Battlefield™ 2042

Battlefield™ 2042

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FPS Optimization Guide
UwU Dead Inside ZXC 님이 작성
I have a weak computer, but even on it I was able to make a good FPS, I will write to you everything I did for this, I hope this will help you too! Do I need to make a video to make it clearer for people what to do? Or is everything clear?
What u need to do:
go to C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefield 2042\settings open PROFSAVE_profile (i opening with notepad)
find the line: GstRender.AmbientOcclusion (ctrl+f for search bar)
including this line select everything in the downward direction
insert this data:

GstRender.AmbientOcclusion 0 GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 0 GstRender.AntiAliasingDeferred 0 GstRender.AntiAliasingPost 0 GstRender.Brightness 0.500000 GstRender.ChromaticAberration 0 GstRender.ClampGpuMemory 0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorEnemy 190/55/50/255/2.0/0.583/0.470/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorNeutral 77/77/77/255/0/0.0/0.30/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquad 75/155/45/255/104.0/0.551/0.392/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember1 176/44/207/255/288.6.0/0.65/0.49/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember2 20/142/216/255/202.65/0.83/0.46/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember3 95/228/54/255/105.86/0.76/0.55/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember4 219/143/52/255/32.7/0.7/0.53/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember5 132/100/159/255/273/0.7/0.37/0.62 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorTeam 65/120/200/255/216/0.55/0.519/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindMode 2 GstRender.ConsoleAntiAlias 0 GstRender.Contrast 0.500000 GstRender.CrosshairThickness 1 GstRender.CyclicCrashPrevention 0 GstRender.DLSSEnabled 0 GstRender.DRSEnabled 0 GstRender.DRSRefreshRateTarget 2 GstRender.DisplayMappingHdr10PeakLuma 1000.000000 GstRender.Dx12Enabled 1 GstRender.EffectsQuality 0 GstRender.Enlighten 0 GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 1 GstRender.FieldOfViewVertical 88.000000 GstRender.FieldOfViewVerticalVehicle 88.000000 GstRender.FilmGrain 0 GstRender.FullscreenEnabled 1 GstRender.FullscreenMode 1 GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate 360.000000 GstRender.FullscreenScreen 0 GstRender.FutureFrameRendering 1 GstRender.HUD-Enemy -10604289 GstRender.HUD-Friendly 654303231 GstRender.HUD-Neutral -1059004161 GstRender.HUD-Squad 16711935 GstRender.HighDynamicRange 0 GstRender.HighDynamicRangeMode 0 GstRender.HighResUIScaleFactor 0.500000 GstRender.LensDistortion 0 GstRender.LightingQuality 0 GstRender.MaxVariableFps 4 GstRender.MeshQuality 0 GstRender.MotionBlur 0.000000 GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled 0 GstRender.NvidiaDLSSMode 0 GstRender.NvidiaReflex 2 GstRender.NvidiaReflexFlashIndicator 0 GstRender.OptionHudBackgroundOpacity 0.500000 GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality 5 GstRender.PostProcessQuality 0 GstRender.RTAO 0 GstRender.RaytracingAmbientOcclusion 0 GstRender.ResolutionHeight 1080 GstRender.ResolutionHertz 360.000000 GstRender.ResolutionScale 1.000000 GstRender.ResolutionWidth 1920 GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight 1.000000 GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 1.000000 GstRender.ShaderQuality 0.000000 GstRender.ShadowQuality 0 GstRender.SignificanceQuality 0 GstRender.SoldierCompassVisibility 1 GstRender.StereoConvergence 1.000000 GstRender.Stereoscopy 0 GstRender.TerrainQuality 0 GstRender.TextureFiltering 0 GstRender.TextureQuality 0 GstRender.TransparentShadows 0 GstRender.UndergrowthQuality 0 GstRender.VSyncEnabled 0 GstRender.Vignette 0 GstRender.WeaponDOF 0 GstRender.WindowBordersEnable 1 GstRender.uiUpscaling 0

Here we make the minimum graphics, after applying these settings you will need to adjust the graphics in the game again.

Set permission that requires 59Hz

Disable the invidia in-game overlay

Every time before starting the game, go to the folder: C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefield 2042\cache delete all files, this will save you from unnecessary FPS drops.

Go to the root folder of the game and find the BF2042.exe icon.
right click on the icon - properties go to compatibility tab
disable fullscreen optimizations

click change the hight DPI settings chick on override hight dpi scaling and chose aplicalion. Click ok-apply-ok.

copy the address that leads to the root folder of the game (my example E:\steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042)
in the search for windows write "graphics settings" clikc on it
hardware accelerated - ON
in the section "graphics performance settings" in the "select an application for graphics settings" select desktop app
click browse and past ur address that leads to the root folder of the game (my example E:\steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042)
double click on BF2042.exe icon - click options - hight prefomance and save.

6. Off xbox game bar

7. On game mode.

8. OFF steam overlay.

This is all that I did in order to have a high FPS, now the game for me does not lag as much as before and gives me more FPS. I hope this helps you.

Here my in game settings:
즐겨찾기 해제
FPS Optimization Guide
I have a weak computer, but even on it I was able to make a good FPS, I will write to you everything I did for this, I hope this will help you too!
What u need to do:
go to C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefield 2042\settings open PROFSAVE_profile (i opening with notepad)
find the line: GstRender.AmbientOcclusion (ctrl+f for search bar)
including this line select everything in the downward direction
insert this data:

GstRender.AmbientOcclusion 0 GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 0 GstRender.AntiAliasingDeferred 0 GstRender.AntiAliasingPost 0 GstRender.Brightness 0.500000 GstRender.ChromaticAberration 0 GstRender.ClampGpuMemory 0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorEnemy 190/55/50/255/2.0/0.583/0.470/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorNeutral 77/77/77/255/0/0.0/0.30/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquad 75/155/45/255/104.0/0.551/0.392/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember1 176/44/207/255/288.6.0/0.65/0.49/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember2 20/142/216/255/202.65/0.83/0.46/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember3 95/228/54/255/105.86/0.76/0.55/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember4 219/143/52/255/32.7/0.7/0.53/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember5 132/100/159/255/273/0.7/0.37/0.62 GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorTeam 65/120/200/255/216/0.55/0.519/1.0 GstRender.ColorBlindMode 2 GstRender.ConsoleAntiAlias 0 GstRender.Contrast 0.500000 GstRender.CrosshairThickness 1 GstRender.CyclicCrashPrevention 0 GstRender.DLSSEnabled 0 GstRender.DRSEnabled 0 GstRender.DRSRefreshRateTarget 2 GstRender.DisplayMappingHdr10PeakLuma 1000.000000 GstRender.Dx12Enabled 1 GstRender.EffectsQuality 0 GstRender.Enlighten 0 GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 1 GstRender.FieldOfViewVertical 88.000000 GstRender.FieldOfViewVerticalVehicle 88.000000 GstRender.FilmGrain 0 GstRender.FullscreenEnabled 1 GstRender.FullscreenMode 1 GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate 360.000000 GstRender.FullscreenScreen 0 GstRender.FutureFrameRendering 1 GstRender.HUD-Enemy -10604289 GstRender.HUD-Friendly 654303231 GstRender.HUD-Neutral -1059004161 GstRender.HUD-Squad 16711935 GstRender.HighDynamicRange 0 GstRender.HighDynamicRangeMode 0 GstRender.HighResUIScaleFactor 0.500000 GstRender.LensDistortion 0 GstRender.LightingQuality 0 GstRender.MaxVariableFps 4 GstRender.MeshQuality 0 GstRender.MotionBlur 0.000000 GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled 0 GstRender.NvidiaDLSSMode 0 GstRender.NvidiaReflex 2 GstRender.NvidiaReflexFlashIndicator 0 GstRender.OptionHudBackgroundOpacity 0.500000 GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality 5 GstRender.PostProcessQuality 0 GstRender.RTAO 0 GstRender.RaytracingAmbientOcclusion 0 GstRender.ResolutionHeight 1080 GstRender.ResolutionHertz 360.000000 GstRender.ResolutionScale 1.000000 GstRender.ResolutionWidth 1920 GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight 1.000000 GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 1.000000 GstRender.ShaderQuality 0.000000 GstRender.ShadowQuality 0 GstRender.SignificanceQuality 0 GstRender.SoldierCompassVisibility 1 GstRender.StereoConvergence 1.000000 GstRender.Stereoscopy 0 GstRender.TerrainQuality 0 GstRender.TextureFiltering 0 GstRender.TextureQuality 0 GstRender.TransparentShadows 0 GstRender.UndergrowthQuality 0 GstRender.VSyncEnabled 0 GstRender.Vignette 0 GstRender.WeaponDOF 0 GstRender.WindowBordersEnable 1 GstRender.uiUpscaling 0

Here we make the minimum graphics, after applying these settings you will need to adjust the graphics in the game again.

Set permission that requires 59Hz

Disable the invidia in-game overlay

Every time before starting the game, go to the folder: C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefield 2042\cache delete all files, this will save you from unnecessary FPS drops.

Go to the root folder of the game and find the BF2042.exe icon.
right click on the icon - properties go to compatibility tab
disable fullscreen optimizations

click change the hight DPI settings chick on override hight dpi scaling and chose aplicalion. Click ok-apply-ok.

copy the address that leads to the root folder of the game (my example E:\steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042)
in the search for windows write "graphics settings" clikc on it
hardware accelerated - ON
in the section "graphics performance settings" in the "select an application for graphics settings" select desktop app
click browse and past ur address that leads to the root folder of the game (my example E:\steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042)
double click on BF2042.exe icon - click options - hight prefomance and save.

6. Off xbox game bar

7. On game mode.

8. OFF steam overlay.

This is all that I did in order to have a high FPS, now the game for me does not lag as much as before and gives me more FPS. I hope this helps you.

Here my in game settings:
댓글 22
Lylliana of Mirrah 2024년 1월 19일 오후 9시 20분 
why you changed the resolution hertz in the game files to 360
UwU Dead Inside ZXC  [작성자] 2024년 1월 19일 오후 3시 05분 
what do u mean? how many hz u need to set up?
Lylliana of Mirrah 2024년 1월 17일 오전 1시 05분 
what resolution hertz does On this game?
DestZ 2022년 1월 12일 오전 10시 56분 
UwU Dead Inside ZXC  [작성자] 2022년 1월 12일 오전 10시 46분 
1050ti i5 7400 16gb
Rivers_World 2022년 1월 10일 오후 2시 57분 
What are the specs for your "weak" computer?
yuudai 2022년 1월 3일 오후 5시 53분 
Thank you very nice 👍
UwU Dead Inside ZXC  [작성자] 2022년 1월 3일 오전 6시 07분 
sanjia 2022년 1월 2일 오후 1시 11분 
Does this work without any issues ? :steamhappy:
repenter ♡ 2021년 12월 30일 오전 8시 43분 