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Loverwind 100% Achievement Guide & Walkthrough
Oleh Guyra
This guide describes how to complete the game and get all the achievements in Loverwind. While I don't really think this game needs a walkthrough due to how easy it is, it just made sense to write the achievement guide in walkthrough form due to how all but two achievements are required for story completion anyway. So this guide explains the way to get through the game with all achievements in the most effective way.

Getting all achievements should probably take you between 20 and 40 minutes, by following this guide.
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Full Walkthrough
Achievements: None. (Though "Jumping Around", "Rock & Roll" are possible at this point, but we're saving them for now.)

You start in what looks like an alchemist's lab. Notice the boarded up doorway to the outside, but don't worry more about it than that. Move out of the room the only way you can, go up a flight of stairs, then to either the left or right - it doesn't matter which way. They both end up in the same place. Once in the room where the two halls meet up, go up the room wide flight of stairs to come to an even larger room showcasing a huge, spiraling staircase!

Now, we could go for the "Rock & Roll" and "Jumping Around" achievements immediately here, but let's hold those off for now. So without doing anything else, just climb the spiral staircase to the top, and walk out through the doorway!

First Field
Achievements: "Rise and Shine", "Green Day", "Dylan".

You'll suddenly find yourself outside in a large, open field. There are glowing, white orbs littering the landscape: Touching these will give you a speed boost for a while, so make sure to continuously touch them as you move about to your objectives.

Speaking of, right click with your mouse to activate the objective markers! You should see five circular markers: Two depicting flowers, two showing some strange, intricate, circular design, and a single one showing a question mark.

Follow the marker to the nearest flower. The flower lights up, and when you reach it, you'll automatically pick it up as well! This will unlock the "Rise and Shine" achievement! First one down! Now go to the nearest circular design. With the flower in hand, you can now click on it to activate a piece of the poem! Once you've finished reading, click again to make it disappear. So let's call those circular designs "poem markers". Now move onto the second flower. Pick it up, then move to the second poem marker and activate it! Read the poem, click it away.

At this point, a huge, glowing, green ball will appear! Race towards it, using the speed boosts from the white orbs. But make sure to avoid the giant, circular lights on the ground, as they'll stop you in your tracks, losing you all of your speed. But don't worry, catching the green ball is rather easy. And once you do, you unlock the achievement "Green Day"! Also, the door back inside opens up, and is marked with a beam of blue light!

Before going through the door back inside, move towards the question mark objective marker. This will lead you to a quote by Bob Dylan. Step on it to unlock the "Dylan" achievement! Now head towards the blue beam and go back inside.

Back Inside
Achievements: "Jumping Around", "Rock & Roll".

Alright, as you get to the room with the spiral staircase, just walk off the ledge and straight into the floor below! Ouch! Wait... No falling damage? Sweet! Also, you just unlocked the achievement "Jumping Around"!

Now go towards that lever and click on it to active it! This'll make the staircase spin 180 degrees, opening up the second passage. Also, you just unlocked the achievement "Rock & Roll"!

Climb back up the spiral staircase and walk out the doorway. You'll find yourself in a different field than before, but equally large!

Second Field
Achievements: "Emerson".

The second field works exactly the same as the first. So make sure you have your objective markers active by right clicking the mouse, then head for the first flower. Then towards the first poem button, and click to activate it! Click out. Again towards the next flower, which is the fourth and final flower! And then to the final poem marker! Click out of the poem once you're done, and guess what? Another huge, green ball to chase!

Catch the green ball, again using the speed boost from the white orbs, and avoiding the giant lights on the ground. Once done, the door back inside will unlock and be marked with a blue beam of light. But before that, go towards the second question mark objective marker and find the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson - be sure to step on it to get the achievement "Emerson".

Go back inside.

Back Inside Again
Achievements: "Dust in the Wind", "Jumping Around" (if you didn't get it before).

If you now activate the objective markers by right clicking, you'll see a question mark objective marker that you can move towards. It's not another quote though, and you don't really need the marker here. Just jump down from the spiral staircase and go back to the room the game started in.

Once in the room, you'll see the boards that blocked the other doorway out of this room are gone. Move through and watch the short ending sequence. Credits roll, and when you arrive back at the main menu the final achievement unlocks: "Dust in the Wind".

Congratulations, you just 100% completed the game!
Short Walkthrough

  • Go to the room with the spiral staircase and climb it, without touching the lever in the room.
  • Exit through the doorway at the top of the spiral staircase.

First Field

  • Right click to activate objective markers.
  • Pick up closest flower and pick it up. "Rise and Shine" achievement.
  • Go to closest poem marker and click on it. (Circular design.)
  • Click again to exit poem.
  • Go to second flower and pick it up.
  • Go to second poem marker and click on it.
  • Click again to exit poem.
  • Catch the green ball. "Green Day" achievement.
  • Go to question mark and step on the quote. "Dylan" achievement.
  • Go back inside. (Blue beam.)

Back Inside

  • Walk off from the top of the stairs to fall down to the floor below. "Jumping Around" achievement.
  • Click on the lever to activate it. "Rock & Roll" achievement.
  • Go back up the spiral staircase.
  • Exit through the doorway at the top of the spiral staircase.

Second Field

  • Right click to activate objective markers.
  • Pick up closest flower and pick it up.
  • Go to closest poem marker and click on it.
  • Click again to exit poem.
  • Go to second flower and pick it up.
  • Go to second poem marker and click on it.
  • Click again to exit poem.
  • Catch the green ball.
  • Go to question mark and step on the quote. "Emerson" achievement.
  • Go back inside.

Back Inside Again

  • Drop down and go back to the room where the game started.
  • Go through the newly opened doorway.
  • Wait for credits to finish and returning to main menu. "Dust in the Wind" achievement.
  • Done!
Final Thoughts
So that's it! Shouldn't take too long getting through the game and getting all the achievements by following this guide. Not that the game's really that hard, but sometimes it's nice to be able to look stuff up.

Make sure to like the guide if you found it useful!
2 Komentar
MAJBarnes 23 Okt 2022 @ 4:52pm 
Playing in October 2022, once you have caught the green ball, the location markers disappeared for me so probably best to find the question marks first prior to triggering the ball. Thanks for the guide, simple game, but it made sure that I understood what was going on whilst in a somewhat drunken state.
FrozenShiver 11 Okt 2022 @ 2:16am 
Thanks for your guide!
I had to use the lever in the first area "Inside" for the spiral staircase and I found Emerson in the first field and Dylan in the second.