Sophie's Cubes

Sophie's Cubes

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🠔 Speedcube pattern
By ZaCuDa3
Speedcube pattern: Displaced Motif
Speedcube pattern: Displaced Motif
Pattern in the picture

Cube turns:

U = Up clockwise        U' = Up counterclockwise
D = Down clockwise    D' = Down counterclockwise
F = Front clockwise     F' = Front counterclockwise
B = Back clockwise     B' = Back counterclockwise
L = Left clockwise        L' = Left counterclockwise
R = Right clockwise     R' = Right counterclockwise

E = Equator (the horizontal Layer between D and U)
E = D direction            E' = U direction
M = Middle (the Layer between L and R)
M = L direction             M' = R direction
S = Standing (the Layer between F and B)
S = F direction             S' = B direction

u = U and E
d = D and E
f = F and S
b = B and S
l = L and M
r = R and M

Cube rotations:

X = R whole Cube   X' = L whole Cube
Y = U whole Cube   Y' = U' whole Cube
Z = F whole Cube   Z' = F' whole Cube

2 = two turns (180°)

To run this pattern:
L2 B2 D' B2 D L2 U R2 D R2 B U R' F2 R U' B' U' Y2