Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Flockbort version3
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Maps and Mods: Maps
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10.265 MB
15 Thg11, 2021 @ 11:41am
20 Thg12, 2021 @ 11:12am
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Flockbort version3

Mô tả
A map based on mariokart blockfort.

This map is super easy is singleplayer/vanilla and was made for mass multiplayer
with mods.

Updated from version 2 to 3.
This new version includes:

*Better splat maps and combined mesh floors.
update: now on walls and ceilings too.

*Ammo shelves with armor and weapon pickups

*Mini-mini forts that hover above ground and an overall fancier map layout

*Chokepoints and sniping spot in indoors part.
Note: The sniping spot has pathing but zeds rarely go there in my testing.
If you know any solution to this please let me know and il try to fix it, but for now
snipe away i guess!.

*More interconnectedness for kiting.

*teleporter hubs that are not in center

Feedback on how to improve the map is appreciated. Im especially interested in hearing
solutions on how to fix that sniping spot issue but if you notice anything else let me know
and il see what i can do about it.

Fix 1: Fixed nocollision on some wall meshes and tweaked spawns a bit

filename is now KF-Fl0ckb0rt_versi0n3fix.kfm
Final update:
*better splatter on walls and ceilings.
*way better lighting(thanks to another mapper who helped me).
*less meshes and draw calls.
*pathfinding in bunker is fixed (i put a light zed spawn in there so zeds do come very often but get a support or zerk in there to help you and youre good).

Final update has the same file name.
9 bình luận
Soultaire 2 Thg01 @ 4:21pm 
Fantastic map for casually playing endless. Thank you for creating this! :D
Potato Moose  [tác giả] 16 Thg05, 2022 @ 11:57am 
anyone willing to confirm if this thing works on servers?. i dont have a server of my own to test and the one i frequently play on has either not updated to the latest version or i failed to upload it. latest version is supposed to have better lighting and no teleporting bug
michael 28 Thg12, 2021 @ 5:30pm 
how do i play custom maps
Potato Moose  [tác giả] 12 Thg12, 2021 @ 5:23am 
So um, i got some advice from another mapper and he showed me how to add better lighting to the map, and also how to use atlas maps which combines multiple 3d objects for better performance(needs to be the same mesh in sdk but idk about other tools). i have decided for the sniping spot that there will be a small light zed spawner close by(above first chokepoint tunnel). i have tried everything but this is the only solution to making the pathing work that i can think of. Since i probably messed up something in the new update ive decided to do a true final update of the map again (sorry). I will try to get it out before christmas.
Potato Moose  [tác giả] 10 Thg12, 2021 @ 5:16am 
Just asking if the update worked or if something went wrong again. bunkers should have those fences mentioned in the update part. I recently discovered that some tp hubs are not working like intended.(zeds just tp back and forth). Im considering another final update again to remove those because they dont seem to add anything anyways.
Potato Moose  [tác giả] 5 Thg12, 2021 @ 11:33am 
Im a beginner at this if it isnt obvious already xD. been chatting with two other mappers trying to fix that bunker thing despite them saying that it is near impossible because zed ai is not the greatest(at least not when you are inside an area with far node distance which is the case here). found somewhat of a workaround on the new version im working on, il make sure to keep the name although another guy i chatted with told me i should simplify it. probably just gonna stick with the current name though.
Potato Moose  [tác giả] 5 Thg12, 2021 @ 11:26am 
yeah sorry about that.... tell you what. ive been trying to fix this thing over the last few weeks and i have at least improved it but yeah.... btw, is it only me chaning the name or does the map not work at all? i need to know in case i messed up big time.
missing.trigger 5 Thg12, 2021 @ 11:02am 
You can't just change map name, now you broke it for servers
Potato Moose  [tác giả] 17 Thg11, 2021 @ 10:54am 
Possible update in the future with the aim to tweak the following:

*Make it so zeds can find players in the sniping bunker more often(opening between 2-3rd floor in center). they can find you there but its very rare that they end up going there.

*Cut down on the ammount of pathnodes(2k something currently). a lot of them only have 320 units in distance but some could work with 640 or more.

* ´Maybe´ improve splat maps on ramps.

*A new teleporting system for zeds on bottom floor that helps with navigation to the corners without requiring teleporter hubs on higher floors.

This update will probably not happen until 2022. It depends on how well i can find a solution to the sniping bunker problem. Map is still playable though, and its mostly for mass multiplayer fun so no major problems unless the bunker becomes a braindead exploit that prolongs map playtime in endless mode.