Among Us
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(HnS Update!) 100% Achievement Guide + Tips
Από ؂‘‘⠀ notandum 🎃
Wondering what you need to do to unlock every achievement? Want some tips and tricks to make it easier to accomplish? Then you've come to the right guide!

Will be updated as new achievements are added!
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Survive and win a game as a crewmate

Pretty straightforward - just win a game as crewmate. You don't have to be alive for this to unlock; so just play games and you should get this relatively quick.
Survive a Game as Crew in Hide n Seek Mode

Another straightforward achievement - simply survive to the end of a Hide n' Seek game and win as a crewmate, alive. Best tips I can give are to avoid common tasks early game and SAVE VENTS, as during final seek having a vent could be the difference between life or death.
Do all your tasks in Hide n Seek Mode

Straightforward but it certainly comes with some difficulty depending on settings - all you have to do is, as a crewmate, complete every task you have while alive in Hide n' Seek. This means you have to finish every single task, before the final seek countdown, and all without dying - which means there's a lot of variables. You'll definitely get this by playing enough, but depending on the settings of a lobby it may be a challenge. Easiest method of unlock is to simply host a lobby with the lowest amount of tasks possible.

Complete 10/100/500 total tasks

As the description states. Just play and with time they'll unlock - remembering to do tasks while a ghost can aid in this going faster, however at the end of the day these are simply a play-to-unlock.
Win a game as crew with your only votes being for the Impostor

Another rather straightforward achievement - quickest way to unlock this is to basically skip until an Impostor has been 100% confirmed and vote them. Rinse repeat until the crew wins the game. As far as I'm aware skipping does not count against this achievement, however if it does this please comment such and this will be updated.
Win a game by completing all tasks as a crewmate

This one is team dependent - every crewmate has to complete their tasks and win via such. Easiest way to do this is to host your own server and lower the task amount to the minimal amount of tasks possible; once it pops you can go back to a more reasonable amount of tasks.
Complete the card swipe task on your first attempt

Either one of the easier or harder ones depending on the person - just nail the timing and you'll be golden; no special tricks to this one.
As a crewmate, get killed while scanning in medbay.

This one simply happens by chance. Best advice is to simply hold onto your scan and hang around medbay until someone comes towards you, then hop on it and see if they kill you. If they don't, cancel the task and continue to wait. If you have a friend, set up your own lobby and make it so that the scanning task is guaranteed, wait for them to be an Imp, then have them kill you on scan and boom, achievement done.
Block a kill as a guardian angel

RNG and lobby dependent, and also something that requires good game-sense and timing. As a crew ghost, with the Guardian Angel role, shield a crewmate and save them being being killed. There's no real trick to this one, you just have to follow the impostor around and shield a crewmate when you think they're going for it. May take some time regardless but if you die and get the role early-game you can net a few chances at saving someone.

10/50 wins as a hider in Hide n Seek Mode

Straightforward and unlocked with time - as a crewmate, in Hide n' Seek, win 10, then 50 times. No real trick, just gotta play games until you rack up enough victories.
Get your first kill

As easy as it sounds. When Impostor, get a kill - simple as that. Note that ejections don't count; you have to kill outside of meetings.

Get 5/50/150 total kills

Similar to the task version, it'll simply be unlocked with time. It may take longer depending on your luck with becoming Impostor. Just be smart about kills as Impostor to last longer during games and you should be able to manage these.
Get 3 kills before a meeting is called or a body is reported.

May be difficult for some; just learn to play Impostor well and be smart with kills - ensure no one is around, ensure the kill is in an area that won't be found, etc. It's best to aim for completing this in a single-Impostor lobby, as you don't have to worry about teammate kills and only need to worry about random meetings or your kills being found. All three kills have to occur prior to the first meeting/report, so keep that in mind.
Get a kill during a lights sabotage

One of the easier achievements - simply call a lights sabotage and get a kill before it's fixed. Remember to keep in mind how much vision the crew has from whatever settings are being used with the server, in case you want to continue Impostor-ing after the kill.
Kill Someone while disguised as them

This one's a bit RNG dependent depending on both the lobby and just the general way a game plays out. As Impostor, with the Shapeshifter role, kill a crewmate whilst shifted into them. Simple on the surface, possibly tedious if wanting to search it out. Best method would be to survive until the end and block the meeting with a sabotage - preferably one where you can get the final crew all in the same place. Pick a target, shift into them, and get the winning kill.
Fix a sabotage that you called

Call any sabotage and then fix it - works with all of them. Reactor is debatably the easiest method of getting this one, as you only need to hold down one of the two scanners to deactivate it, giving you two chances - just be the first one there, or if need be, call it with you already present to fix it.
Win a game by killing all crewmates as Impostor.

Simply win an Impostor game by killing all crewmates - i.e. win via killing. This can be done through any number of means; double/triple kill, single kill, single-round kill, etc. The game simply has to end via the final death being by the hands of an Impostor. Note that you do not have to kill every single crewmate yourself - innocents can be voted out, and teammates can also get kills. It's simply what causes the game to end that matters. If a teammate kills and ends the round, it still counts for your achievement.
Kill all hiders as impostor in Hide n Seek Mode

Pretty easy - as Impostor, win a Hide n' Seek game by killing all crewmates. Remember that when playing, crew can detect how close you are - so you have to think one step ahead. Always check common task areas first and remember to play around vents, as that's your biggest weakness. If enabled, the second you get the Seek Map ability, use it religiously - it's the best way to track down stragglers. Also remember that there is zero penalty for spamming the kill button - so do it, constantly - even when no one's around.
Win a game by vote as Impostor

Win as Impostor via voting out a crewmate during the final meeting. Same rules apply here as with the SLASHER achievement - what matters is what causes the game to end, nothing prior. As such the best way to get this is to simply gain trust from other crewmates, either through legitimate means or by lying to their faces, and keep it until the end where it "could only be _, since i'm cleared!"
Win a game by sabotaging a critical system as Impostor.

Once again, all that matters is what ends the game. This one is semi-chance depending on how good the crew is. This achievement only works with the Reactor and Oxygen sabotage, as those are the only ones that can end the game. The best way to guarantee this is with a single-Impostor game and dwindle crew numbers until only you and two more remain. After that, call reactor and guard it - more often than not at least one will stay behind to button or hide to avoid being the one killed - allowing you to wait out the timer until the sab ends.
As Impostor, win a game without entering a vent once.

May be difficult depending on skill level. This is best done on a map like Polus, where vents aren't as necessary to get around and away from kills. Be warned that teammate venting counts against this achievement, even if you yourself never vent - as such it's best going for this in a one Impostor lobby.
In a 2 Impostor lobby, win a game as Impostor with your teammate still alive.

Another teammate-dependent achievement that will primarily happen with chance. Just play Impostor smart and hope your teammate does the same - method of winning does not matter, so theoretically the quickest (albeit very much unlikeliest) way to get this would be to sabotage right at the start and hope no one fixes it. Note that this achievement is only available in 2 Impostor lobbies - 3 Impostor lobbies will not count unless only 2 Impostors are in play.

100/200 kills as a seeker in Hide n Seek Mode

Straightforward albeit time-consuming and RNG dependent. In Hide n' Seek, as Impostor, rack up 100 and then 200 kills - no real trick, you just have to kill crew until it unlocks. If looking to farm, best course of action may be to set up a private lobby to be able to select seekers, and then let everyone farm it out.
Win 3 games on Skeld

Doesn't matter if Impostor or crewmate - simply win 3 games on Skeld. Note that you don't have to win 3 times in a row - just play Skeld and eventually it will unlock.
Win 3 games on MIRA

Doesn't matter if Impostor or crewmate - simply win 3 games on MIRA. Note that you don't have to win 3 times in a row - just play MIRA and eventually it will unlock.
Win 3 games on Polus

Doesn't matter if Impostor or crewmate - simply win 3 games on Polus. Note that you don't have to win 3 times in a row - just play Polus and eventually it will unlock.
Win 3 games on The Airship

Doesn't matter if Impostor or crewmate - simply win 3 games on The Airship. Note that you don't have to win 3 times in a row - just play The Airship and eventually it will unlock.
62 σχόλια
john877u 4 Σεπ, 14:32 
i will rememer that
MaybeSpiderman2 24 Ιουν, 12:22 
You forgot clean hands
alicornfan101 14 Μαϊ 2023, 12:02 
Really good guide, thanks for telling me what I need to do!
I finally got some secret achievements :D
Wedgehead99 11 Μαϊ 2023, 5:37 
nedozhogin 16 Απρ 2023, 0:35 
RyloCat 27 Μαρ 2023, 9:17 
nice :magiccat: kitty approves
FluffyGuy201 6 Μαρ 2023, 15:21 
really well made guide! kudos!:GDNormal:
Cononsberg 16 Δεκ 2022, 21:03 
This is a really well made guide, kudos to you for this! :brownchicken:
Biggerchungus20 12 Δεκ 2022, 8:47 
thats a shame
؂‘‘⠀ notandum 🎃  [Δημιουργός] 12 Δεκ 2022, 8:16 
@Biggerchungus20 yeah i had that tidbit in the tips section for "H U N G E R" initially, pre-HnS update. i've since removed it since those lobbies likely aren't going to be around as much with the official mode

plus with lobby names now being made random in a previous update, you can't seek out the lobbies anymore either - kinda nulling the easy aspect of it