Deep Rock Galactic
Оценок: 72
Aiming 101 - With the Hurricane (Gunner)
От Kalmia
"Look Ma' fireworks!"

This is a guide for the "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System. It'll go through the stats, modifications, overclocks, and community builds.

If you have any suggestions as to what to add to further improve the guide please leave a comment below. Any changes that come through to the Hurricane overclocks, base stats, etc. I'll be trying to keep this guide updated.
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Base Stats
These are the base stats of the Hurricane, still gets the job done either way.

Price of the Weapon and Modifications

47,800 Credits
328 Magnite
368 Bismor
254 Umanite
354 Croppa
223 Enor pearl
158 Jadiz

Tier 1
  • Missile Belts: Gives +72 ammo, bumping up from 288 to 360.

  • Pressurized Gas Cylinder: Adds +4 Direct Damage, 16 to 20.

  • Increased Blast Radius: Bumps the Effect Radius up by +0.5 from 1.5 to 2.

Tier 2
  • Bigger Jet Engine: Projectile Velocity is raised by +33% from 100% to 133% while the Turn Rate is increased by +100% taking it from 100% to well, 200%.

  • Anti-Tank Missiles: Adds a +100% increase to armor breaking, taking it up from 100% to 200%.

Tier 3
  • Nano Missiles: Adds an extra +36 to the already existing 36 for a fat magazine of 72.

  • Improved Feed Mechanism: Adds +1 to the fire rate, 3 to 4, faster pew pews.

Tier 4
  • Shrapnel Load: Slaps on a +50% Weakpoint damage bonus, aim for the glowy bits.

  • Zip Fuel: Raises the Area Damage by +4, taking it from 20 to 24.

Tier 5
  • Napalm-Infused Rounds: +33% damage converted to heat. Less direct damage, but now you can make bacon bugs.

  • Uncontrolled Decompression: Adds a +25% stun chance to your missiles, and the stun duration is +3 seconds.

  • Nitroglycerin Compound:Nitroglycerin Compound now gets +1 explosive damage bonus per every 0.75 sec, which the cap for this is 10.

Clean Overclocks

Balanced Overclocks
  • Plasma Burster Missiles: Direct damage penalty set to x0.5 was x0.25. Amount of penetrations one rocket can do is 5; AoE damage halved an x0.5 penalty, 18 rockets in total can be active at the same time.

  • Minelayer: Ammo penalty reduced from -72 to -36, radius multiplier kept, damage bonus multiplier increased from x2 to x2.75, mine lifetime increased from 10 to 15.

Unstable Overclocks

Community Builds
So this'll be a bit different from my LOK-1 guide and it having my "personal" builds.

This'll be instead more Community focused builds. Be it from my friends, or from you the community. If you have builds once U35 hits, drop them in the comments and explain them in detail if you want. Hearing about builds is always a treat. Screenshots of the builds will be below the text in order.

1. Missile Shower: Overtuned Feed Mechanism (By Ser Pounce)

About this build: "Don't you sometimes just want to shoot a lot of missiles? Then this is the build for it.

Nothing too complicated here, we just want to shoot as much as possible so we're taking all the ammo and RoF we can get. Since damage ain't exactly the focus, the T5 mod allow us to gain a little bit more power AND allow us to save ammo by watching the world burns.
Being precise doesn't matter. Exploding everything is your only purpose here."

2. The Mine Launcher: Minelayer System (By Ser Pounce)

About this build: "You're probably going to miss quite a 'lot' due to the lack of guidance on the missile so we have a few options to help with that : the mine themselves of course but also the stun and the missile speed. While you can miss and still get value from missed shots, you do want to hit as much missiles as you can. The minelayer system is the consolation prize of you missing your shots.
It also has an added value outside of just making your missed shots worth something: versatility. Too much enemies for you to deal with? Just plant a line of missiles in front of the swarms and watch them all get stun while you run away, laughing maniacally. It's also pretty good for spamming without a care in the world for aiming. Works pretty well as a 'fire and forget' system."

3. Sleeper Hit - Reloaded: Plasma Burster Missiles (By That ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Scout/MisterTheX)

About this build: "So, my reasonning was that since Plasma Burster Missiles (PBM) reduces your AOE radius, why not take this as a hint to how to build them effectively?

The most important mods here are Shrapnel Load (T4A) and Uncontrolled Decompression (T5B).
The reason for this is pretty simple: since PBM missiles go through a target up to 5 times, they are much more likely to Stun it, which makes it unable to move, which, in turn, makes it way easier to hit Weakpoints, with an added bonus damage.

The rest of the upgrades are simply here to complement this: more ammo (T1A) and faster RoF (T3B) means more total damage and more/faster Stun procs overall.

Armor Break (T2B) doesn’t really hit better breakpoints, but is preferable to the other option, because slower missiles are easier to control.

Secondary is good ol’ reliable Compact Mags BRT (1 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 1).
Nothing too fancy here: it’s a good sidearm, able to stun anything that gets too close, and to deal decent damage on bigger targets, where PBM can struggle a bit."

Final Notes
So, this'll mark the "end" of the guide. But this'll still be updated, changed, and maybe some more things will be added. Such as the frameworks/meshes of the Hurricane as well. I don't know much about Gunner as I am a filthy little Engineer main so my heart lies with nuking things with Fatboy shells.

Additional things to be aware of
  • The Salvo Module upgrade shows no stats because it changes no stats/numbers that are shown directly. However, do note this Overclock is practically a straight up upgrade from the base as it really has no downsides aside from the potential to run out of ammo very quickly. So you can swap between the standard firing, or start loading up as many rockets as you want to pour onto a target.

  • The Gunner can make plane sounds for the animation he does when he doesn't need to reload, so prepare for a few laughs as you hear Gunners in the distance making long winded "brrr" or "woosh" sounds.

TL;DR: The Hurricane is really fun, and so are the Overclocks. The build potential for this weapon is pretty flexible, and I think Gunner mains will enjoy it. At least I think they will, I could be entirely wrong.

Also thanks to: Stella for once again supplying any memes, Ser Pounce for helping with certain screenshots, stats, and testing of certain Overclocks, and GreyHound on the DRG discord for posting stat changes for some of the Overclocks/hidden stat things! I'll be sure to post more who help out.

(Screenshot courtesy of Ser Pounce)
Комментариев: 19
Dixu 17 ноя. 2021 г. в 7:47 
rip napalm
Kangaroo Salesman 14 ноя. 2021 г. в 8:31 
I made a great CC and anti large build with the Salvo Module OC. 12221 because the fire damage is extra (not converting damage to fire) and the salvo mode is really good even against armour.
Sir.Tomato 12 ноя. 2021 г. в 6:26 
Here is a AOE focused build i had a lot of fun with. I would ask for the build to be included if possible.

The Build:

31221 with Fragmentation Missiles OC.

Optional(but strongly advicable):
Bulldog with Volatile Bullets OC
Incediary Grenade

Guardian_Angel 10 ноя. 2021 г. в 19:09 
Dixu, run the homebrew jet fuel OC if you want AP without sacrificing velocity.

Homebrew jet fuel and salvo module are the only two good OCs anyway. First one is better for general-purpose missions, the second to damage bosses and tough enemies fast and hard.
Dixu 10 ноя. 2021 г. в 12:07 
I have changed my mind since my last comment, hurricane is good and fun after the netcode fixes. Also finding a build that feels good played a big role: taking projectile velocity in tier 2 is a must for this weapon to feel good for me. Shame, because I'm a huge nerd for armor breaking mods, but with access to weakpoint damage mod I suppose armor breaking is wasted on a gun that's pinpoint accurate.
Wizard Skeleton 9 ноя. 2021 г. в 8:54 
damn i had not even considered to combo with the bulldog and fire missiles
katp 8 ноя. 2021 г. в 23:21 
@Dixu that's just false. The Jet Fuel Homebrew OC with napalm rockets put it on par with the minigun. However, with napalm rockets + the Volatile Bullets OC for the Bulldog it's easily the best guns/highest dps builds in the game right now.
Guardian_Angel 7 ноя. 2021 г. в 12:50 
Scout's plasma carbine suffers from the same problem. Playing on a server other than your own makes half the shots not register or hit the terrain. But at least it's still usable, while plasma Burster OC is the worst OC in the game rn.
The Blue Fox 7 ноя. 2021 г. в 9:54 
They are often bugged. I tested them on solo, and they worked well. While I was playing with others, not as a host, they dealt no dmg and made me look like a fool lol
Kalmia  [создатель] 7 ноя. 2021 г. в 9:30 
Seriously? Well that's something.