WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

66 ratings
Backstory Generator [UPDATED]
By HuniiTea
This generator has 3 modes with ever-expanding options! Create a story of purely a pup, an adult, or a full-life-existence as a pup-to-adult story!
This generator is for easily creating a story for your wolf. There are three options to select from to have generated:
  • Pup
  • Pup-To-Adult
  • Adult

For pups, they'll have a story written all the way from their birth, up to 6 months old! Their favourite activities at the den, their first hunt, and their personality! From there, the creativity is yours.

For Pup-To-Adult, they'll have their birth, their existence as a 6-month old, all the way to their choice of if they stay in their pack or disperse! (If they manage to survive past 2 years, old that is) It has ages throughout their life, their choices, their mates, litters, and then their death.

For Adults, it will have the moment they either chose to stay with their pack or disperse. From there, they will continue on their journey with how they live, their family ties, and how they will die.

This generator is always improving, being expanded upon, and life events added to make it unique and interesting so no two lives are the same. More additions will be made as the game updates, as to keep up with the actual lore of the game, and make it possible for you to even re-create these events from the generator in the game itself! Feel free to use it for your wolf in singleplayer, or for your character in roleplays.
The Generator

This is the generator itself. It will be expanded upon, so feel free to check in at any time! Uncheck/check whichever stories you would like to have!
The Generator: How To Use
Due to many questions on how to use the generator itself, I have added this little tidbit to help out!

First, head to the generator itself! Link is above, or you can click here as well.[perchance.org]
This should load a page into your browser that looks something similar to the screenshot shown below.

Once you have loaded the page, there will be an option to click on 'Generate'. You can click as many times as you would like; each time, it will randomly update into a new story!

If you would like a specific life, such as just their pup life, simply un-check the boxes you do not wish to see. All further generations will only use the selected check boxes! It can be used as many times as needed until you find a story you enjoy or would like to use.
The generator has been updated! Giving new information, being much easier to read with divides, and also expanding on what's already there!

If you see any grammar mistakes, please comment exactly what was said in the generator so I can fix it! I'll be trying to maintain and keep expanding the generator whenever possible.

Last Update: 4/24/2022
NovaNinja 22 May @ 9:19pm 
Rostumn's grandpup's grandpups' life in a nutshell lol
NovaNinja 22 May @ 9:17pm 
Despite all this, they would go on their first hunt at 11 months old, being brought along by their pack to hunt. With the day being sunny, the pack expected to have a easy hunt ahead of them. However, the pup would prove themselves during their hunt. Catching a elderly moose cow with much help; they would get mildly injured, having a sore leg which would slowly heal.At 2 years old, they would decide to leave their pack. Dispersing with other young wolves, their life after leaving the pack would be challenging. They would be starving, living off of elderly bison cows.

Finding a partner within 2 years, the pair would live in the hills of Lost River. The pair of wolves would have 3 litters in their lifetime, half of which would survive into adulthood. They would have 1 other mate after the loss of their first. After a short life of just a few years, they would pass away by getting killed during a cougar attack. They would die before their mate.
NovaNinja 22 May @ 9:17pm 
Born on an early April day, a litter of 6 pups would call their uncomfortable fallen tree den their home for the first month of life. Born in the hills of Lost River, one pup would be the runt of their litter. As the puppy grew and took their first walks of life out of the den, they would often be seen nipping at others' heels or sitting and watching the leaves drift by. They would meet their full pack, being made up of 3 adults and 6 yearlings. Their litter would be the only one of that season.

As the pup grew older, they not wander too far, staying close by. After sometimes watching their parents hunt animals such as adult bison bulls and elderly elk bulls, they would have considerable interest in hunting as well. During this time, the pack would often have wonderful amounts of prey to eat with the pup eating whenever possible, just managing to get by.
NovaNinja 22 May @ 9:17pm 
Long time after:
NovaNinja 29 Mar @ 1:45pm 
Also one that lived 15 YEARS and died from starvation
And one that died at 13 by (stupidly) FALLING OF A CLIFF.
16 from cougar attack
14 by getting shot
15 by a trap
13 from injury
14 from being trampled by bison
16 from coyotes (I HATE coyotes in the game.)
13 from getting shot
11 by parvovirus
14 from sarcoptic mange
14 by parovirus
15 by sarcoptic mange
17 by canine distemper
NovaNinja 29 Mar @ 1:32pm 
I got one that died at 10 by getting stuck in an illegally placed trap lol
lese0116 12 Aug, 2023 @ 8:40pm 
17 years? Is that possible?
Charzar 14 Apr, 2023 @ 9:48am 
mine died from falling off a cliff ;)
& had 2 mates in its life time
draagoon584 22 Jan, 2023 @ 8:26pm 
Got a wolf who lived to age 17... it died to coyotes qwq
Sticks Against Humanity 20 Dec, 2022 @ 2:01am 
Mine gonna live 17 years