Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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1.308 MB
29 Oct, 2021 @ 10:17am
18 Jan, 2023 @ 7:08pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Mora, the Bitter Cold, is a chilling fighter who utilizes icicle knives and can freeze their opponent in place. Master their fast combo game and creative knife setups to ensure victory over your opponents.

Several of Mora's attacks throw out ice knives. While throwing these, if you hold down the Special button instead of just tapping, Mora will place the knives in midair, and they will fire after a short delay. These moves are NSPECIAL, FTILT's special follow-up, and USPECIAL's knife grab.

Hitting an opponent with ice knives will build up ice stacks above their head. When the opponent has at least 3 stacks, DSPECIAL can be used to freeze them in place. However, freezing only works when the opponent is in hitstun from one of your melee attacks, so you need to get in and hit them around to set up for it. More stacks means longer freeze time.

While the opponent is frozen, they are invincible and cannot be hit. You must use this time to plan out what you will do, and hit them when they are unfrozen.

Be careful, as getting hit or parried will remove stacks from the opponent, similar to Ranno's poison.

NSPECIAL, Icicle Storm, is Mora's main way of getting and setting up ice knives. You can charge and store up to 6 at a time. Comboing after throwing them is easier the more you have, as the multiple hits will make the opponent flinched for longer before being launched. You can also place knives while the opponent is frozen to build stronger set-ups and combos.

FSPECIAL, Frostbite, is dash forwards that is a bit slow and easy to beat out, but leaves the opponent stunned for a moment on hit, in addition to applying an ice stack. If you can predict which way they will be launched, you can combo off of it. When used in the air, Frostbite will travel at a downwards angle instead. Both variants have a strong sweetspot at the start of the dash. Grounded FSPECIAL's sweetspot sends backwards, while aerial FSPECIAL's sweetspot is a spike.

USPECIAL, Avalanche, doubles as Mora's recovery, as well as a powerful attack on its own. The start of the move has a strong hitbox that works as a great combo finisher and bounces Mora off on-hit, while the rest of the attack has a weaker hitbox that sends more upwards and merely knocks them away. If you use USPECIAL into any placed ice knives, Mora will instead grab them and throw them back in a fan shape. This can be used to extend the duration they are on the stage and control more space, as they will fly in a further spread than NSPECIAL's knives do.

DSPECIAL, Cold Snap, is how Mora makes use of their main gimmick. Once the opponent has enough ice stacks in them, this move can be used to freeze them in place. You can directly hit them with the hitbox to trigger the freeze, or you can use it while they're in hitstun from any melee attack. Both will freeze them the same, and allow you to use the freeze time to plan out powerful follow-ups.

  1. Mora's FTILT has two potential second hits. Press the attack button for a strong slash, or the special button to throw a single ice knife, that shares all the same properties as your normal NSPECIAL ones.
  2. Aerial FSPECIAL and USPECIAL's knife grab both restore your double jump. Knife grab is limited to once per airtime.
  3. Jab 3 and tilts can be cancelled into DSPECIAL on-hit against opponents with enough stacks to freeze them.
  4. Mora is heavily inspired by characters such as SSBU Sheik and Joker, and SSF2 Sora. If you like those characters, you may enjoy Mora.
  5. Mora is an original character, created by me. They are not from any sort of series, although they are definitely inspired by a lot of 2000s stick figure fighting animations.
  6. Certain alts have secret colors you can access with Down + Taunt at the start of the match.
  7. The "Cold Snap" pun is half the reason I made this character.
Fish-Shaped Crackers 24 Jul @ 1:50am 
where is this evne from?
MineKidGamer314 31 Oct, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
nmgl idk if stick man week was only years ago but i hope it comes back
Redsword 13 Jan, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
I LOVE this character, one of if not my favourite for sure. You're just a little pest dashing around and landing hits like a lunatic and I love it. He feels so smooth to play and the amount of combo's you can pull off is absurd and I love it SO much. The only tweaks I have is that the Side B feels a bit too hard to use, you can't use it for spiking because you'll go down with 'em. And it's just generally outclassed by grounded side b anyways. Will this character get any Runes? Because I sure hope so lol.
24chrisharl 5 Sep, 2022 @ 3:24pm 
Mora is absolutely my favorite Workshop character, they just feel so smooth to play. Just wondering, will Mora ever get a custom stage?
Glitchwood High 20 Aug, 2022 @ 7:47pm 
This character's animations are very well designed and their gimmick, though simple, makes for some fun gameplay. Liking the combo-game too. My only problem so far is that their Uair is super fucking good. You can combo into it a SHITTON and whenever the enemy is above you, it's pretty much an autoclick.
JPEG Warrior  [author] 4 Apr, 2022 @ 12:49pm 
Glad to see people got that reference. 2C my beloved.

And yeah the announcer and shading was an April Fools thing (SSB Brawl), will revert in a day or two lol.
Trueno 3 Apr, 2022 @ 9:43am 
The down tilt is a nod to Ryougi Shiki's moveset in Melty, i love it!

Btw, seems like a character select screen announcer was added but now all base character colors/skins are darker. is this a problem on my end?
champagne.daniel 17 Feb, 2022 @ 12:12pm 
where is air armada did he get cancelld?
Nuclear Rat 5 Jan, 2022 @ 5:04pm 
I have to admit this is the most amazing most thought out most frickin combo heavy character I have ever played in rivals (and Iv'e downloaded a lot of characters) I just have to say thank you SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS CHARACTER
JPEG Warrior  [author] 2 Jan, 2022 @ 5:22am 