Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

174 ratings
By meddjan wīrs and 1 collaborators
A guide to becoming the king of camping on Bubba! Forget everything you knew before, now we will tell you the whole truth.
Introduction to the course

We - are the greatest campers in existence. Therefore, our speech is the speech of the Ruler of the Earth himself, that is speaking in Chinese. Each of us is a Chinese emperor.

With this guide, we want to promote a culture of brotherhood and facecamping on Bubba, tell you the secret meaning of the hieroglyph "brothers" and start a tradition that will continue forever.

And do not forget - schizophrenia is not a disease, but a gift.
Bubba's Code

The rules of taking out trash (survivors):

  • If you started camping survivor, then you should camp him until your death. Each survivor who escaped from the hook casts a shadow of shame on all our fraternity. As a punishment, you will have to do 500 push-ups for every survivor who escapes from the hook.

  • During the game, you must behave like the ugliest creature on the planet. Throw the survivors on the ground and close the hatch in front of them, let them go to the gate, but at the last moment pull them back on hook. Thus, survivors will leave angry comments on your profile. The amount of shіt in your profile will increase your social status in our clan.

  • Bubba always prioritize FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG FENG and clicky-lovers.

  • Try especially hard to camp streamers - any mention of Twitch TV should provoke you to ferociuos acts.

  • Each Bubba must have a black mask, for which you need to camp 25 Claudettes. For each Claudette, you will get 50 gold ingots and two big KFC baskets. If Bubba does not have a black mask, then he is considered a novice Bubba and his voice has no weight in our Brotherhood. The rest are considered experienced Bubbas and can represent the members of our brotherhood in China.

  • Every Bubba has a responsibility to contribute to our community with two hours of continuous camping every day. If he won't do that, then at our meetings in Dubai he will be forbidden to drink vodka. Only regular camping can bring you enlightenment and understanding of the chainsaw, as well as reveal your inner potential and teach you the secrets of our Universe.

  • If you started camping on Bubba and joined our brotherhood, there will be no turning back.
    If you attempt to escape, you will have to clean the toilets for the rest of your life. Besides, Bubba will appear in your dreams each night and camp you, until you continue to bring justice in every game (facecamp).

    As part of a non-disclosure agreement, I cannot disclose details of what might happen next.

  • At the end of the game, Bubba must write "ez for papa", "leave me + rep for being good killer" in chat to provoke survivors and consume his camp-weakened soul. As a reward for camping, good Bubba usually gets a profile comment. Particularly successful ones can receive several comments in one game.

    1. When camping, you need to rev the chainsaw and hit the stinky survivor with a hammer. And of course, you
      can demand a shekel from each
      victim as a bonus.

    2. While camping, all members of the Brotherhood are strictly prohibited from drinking vodka. This is among the many magical prohibitions that we will not talk about here.

  • If Bubba for some reason was unable to camp for a long time, then he is obliged to go through a special physical complex for camping and controlling a chainsaw, which lasts 50 hours (without interruption), after the end of which, the Brotherhood participant becomes immune to diseases such as concussion and drug addiction for one year.

Nice bonuses for members of the lodge
  1. Once a year, an owl visits each Bubba with a silk bag of gold tied to his paw and rewards him for camping.

  2. Members of the Brotherhood can celebrate all holidays and celebrations at our castle , which is located in Zurich, Switzerland.

  3. Any Bubba should be given six hundred oysters and/or king prawns at any restaurant, absolutely free.

  4. If a member of the Brotherhood leaves our world, then each member will be required to attend the funeral, and the Bubba Community itself will write his family a check for € 1.000.000.
    A member of the Order will be buried in his favorite black mask, a suit from Brioni, and with a Stihl chainsaw in his hands.

  5. Three times a year, the order organizes a trip to Maldives. All members of the fraternity receive an invitation, but even there the duty to camp remains.

  6. Before camping, each Bubba is given a black beer of brand "Braník" and seven slices of bacon, which he needs to stretch out for the entire playing session.

  7. After receiving the black mask, each Bubba is given a special certificate confirming that he has never smoked marijuana or used drugs.

Thank you for the attention! Promote the guide to the tops and recommend it to your friends. So you will help to make the community games much more adequate and educated!

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GERALT 19 Apr, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
DEXAOR 30 Mar, 2022 @ 1:13am 
OranceL 4 Jan, 2022 @ 11:25pm 
донерСЕКС  [author] 4 Jan, 2022 @ 4:09pm 

sjw trashcan aka behavior cringeractive remove Bubba masks from the game, see changelog for details. Don't forget to make some memorable mask screenshots. Details:
Coach 4 Jan, 2022 @ 4:02pm 
rip black bubba
донерСЕКС  [author] 28 Dec, 2021 @ 3:21pm 
remindes me about @TrapperVonWish
Towi 28 Dec, 2021 @ 3:12pm 
hope you will learn how to play this game without being an unskilled piece of garbage
meddjan wīrs  [author] 8 Dec, 2021 @ 5:05pm 
god bless anyone who camped with Bubba at least once in their life
Nikit 5 Dec, 2021 @ 3:52pm 
very pog thank you