can travel the inner ring of the map safer than other characters.

-Store Manager
Store Manager suffers on this map due to both the length and the amount of draw panels on the map. Because of these, Planet Earth is not a map you want to use Store Manager on.

Syura suffers from this map due to the Regeneration field effect making it somewhat difficult for her to abuse her health for her hyper. Keep track of the chapter to help decide when to best use her hyper.
Lagoon Flight

Lagoon Flight is a small, segmented two-part map with the field effect Charity.


Lagoon Flight is the first of the two split maps, but is the smaller of the two and has several draw and battle panels within short distance of the home spaces. Due to this, battling is the more reliable norma early on.
For fighters, following the inner circle is recommended as it contains the majority of the battle panels and allows you to pass the home spaces frequently for healing and normas.
For farmers, circling the outer circles is recommended as most of the bonus panels are located in them.

Due to the nature of the map, it's easy to end up on a side of the map with multiple players while one player gets to farm a section of the map by themselves without any resistance. Because of situations such as this, Here and There is a useful card to have to help shuffle up positions of everyone on the map. Not only can this potentially help to get threatening players away from you, it can also put you back on your side of the map after an unfortunate warp. Go Away is also useful for this same reason, but on a much smaller scale.
Oh, My Friend is a strong card for this map because of the amount of battle spaces closely linked to the home spaces, making the inner circle of the map very dangerous to travel.


Yuki does well on this Lagoon Flight due to her high attack and small distance required to travel around the map. This makes her a very threatening Powerhouse that is difficult to deal with.

Tomomo does well on this map largely for the same reasons as Yuki, except having even better defensive stats.

Fernet benefits on this map simply due to how difficult she is to kill, combined with how easy it is to camp her home space for healing. Addtionally, later in the game she can also travel along the inner ring of the board without much trouble from the boss.

+QP (Dangerous)
QP-D can abuse the Charity field effect for more chances at stat gains and healing. This can lead to her being a roaming powerhouse like Yuki and Tomomo, or a super tank like Fernet.

- Aru
Charity effectively lowers her hyper's star gain by 40 stars everytime it triggers, putting her at a disadvantage on this map.

- Store Manager
Store Manager suffers from the Charity field effect, meaning that every 5 chapters he'll take a mandatory 1 damage once he reaches a full hand. Combined with how easy it is to land on a draw panel on this map when chasing opponents, Lagoon Flight can be a difficult map for him to be played effectively on.

Warfare is a medium-sized map with the field event Air Raid.


For fighters, the inner ring of the map is best for combat since it has the majority of the battle panels and provides healing through the close-knit home spaces. This is especially useful due to the Air Raid field event, which will damage you and slowly whittle away your health over time.
For farmers, leaving the inner ring and going to the outer ring is best. The outer ring of the map is used for avoiding combat and gaining stars. However getting back into the inner ring requires passing through multiple drop panels, so make sure to have enough that coming to the inside won't end up with you not having enough stars to level.
One thing to note about Warfare is that while Air Raid can and will kill you, you lose no stars for falling to it. This makes it a very effective way of denying yourself from opposing players who are trying to kill you.

Saki's Cookie, Dinner and Pudding are all very useful on this map. However, only Saki's Cookie can be used early on while Dinner and Pudding won't come into effect until later in the game.
Mimyuu's Hammer, Long-Distance Shot and Cloud of Seagulls are also useful for weakening other players further or for denying yourself at clutch moments.
Finally, Dash is a useful card to help you circle the inner ring, or to just get back into it without having to take your chances with the drop panels.


Fernet does well in this map due to her high HP and DEF. She's able to tank the majority of people who try to fight with her in the inner circle, or take a stroll through the outside of the map to gather stars and not have to worry as much from Air Raid's indirect damage.

Poppo largely benefits from having high HP on this map, which lets her take her time with traveling the outside of the map to gather stars. However, since she has poor defenses, she's more vulnerable than Fernet when she gets caught by another player.

Syura loves the Air Raid field effect as it allows her to better abuse her hyper.

Peat has 3 HP, making him a difficult choice for this map due to Air Raid and the nature of the inner ring.

-Schiff Robot
Schiff Robot starts the game at 1 HP, and will constantly get pelted by damage from Air Raid and other players. Auto-Repair can sort of buffer the damage from the field effect, but will still leave it at a disadvantage against aggressive players. Play at your own risk.

Nanako also has 3 HP, leaving her with the same problems as Peat.
Highway Heist

Highway Heist is a large map with the field effects Charity, Minelayer and Battlefield.


HIghway Heist is really big, which means it's easy to run away.
For fighters, circling the inner circle where all the home spaces are is recommended as it allows you to not only rack up early kills, but also to see how the other players are going to move. If you're lucky, you can even roll well enough to start combat on another player as early as the first chapter.
Once Battlefield starts, traveling out into the outer rings is then best as it gives a much larger access to battle panels.
For farmers, keeping your distance from everyone else is best. Additonally, following the outer rings lets you access the bonus panels early before Battlefield comes into effect and changes them all into battle panels.

Dash is very useful for covering the the large distances required to travel the map. Nice Jingle can be used to milk the bonus panels between Battlefield activations. As this map has Minelayer, both Stiff Crystal and We Are Waruda are great choices to counter popular card picks such as Assault and Exchange.


Combat characters do well on this map, since they can take advantage of the battle panels from Battlefield to rack up wins quickly.
Due to the nature of Battlefield, all three star collectors are at a disadvantage on this map. However, due to the added effect of Charity, Aru suffers even more on Highway Heist.
Sealed Archive

Sealed Archive is a large, twisting map with the field events Regeneration, Minelayer and Battlefield.


Sealed Archive can be a very confusing map on first play.
For fighters, it's best to focus on simply traveling around the map until Battlefield starts. Once it does, you can farm the battle panels for wins and stalk the other players at the same time. Regeneration also helps to buffer counterattacks taken from battle panels, although the rate of healing isn't consistent so keep in mind the chapter to avoid taking unnecessary risks.
For farmers, following the red path and then crossing the home spaces onto the blue path allows traveling of the entire map with relatively little resistance. This is due to the layout allowing for players to completely avoid all warp and drop panels in the map. However, if being chased by a threatening opponent, taking the blue path normally stops them from following you, as the two warp panels make it difficult to chase.

Cards such as Exchange and Sky Restaurant 'Pures' are useful on this map, as they blend in well with Minelayer and severely punish opponents who are in a strong lead. On the reverse, Stiff Crystal and We Are Waruda are both very useful on this map, also due to Minelayer.
Healing cards Saki's Cookie, Dinner and Pudding help to restore health between Regeneration triggers as well due to fighting.
Oh My Friend is a useful but risky choice that can be used to deter dangerous opponents from chasing you into the blue paths even more, or to simply make it more difficult to leave each area without an encounter.


This map provides the biggest advantage to combat characters, as they can all farm the battle panels during Battlefield.
This map, despite being a Battlefield map, actually isn't that disadvantageous to the star collectors. Regeneration helps Fernet, Aru and Poppo get through Battlefield with some healing.

Sunset is a medium-sized, segmented two-part map with the field effects Charity, Minelayer and Miracle.


Sunset is the second of the two split maps, but is the larger of the two and has several bonus and battle panels strewn about the map.
For fighters, the best mode of action is to stalk the inner circle of the map for other players attempting to camp the home spaces and bonus panels. Most players won't leave the inner circle unless warped out or if they can get a guaranteed double bonus/draw panel during Miracle by moving further up (or down) the map.
For farmers, camping the inner circle for the bonus panels with only a single battle panel is recommended. This is especially true later in the game as the battle panels will become boss panels, making the upper (and lower) parts of the map especially dangerous. However, when being pursued by a dangerous opponent, moving into the upper (or lower) part of the map is recommended as it allows to you attempt to juke them due to the multiple paths through the upper (and lower) parts of the map.

As this map is very similar to Lagoon Flight, use of Here and There is definitely recommended after a bad warp. Additionally, Go Away can be used just as effectively on this map to remove dangerous opponents stalking specific sides of the map.
With the Minelayer field effect being on this map, Stiff Crystal and We Are Waruda are both excellent choices for this map.
Additionally, with the amount of excessive battle panels on the map, Oh My Friend is also useful for general chaos.


Due to the both the effects of Charity and Miracle, Store Manager has a very difficult time of this map. Expect to be downed often.
Additionally, Schiff Robot has a hard time of this map due to the excessive amount of battle panels.
Tomomo's Abyss

Tomomo's Abyss is a small map with winding paths and the field effect Battlefield.


Tomomo's Abyss is a little confusing at first glance. The map is small and the paths don't make much sense. However it makes much more sense when you see the actual paths you can take.
For fighters, focus on stalking your opponents by circling the inner circle of the map while you farm up early stars and wins from the bonus and battle panels.
For farmers, focus on circling the outside of the map, where the majority of the bonus and warp panels are. It's more difficult to catch a person on the outside of the map than from the inside.

Dash is a useful card here since it can be the difference between life and death on this map. Exchange is also useful here since it can easily net you more stars than you'll have from combat characters. Flamethrower can also come in handy here as it allows you to potentially kill an opponent on their home space, or burn their cards before they fight a boss.


All of the combat characters do well on this map due to the nature of Battlefield.

All three star collectors suffer from the Battlefield effect since it removes the ability to collect stars from Bonus panels reliably. However, Aru and Fernet both have an easier time of the map due to their heightened defenses, whereas Poppo has to rely on face tanking to make it safely to the end of Battlefield's effect.
White Winter


White Winter is a large, winding map with the field effects Charity and Minelayer.



BlueTressym 22 Jun, 2016 @ 11:31am 
I love this guide, but it really needs more of the maps included.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 2 Jul, 2014 @ 12:08pm 
Well I usually use spacing partly as a proxyto indicate how risky it is to play a poor-defense character (Yuki, Suguri, Poppo, Aru, or Hime -- especially Suguri since she has low HP).
PKMN Trainer Green  [author] 2 Jul, 2014 @ 3:33am 
Additionally, while it can help to know the distance between home spaces on maps, it's normally unreliable due to how your turn order (which determines your color) and your home space's location are also randomized for each map.
PKMN Trainer Green  [author] 2 Jul, 2014 @ 3:23am 
Due to the nature of small maps, they generally favor fighters anyway due to needing to cover less distance for engagements. That's why Practice Field, Pudding Chase, Lagoon Flight and Warfare (to an extent) are all more favorable for them.
That doesn't mean farmers can't do well on them either. It's just generally harder to run from someone than it is to catch up to them.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 1 Jul, 2014 @ 6:03pm 
*favors the fighter
Quint the Alligator Snapper 1 Jul, 2014 @ 6:03pm 
Also, due to the tight clustering of everything in Pudding Chase, I think that that map favors attackers whenever both a fighter and a farmer is present.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 1 Jul, 2014 @ 5:50pm 

Separation of home panels: (minimum spaces between home panels, * = warp panel in that span, ** = two warp panels in that span)
* Practice Field: 4, 4, 4, 4
* Space Wanderer: 6*, 6*, 6*, 6*
* Pudding Chase: 5*, 3, 5*, 3
* Christmas Miracle: 4, 6, 4, 10
* Planet Earth: 6*, 6*, 6*, 6*
* Lagoon Flight: 6*, 6* | 6*, 6*
* Warfare: 4, 4, 4, 4
* Highway Heist: 4*, 4, 4*, 4
* Sealed Archive: 8, 8, 8, 8
* Sunset: 4, 8**, 4, 8**
* Tomomo's Abyss: 6, 6, 6, 6
This affects how easy it may be for a fighter (especially Yuki) to chase down a character with poor defense (e.g. Poppo, Suguri, or Aru) on the first round of the game. Also affects how easy it is to get to the next home panel, if you're trying to achieve a norma.
Quint the Alligator Snapper 1 Jul, 2014 @ 5:50pm 
Oh wow, very detailed analysis. I like this. I haven't even thought this much about the maps!

Just a few trivia aspects of note:

* Practice Field has one sub-loop that is not symmetrical, but is otherwise symmetrical in shape.
* The following non-split maps are 2-way symmetrical, rather than 4-way symmetrical: Pudding Chase, Warfare, Highway Heist. Especially in the case of Highway Heist, overshooting one home panel may mean a long, long trip to get to the next one.
* Christmas Miracle is completely non-symmetrical (radially; it is laterally symmetrical but that is not important to gameplay).
Pepto Abysmal  [author] 14 Jun, 2014 @ 12:11am 
i like it